Final Fantasy 14: How To Unlock The Pandaemonium Raids (2025)

Final Fantasy 14 adds new raids in each new expansion, expanding its story and exploring different aspects of the world. In Endwalker, the story explored more of the unsundered world, and the expansion's 8-player raid continued to delve into that.

Named Pandaemonium, this raid takes players to a darker environment than that explored in Elpis, or even Amaurot. Taking place in a gloomy underground facility, the story has the Warrior of Light investigating a mysterious threat alongside some new allies. And, of course, the raid adds many interesting boss fights to Final Fantasy 14, some of which can be quite challenging. For the players interested in exploring the raid, here you can learn how to unlock Pandaemonium and each of its sections.


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How To Unlock Pandaemonium: Asphodelos

Final Fantasy 14: How To Unlock The Pandaemonium Raids (2)

To start the Pandaemonium quest chain, the player will have to reach level 90 and have item level 565, as well as complete the level 90 Main Scenario Quest "Endwalker". Another quest, called "The Crystal From Beyond", will then be available with Nemjiji (X: 9.5, Y: 11.9) in Old Sharlayan, right by the Baldesion Annex aetheryte.

Final Fantasy 14: How To Unlock The Pandaemonium Raids (3)

The lalafell will explain that he works with Professor Claudien in the Aitiascope. He will ask the player to help them investigate a mysterious crystal, requesting them to meet him at the Aporia. This is where the next objective will be, traveling directly to the Aporia aetheryte in Labyrinthos. Heading straight east, the player will enter a building, where Professor Claudien (X: 8.6, Y: 27.5) will be, as shown in the picture above.

A lengthy cutscene will be played in which he will explain the situation and the adventurer will receive the dire warning that the star may be in danger, requesting that whoever gets the message comes to Pandaemonium. With the Warrior of Light being the only one capable of traveling to the past, the task will be up to them - which means the player's next step will be to go to the Ocular, all the way back in Norvrandt. Teleport to the Crystarium, then to the small aetheryte at the Dossal Gate, and talk to the Crystarium Gatekeep to enter the Ocular. Inside, interact with a glowing mark to start another cutscene, after which the player will be in Elpis.

Final Fantasy 14: How To Unlock The Pandaemonium Raids (4)

Speak to Themis again to complete the quest, then pick up "Where Familiars Dare" and go to Anagnorisis (there is a teleport crystal, but merely using a mount will take you there easily). After the conversation with the Words of Lahabrea Speaker, Themis will direct you to the entrance of Pandaemonium, which can be a bit of a pain to reach if you haven't unlocked flying in Elpis. The map below will show you the path you must take to get there:

Final Fantasy 14: How To Unlock The Pandaemonium Raids (5)

You will have to repeat this path a couple of times throughout the raid's questline, especially if you leave Pandaemonium to do other content between the quests. Unlocking flight in Elpis will make the journey there a lot easier, so it might be interesting to do that before continuing Pandaemonium's story.

Speaking to Themis (X: 37.6, Y: 16.6) in Lethe will lead you to Pandaemonium. After a cutscene, the first part of the raid, "Asphodelos: The First Circle", will be unlocked. Completing the duty will allow the player to speak to Themis again inside Pandaemonium to finish this quest, and continuing the quest chain will lead to the other levels of Asphodelos being unlocked. One quest naturally follows the previous one, but below you can find the specific quests you must reach and pick up to unlock each of the other three initial levels:

  • Asphodelos: The Second Circle - "Under The Surface", picked up with Erichtonios inside Pandaemonium;
  • Asphodelos: The Third Circle - "The Fires Of Creation", picked up with Themis inside Pandaemonium;
  • Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle - "Who Wards The Warders?", picked up with Themis inside Pandaemonium;

Once the Fourth Circle is completed, the player will return to the present - more specifically, to the Aporia in Labyrinthos, where they will speak to Professor Claudien in the same place as before. This will conclude the quest, and allow the player to move on to the next section of the raid: Abyssos.

