Caleb Shriners Age (2025)

1. Kaleb's Incredible Story | Shriners Children's™

  • Meet Kaleb! After undergoing his first surgery at only 7 days old, Kaleb has been a patient at Shriners Hospitals for Children® ever since!

  • Meet Kaleb! After undergoing his first surgery at only 7 days old, Kaleb has been a patient at Shriners Hospitals for Children® ever since! Born with osteogenesis imperfecta, or brittle bone disease, Kaleb has broken his bones over 200 times, has undergone 11 surgeries, and faced challenges many of us could never imagine. But he hasn’t

2. Fact check: Shriner Hospitals' patient Kaleb is alive and well - USA Today

  • 27 feb 2021 · He was 12 years old when he died. Kaleb Torres appears in recent Twitter video. Kaleb Torres appears healthy in a video posted to Shriners' ...

  • Social media users falsely claimed Shriner Hospitals for Children's ambassador Kaleb Torres died. He's been confused with another boy named Kaleb.

3. What is Kaleb from Shriners Hospital's current age? - A - Medium

4. How Care for Kaleb Turned Fear Into Hope | Patient Stories

  • The couple turned to Shriners Children's™ for specialized care as soon as their baby was born, and Kaleb had his first surgery at seven days old. From that ...

  • When Marie-Hélène was 33-weeks pregnant, she and her husband Alberto learned that their baby had osteogenesis imperfecta, or brittle bone disease. Their immediate reaction was fear. “We were scared. Very, very scared.” The couple turned to Shriners Children’s™ for specialized care as soon as their baby was born, and Kaleb had his first surgery at seven

5. Meet Caleb: Patient Ambassador - Seattle Children's

6. No, Kaleb From Shriners Hospitals Ads Has Not Died |

  • 26 feb 2021 · The hospital was referring to the death of Kaleb Holder on Feb. 24, 2021, a boy who suffered from a terminal brain disease.

  • The brittle bone disease patient was the subject of internet rumors in February 2021.

7. Alec Cabacungan, Shriners hospitals TV spokesman - Chicago Sun-Times

  • 4 mrt 2022 · “I hope people realize that people with disabilities aren't different than anyone else. You should expect ...

  • Born with brittle bone disease, Cabacungan has been part of the Shriners family since he was 2 months old.

8. Shriners Hospitals for Children TV Spot, 'Kaleb's Story' -

  • 1 nov 2023 · Kaleb was born with Osteogenesis imperfecta, more commonly known as Brittle Bone Disease. Despite having broken his bones nearly 200 times, ...

  • Kaleb was born with Osteogenesis imperfecta, more commonly known as Brittle Bone Disease. Despite having broken his bones nearly 200 times, Kaleb has never let his disease stop him from enjoying his childhood -- he's even learning how to stand and walk! Like many children, Kaleb's successful medical care is attributed to the work of Shriners Hospital for Children. Shriners urges viewers to donate to its cause and offers a free Love to the Rescue Blanket for contributing to the healthcare of children in need.

Caleb Shriners Age (2025)


What is Kaleb from Shriners doing today? ›

Today, he is stronger than ever and is even learning to stand and walk on his own. Watch Kaleb's incredible story and see how your generous support makes an impact in the lives of children and families facing orthopaedic conditions, severe burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate.

What happened to Alec from Shriners? ›

He now plays wheelchair sports, appears on television and attends college.

How old are the Shriners' kids Sebastian? ›

On National Superhero Day 2023, the Baskin-Robbins Joy in Childhood Foundation surprised and celebrated Sebastian, a patient and local superhero at Shriners Children's Southern California, as its newest Pint-Sized Hero! Sebastian is a 14-year-old who was diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta when he was an infant.

Is Alec from Shriners still in college? ›

Congratulations, Alec, on your graduation from Northwestern University! 🎓 We are very proud of the young man you've become, and we know you will go on to accomplish many more great things! - Your Shriners Children's and Shriners International Family ❤️ Wow!

What is Kaleb Cooper doing now? ›

Yes, Cooper still works on Diddly Squat farm with Clarkson. He will be featuring in the new series of Clarkson's Farm, which airs on 3 May 2024. And, although the details about season four are sparse, Cooper appeared in the Instagram announcement, suggesting he'll be part of that one too.

Why doesn t Alec from Shriners have any teeth? ›

In conclusion, Alec from Shriners has EEC syndrome, a rare genetic disorder characterized by ectrodactyly, ectodermal dysplasia, and cleft lip/palate. As part of this syndrome, Alec experiences dental abnormalities due to ectodermal dysplasia.

Is Alec from Shriners Filipino? ›

Alec's mother is German. So he's half Filipino.

What is the Shriners controversy? ›

Shriners International—which has about 200 local chapters across the U.S.—is stuck in the dark ages, with programs and policies that promote animal abuse, are sexist, and have been accused of cultural appropriation.

Who is the spokesperson for Shriners Hospital? ›

My guests today are Alec Cabacungan, he's the national patient spokesperson for Shriners Hospitals for Children, and Dr. Peter Smith.

What happened to the first child named Caleb? ›

The first Caleb had fallen into the river and drowned.

Is Caleb adopted? ›

All of this connects right back to Caleb who was adopted into the Tribe of Judah. He walked with and served the Lord wholeheartedly his whole life. He was forty years old when he spied out the land (Josh. 14:7) and he was still serving the Lord during the conquest of the land in his eighties.

Is Caleb having a baby? ›

Clarkson's Farm star Kaleb Cooper and his fiancée Taya are proud parents to a baby girl. Kaleb, 24, who shares Oscar, two, with his partner jumped on Instagram to share the good news. Posting a pic of the tot wrapped up in a blanket, he wrote: "Welcome to the world. Willa Grace Cooper.

How many bones has Alec from Shriners broken? ›

He's undergone countless operations, having broken over 60 bones in his lifetime. His most recent procedure was in December, after his wheelchair flipped while he was wheeling across a snowy sidewalk, leaving him with a broken left shoulder, right knee and left hip.

Who are the parents of Alec from Shriners? ›

That's what brought Cabacungan to Shriners in the first place – a rare genetic disorder called Osteogenesis Imperfecta, better known as brittle bone disease. His parents, Alma and Gill, got the news before he was born.

What is Alec's last name from Shriners Hospital? ›

Alec Cabacungan is a national patient spokesperson for Shriners Children's and lifelong patient of the osteogenesis imperfecta program in Chicago.


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.