About | Swan Medical Group (2024)

Here you can find out what some of the most common medical abbreviations mean. This may be useful if you want to understand your health records. An abbreviation is a short way of writing a longer word or phrase.


Healthcare staff sometimes use the same abbreviations to mean different things.

If you do not know what something in your health records means, ask your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.

Swan Medical Group Commonly Used Abbreviations

Number/7 eg: 3/7Number of days eg: 3 days
Number/52 eg: 2/52Number of weeks eg: 2 weeks
Number/ 12 eg: 1/12Number of months eg: 1 month
LMPLast menstrual period
CPChest pain
SoBShortness of breath
SoBOESoB on exertion
SoBARSoB at rest
Number/40 eg 3/40Number of weeks pregnant out of usual gestation of 40 weeks
O/EOn examination
HS I II +nilHeart sounds normal- no murmur heard
TMTympanic membrane/ ear drum
LNLymph node
Reg- eg: HR reg or pulse regHeart rate/ pulse regular- no sign of irregular heartbeat/ arrhythmia
SNTSoft, non-tender eg: examination of the abdomen normal
Organomegaly- (usually no preceding)No enlargement of the liver, spleen or kidneys felt
Guarding (usually no preceding)A sign of worrying cause for abdominal pain- found rarely eg. in appendicitis or gut perforation
SuprapubicAbove the pubic bone in the central lower abdomen
RUQRight upper quadrant- upper right quarter of the abdomen where gall bladder/ liver are
RIFRight iliac fossa- lower right quarter of the abdomen where large bowel starts and appendix usually located, ovary low in pelvis down here too
LUQLeft upper quadrant- spleen and bowel located here
LIFLeft iliac fossa- last part of large bowel and ovary
MC&SMicroscopy, culture, and sensitivity test for infection eg: urine or sputum
CXrChest x-ray
TCITo come in- patient invited in to be seen F2F- face to face
Consultation usually finished with I: P:Impression: Plan:
WAGWorsening advice given- what to do if things worsen
PILPatient information leaflet
2WWAn urgent referral for patient to be contacted within 2 weeks to exclude the possibility of cancer
PRNPro re nata= as needed
OMOmni mane= in the morning
ONOmni nocte= at night
CMHTCommunity Mental Health Team
OPMHTOlder Persons Mental Health Team
RACPCRapid access chest pain clinic
RACRapid access clinic
OPRACOlder Persons rapid access clinic

List of abbreviations

#broken bone (fracture)
A&Eaccident and emergency
a.c.before meals
a.m., am, AMmorning
AFatrial fibrillation
AMHPapproved mental health professional
APTTactivated partial thromboplastin time (a measure of how long it takes your blood to clot)
ASQAges and Stages Questionnaire (a set of questions about children’s development)
b.d.s, bds, BDS2 times a day
b.i.d., bid, bdtwice a day / twice daily / 2 times daily
BMIbody mass index
BNObowels not open
BObowels open
BPblood pressure
c/cchief complaint
CMHNcommunity mental health nurse
CPNcommunity psychiatric nurse
CSFcerebrospinal fluid
CSUcatheter stream urine sample
CT scancomputerised tomography scan
CVPcentral venous pressure
DNACPRdo not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation
DNARdo not attempt resuscitation
DNRdo not resuscitate
DVTdeep vein thrombosis
EDemergency department
EMUearly morning urine sample
ESRerythrocyte sedimentation rate (a type ofblood testused to help diagnose conditions associated with inflammation)
EUAexamination under anaesthetic
FBCfull blood count (a type ofblood test)
FY1 FY2foundation doctor
GAgeneral anaesthetic
gtt., gttdrop(s)
h., hhour
h/ohistory of
Hbhaemoglobin (a substance inred blood cellsthat moves oxygen around the body)
HCAhealthcare assistant
HCSWhealthcare support worker
HDLhigh-density lipoprotein (a type ofcholesterol)
HRThormone replacement therapy
i1 tablet
ii2 tablets
iii3 tablets
i.m., IMinjection into a muscle
i.v., IVinjection directly to a vein
INRinternational normalised ratio (a measure of how long blood takes to clot)
IVIintravenous infusion
IVPintravenous pyelogram (an X-ray of your urinary tract)
LAlocal anaesthetic
LDLlow-density lipoprotein (a type ofcholesterol)
LFTliver function test (a type ofblood testmeasuring enzymes and proteins in your liver)
LMPlast menstrual period
M/Rmodified release
MRImagnetic resonance imaging
MRSAmethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
MSUmid-streamurine sample
n.p.o., npo, NPOnothing by mouth / not by oral administration
NADnothing abnormal discovered
NAInon-accidental injury
NBMnil by mouth
NGnasogastric (running between your nose and stomach)
nocteevery night
NoFneck of femur
NSAIDnon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
o.d., od, ODonce a day
o/eon examination
OToccupational therapist
p.c.after food
p.m., pm, PMafternoon or evening
p.o., po, POorally / by mouth / oral administration
p.r., pr, PRrectally
p.r.n., prn, PRNas needed
p/cpresenting complaint
POPplaster of paris
PTTpartial thromboplastin time (a measure of how quickly your blood clots)
PUpassed urine
q.1.d., q1devery day
q.1.h., q1hevery hour
q.2.h., q2hevery 2 hours
q.4.h., q4hevery 4 hours
q.6.h., q6hevery 6 hours
q.8.h., q8hevery 8 hours
q.d., qdevery day / daily
q.d.s, qds, QDS4 times a day
q.h., qhevery hour, hourly
q.i.d, qid4 times a day
q.o.d., qodevery other day / alternate days
q.s., qsa sufficient quantity (enough)
RNregistered nurse
RNLDlearning disability nurse
ROSCreturn of spontaneous circulation
RTAroad traffic accident
s.c., SCinjection under the skin
S/Rsustained release
SLTspeech and language therapist
SpRspecialist registrar
stat.immediately, with no delay, now
STEMIST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
t.d.s, tds, TDS3 times a day
t.i.d., tid3 times a day
TCIto come in
TFTthyroid function test
TPNtotal parenteral nutrition
TPRtemperature, pulse and respiration
TTAto take away
TTOto take out
U&Eurea and electrolytes
u.d., udas directed
UCCurgent care centre
UTIurinary tract infection
VLDLvery-low density lipoprotein (atype of cholesterol)
VTEvenous thromboembolism (a blood clot that forms in a vein)
About | Swan Medical Group (2024)


