All Posts - Nashville Wife (2024)

My Faith

Hi blog readers! In celebration of the nine-year anniversary of Nashville Wife, I want to take a few minutes to

Where Have all the Buffets Gone?

When I was growing up, going out to eat was a huge treat because it was something my family rarely

More Kids? Summer Plans?

Thank you for submitting questions on my recent post. It's always fun to write out thoughtful responses. Here is my

Hello blog readers! Sorry we have been MIA recently. Life with a baby is always busy, but we are really

Would You Like More Carbs with Your Spaghetti?

I doubt any of you have eaten a big plate of spaghetti and thought, “You know, this just needs some

Our Smallest Baby

We are settling into life with three children and enjoying this stage. Our daughter (what do you think of the

Would You Buy a Taxidermy Bat?

When we went down to Gulf Shores, Alabama, last fall, we visited a festival. It was your typical festival, complete

Baby Girl's Birth Story Part 2

If you enjoyed the first segment of our daughter's birth story, here is part two... At the four-hour mark, my

Making a Sun Compass

From Mr. Handsome: For those who are looking for ideas to entertain kids that are both fun and educational, making

Sledding with Little Buddy

It's rare that we get enough snow in Tennessee to go sledding, but last month we actually had enough to

Baby Girl's Birth Story Part 1

A week before the delivery, Baby's movements suddenly became frantic. This was concerning to me because until that point, she

Baby Girl's Arrival

As we shared a few days ago, our third child is here, and we are thrilled. My last couple months

Baby Girl is Here

We wanted to hop on here to announce the arrival of our baby girl! We look forward to sharing more

Mr. Handsome Has a Mustache

It seems like every man, at one point or another, has the desire to grow some facial hair. Unfortunately for

With the new baby on the way, I decided I needed a new shelf for the nursery. I thought it

Toys orLittle Brother?

From Mr. Handsome: For the most part, Little Buddy is very good about sharing with his younger brother. The two

Another Date Night

Mr. Handsome scored big points as a husband this holiday season. Not only did he finish my honey-do list, but

How Do You Like Your Hot Chocolate?

There is nothing quite as comforting as a warm mug of hot chocolate on a snowy winter day. While we

Maple Syrup Snow Candy

Both Mr. Handsome and I grew up reading about Laura Ingalls Wilderin the iconic bookseriesLittle House in the Prairie. One

Trip to the Alabama Coast

Several months ago, someone paid our way to attend a conference on the Alabama Coast, so we were able to

Shopping for Baby Clothes with my Husband

Last Friday, Mr. Handsome informed me that he wished to get up early the following morning and head to the

Christmas Eve Chaos

Christmas Eve for us this year was a bit of an adventure. Mr. Handsome’s family has a tradition of eating

Christmas Morning with Kids

For the third time in our marriage, Mr. Handsome and I are spending Christmas without extended family. We value time

Pre-Baby To-Do List

Ain’t no to-do list like a nesting mama’s to-do list. At least that has been my experience. In general, I

Our Not-So-Good Thanksgiving

Well it's safe to say that this Thanksgiving is one for the books, but not in a good way. Mr.

Baby #3 is a...

We announced our pregnancy in September and were touched by all the well wishes we received from our loyal readers.

Favorite Cereal

It's a dreary, rainy day here in Nashville. Last week was absolutely beautiful, with clear skies and highs around 75

Seaside, Florida

Have you ever been to the town of Seaside? It's located along the Florida Panhandle, near Santa Rosa Beach. I

Abracadabra…..We Turned a 7-Hour Drive into 12

From Mr. Handsome… Traveling has become much more challenging with children. This was particularly obvious when we took a trip

Early Childhood Sports

One of my readers asked if we plan to involve our children in sports. The short answer is yes, but

Family of Five?

I hope you have been enjoying the last official days of summer. I apologize for the length of time it’s

Boodadas and Strawdeedas

Littlest Buddy, who is approaching two years old, is doing great at learning to talk. He can string together phrases

Feeding Turtles

Kids always seem to enjoy the things you would least expect, and this post is proof of that. We take

We are having a very hot day here in Nashville, so we've been spending time inside. Below is my fourth

Little Buddy Goes to the ER

Well, our family has officially experienced a broken bone. Two weeks ago, Little Buddy decided to attempt to jump down

Riding the Incline Railway

The Incline Railway is a popular Chattanooga tourist destination. We rode for the first time this spring and really enjoyed

The Beach With Two Kids Means Everyone is Covered in Sand

From Mr. Handsome: Both our boys love their little sandbox at home. When we went on our annual beach vacation

Summer 2023 Life Update

I had a few minutes of free time, which is a rarity for me, so I filmed a quick update

No More Training Wheels for Little Buddy

Two months ago, Little Buddy--who is four-and-a-half--surprised us by reaching a big milestone much earlier than we had expected. While

Hi there, readers! I just have a few questions left to answer from my most recent Ask Ellie post. Feel

Sweets for Littles

Happy Friday! I hope all my readers have had a good week. Those of you in the United States and

Civil War Battles of Chattanooga

For people interested in Civil War history, Chattanooga is a great place to visit because it is the location of

Typical Mom Move

It was such a typical mom move that all I could do was laugh, despite the annoying inconvenience. It’s just

I'm continuing to answer the questions that you all submitted to my Ask Ellie 6.0 post. If you missed part

This Beach House Could Be Yours for Only $22.5 Million

When I was growing up, my parents loved looking at homes for sale. It was almost like a hobby of

Thank you to everyone who has commented on my Ask Ellie 6.0 post with questions. Feel free to keep submitting,

We Were Tourist Trapped

Last month, we spent three days in one of our favorite places, the Florida Panhandle. Wanting to take our kids

Ask Ellie 6.0

I hope my readers are enjoying some warmer weather (unless you live in the Southern Hemisphere, then I suppose it's

Best Restaurants in Chattanooga

As some of you know, Mr. Handsome and I enjoy trying local restaurants when we travel. When we spent one

Mr. Handsome's Chainsaw Carving

The other day, Mr. Handsome decided to return to a hobby that he picked up a couple years ago, and

Overabundance of Lettuce

This is our second year of serious gardening. I have always had tomato plants (even back when we lived in

Dog-Friendly Restaurants

When we were in Chattanooga, we passed by a dog-friendly pub. On a Sunday evening, it was a popular place,

Homeschooling Little Buddy

Many of you know that we plan to homeschool. This has been a joint goal of ours since we were

Tennessee Aquarium

Since moving to Nashville eight years ago, we have done three overnights in Chattanooga. It's only a two-hour drive, and

Littlest Buddy the Talker

Littlest Buddy is 16 months old and in a very busy stage. If you put him down in public, you’d

Are You Trying For a Girl?

As a mom of two boys, I am often asked if we are going to try for a girl. We

What Are You Working Towards?

For the past couple days, I have been trying to come up with an engaging discussion question to pose to

Empty Tomb Rolls

How was your Easter holiday? I decided to try a new tradition this year. I'll start by saying that I'm

Mr. Handsome Has a Cast Iron Cookware Problem

I am writing this post as an intervention so my readers can help with my husband’s new obsession. Mr. Handsome

Nashville Strong

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1) Our hearts are broken over the

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All Posts - Nashville Wife (2024)


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Views: 6122

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.