How To Unlock Pandaemonium: Abyssos

Final Fantasy 14: How To Unlock The Pandaemonium Raids (6)

For those doing the quests uninterrupted, it won't be necessary to head anywhere else to pick up the first quest to unlock Abyssos. All it takes is to speak to Claudien in the same place as before, initiating the quest "An Unwelcome Visitor". After a cutscene, head to Elpis again (teleporting to Poieten Oikos is the closest location to the next objective), where you will speak to the archivist (X: 4.8, Y: 20.3) at Peripeteia Krystalline. Themis will ask you to meet him at Lethe (X: 34.3, Y: 16.3), close to Pandaemonium's entrance, and then talk to him again at the entrance.

After a cutscene, the player will be inside Pandaemonium, where Erichthonios will offer the quest "Masks Of The Father". Picking it up will lead to Abyssos: The Fifth Circle being unlocked. From then on, the process is the same as it was with Asphodelos. The quests will be in a chain, leading the player to the four levels, one after the other. Therefore, after clearing The Fifth Circle, the player will pick up the following quests for each other level:


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  • Abyssos: The Sixth Circle - "A Keyward's Gaol", picked up with Erichthonios inside Pandaemonium
  • Abyssos: The Seventh Circle - "Servant of Violence", picked up with Erichthonios inside Pandaemonium
  • Abyssos: The Eighth Circle - "One Final Wish", picked up with Lahabrea inside Pandaemonium

This time, it will be necessary to speak with Lahabrea to conclude the quest, before he gives the player the quest "Truth Imperfect". After speaking to Erichthonios and returning to Pandaemonium, the objective will be in Labyrinthos again. This time, however, while the player will go to the same place where Professor Claudien could be found, the NPC that must be spoken with is Ruissenaud. Talking to him again will complete the quest, allowing the player to move on to the third and final section of the raid: Anabaseios.

How To Unlock Pandaemonium: Anabaseios

Final Fantasy 14: How To Unlock The Pandaemonium Raids (8)

The quest to unlock Anabaseios' first level will be in the same place where Professor Claudien could be found before, and the player needs only to speak to Ruissenaud again to pick up the quest "Eater Of Souls". The adventurer will have to head to the Aitiascope after that, where they will unlock Anabaseios: The Ninth Circle.

To get to the Aitiascope, speak to the Lift Operator at the back of the room where you'll have spoken to Ruissenaud. After descending to the lower level, go straight ahead and pass through a big door. Then, turn right and walk until you find the entrance to the Aitiascope dungeon (X: 16.7, Y: 28.3). The entrance to the Aitiascope is to the left of the entrance to the dungeon.

Once again, the quests will naturally follow each other after that, in this order:

  • Anabaseios: The Tenth Circle - "Pandaemonium Awakens", picked up with Lahabrea in the Aitiascope
  • Anabaseios: The Eleventh Circle - "The Emissary's Judgment", picked up with Lahabrea in the Daemon's Nest
  • Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle - "A Mother's Touch", picked up with Lahabrea in the Daemon's Nest
Final Fantasy 14: How To Unlock The Pandaemonium Raids (9)

After that, the player will have to complete the quest "Guided By The Past" to conclude Pandaemonium's storyline. This will unlock the raid in New Game+, and allow players to unlock Savage mode. To get the challenging mode of Pandaemonium, all it takes is to talk to Nemjiji in the same room where he, Ruissenaud, and Professor Claudien can be found throughout most of the questline. He will have the blue quest indicator, showing he has a content unlock quest. When the player interacts with him, several options will appear, as shown in the image above. The highlighted options unlock Asphodelos, Abyssos, and Anabaseios in Pandaemonium's Savage mode.

Final Fantasy 14: How To Unlock The Pandaemonium Raids (10)
Final Fantasy 14


Final Fantasy
PC , PS3 , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S

August 27, 2013
Square Enix

Final Fantasy 14: How To Unlock The Pandaemonium Raids (2025)


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