What is the group of medical? ›

A medical group is a group of doctors working in the same office or group of offices. These doctors have agreed to work together and usually share records and office systems.

What does medical group affiliation mean? ›


These are medical groups of which this physician has a working relationship or association with. These groups are generally of the same or similar practice specialties.

What is the largest medical group in the US? ›

— Largest group employs nearly 14,000 doctors
  • Southern California Permanente Medical Group: 13,716.
  • The Permanente Medical Group (Northern California): 11,570.
  • Select Physical Therapy; Florida: 9,142.
  • HCA Florida Healthcare Physicians; Florida: 7,213.
  • University of Pittsburgh Physicians; Pennsylvania: 5,742.
Jul 6, 2023

What is an organized medical group? ›

In general, organized medicine is when a professional organization demonstrates dedication to promoting the interests and well-being of physicians within their state, country, or both. These associations work within many interprofessional domains to protect medical practice and advocate for physicians.

What is the purpose of a medical group? ›

Your medical group is the connection between your health plan and you. As a member of our medical group, you have access to our network of primary care physicians, specialists, hospitals, urgent care centers, and labs.

How does group insurance work? ›

Group insurance is coverage issued to a group of members as part of an employee benefits package, rather than insurance you purchase on your own. If you've ever enrolled in health, dental, vision, or other insurance coverage through your work, then you're familiar with the concept of group insurance.

Is a medical group the same as an IPA? ›

In contrast to medical groups, IPAs are decentralized physician organizations. Physicians typically have nonexclusive contractual relationships with IPAs and manage their own offices independently. Our third category is a hybrid type: the medical group with IPA wraparound (simply “wraparound” hereafter).

What are healthcare groups? ›

Healthcare Group means that business segment of the Seller focusing primarily on the following services for healthcare institutions and not-for-profit companies: benefits, compensation, strategy and general consulting, placement services, and facilitating the purchase of various insurance products, including, but not ...

What is an affiliation group and what does it do? ›

What Is an Affiliated Group? An affiliated group is two or more corporations that are related through common ownership but are treated as one for federal income tax purposes. An affiliated group consists of a parent corporation and one or more subsidiary corporations.

Who is the number 1 healthcare company in USA? ›


What is the richest hospital in the United States? ›

The top U.S. hospital by net patient revenue is St. Luke's University Hospital – Bethlehem in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania with a total revenue of $8.9 billion.

What are the 4 types of healthcare systems? ›

There are four types of healthcare systems used in the Western world. These systems include the Beveridge model, the Bismarck model, the national health insurance model, and the out-of-pocket model.

What types of services are shared in a group practice? ›

In a group practice, services commonly shared include space, equipment, and physical resources. However, tax ID numbers are individually owned by each practitioner. This sharing structure helps to reduce costs and increase efficiency within the practice.

What is the largest professional group in healthcare? ›

Nurses and midwives are the largest group in the registered health workforce, with about 353,000 registered and almost 301,000 nurses and midwives employed in 2014 (Table 2.3.

How many group medical practices are there in the US? ›

How many physician group practices are there in the U.S.? According to our database, there are 338,899 currently active physician group practices across the U.S. as of January 2024. It's important to note that a physician group may have several different locations.

What is Medi-Cal Group? ›

Medi-Cal is California's version of the Federal Medicaid program. Medi-Cal offers no-cost and low-cost health coverage to eligible people who live in California. The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) oversees the Medi-Cal program. Your local county office manages most Medi-Cal cases for DHCS.

How do I find my Medi-Cal group number? ›

After you enroll in Medi-Cal, you will get an enrollment package in the mail from your insurance company. This package will include a membership card and information about your health insurance account. Your welcome letter from the insurance company may also mention your membership ID number.

Who is part of the medical team? ›

Doctors assess and manage your medical treatment. Nurses provide ongoing care. Allied health professionals provide services to help with diagnosis and treatment, and help you during the recovery process. Support and administrative staff work to support the day-to-day running of the hospital.


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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.