The First Circle Normal Raid Guide (2025)

Last updated on Dec 22, 2021 at 12:00by Lyra1 comment

Welcome to our guide to The First Circle, the first encounter in the firstraid tier of Pandaemonium, Asphodelos. This guide aims to prepare players forthe raid so they will know what to expect, with simple mechanic instructions andnotes on what to watch out for.



Erichthonios, Warder of the Condemned, is the first raid boss fought in Asphodelos.


Unlocking The First Circle

To unlock The First Circle, players must complete the quest "Where FamiliarsDare." This is the second quest in the quest chain starting from "The Crystalfrom Beyond," which can be received from Nemjiji in Old Sharlayan (x9.6, y11.9).There is a minimum item level restriction of 565 to enter through the duty finderin a matched party.



The discovery of a crystal borne from the far reaches of the aetherial seaand the desperate plea contained within lead you once more to Elpis, where yourtrajectory quite literally collides with that of a young man named Themis. Likeyou, he is here for answers, seeking the source of an aetheric disturbanceculminating in loss of contact with the gaol housing the ancients' mostdangerous creations. It is this place─this Pandæmonium─into which you nowdescend...


Raid Guide

Erichthonios is first fought in a square arena. The wall will instantly killplayers who stand inside it or get knocked back into it.


Phase One

Phase one has you do battle with Erichthonios, a warder of Pandaemonium.



  • Gaoler's Flail is a half room cleave. Erichthonios will start spinninghis flail, indicating the side of the cleave.
  • Warder's Wrath deals raidwide damage.
  • Pitiless Flail will target a player with a line AoE that moves withthem. This line AoE will knock back all players standing in its path. Knockbackprevention abilities do work on this.
  • True Holy is a stack marker on the player targeted withPitiless Flail.
  • Heavy Hand is a tank buster.
  • Intemperance will mark all players with Hot Spell or Cold Spell,a debuff of fire and ice respectively. In addition, the arena is split intofour quadrants with a pillar of three crystals containing hot or coldelements in each quadrant.
  • Intemperate Torment will cause the bottom-most crystal to explodein the quadrant it is located on. It will deal no damage to players with theopposite element and inflict them with the corresponding elemental debuff,but deal heavy damage and apply a vuln stack to players with the same element.



  • Be on the correct side for Gaoler's Flail. The side indicated will be shownaround 40% through the castbar, so players have plenty of time to dodge.
  • The player targeted with Pitiless Flail should use their knockbackprevention skill to ensure that they are in position for the stack marker thatoccurs afterwards.
  • Be on a quadrant with the opposite element for Intemperate Torment.Players can move between quadrants after every explosion to ensure they are ona correct quadrant.


Phase Two

Phase two has you do battle with Erichthonios. The arena will be changed.



Many previous mechanics will appear. A few new mechanics are introduced.

  • Shining Cells deals raidwide damage and transforms the arena into a circle,in addition to creating sections of blue and red across the arena.
  • Aetherchain will erupt either the blue or the red areas of the arenadepending on what elements the orbs are circling Erichthonios during the cast.This will deal damage and apply a vuln stack to players standing on it. Fire orbsdenote the red areas, while shining aether orbs denote the blue areas.
  • Aetherflail combines Gaoler's Flail and Aetherchain intoone ability, dealing damage to one side of the arena while damaging players caughtin the blast.
  • Slam Shut deals raidwide damage and transforms the arena back to a square.



  • Stand on the opposite element of the Aetherchain orbs to avoid getting damaged.
  • When Aetherflail is cast, players must stand on the correct element on thecorrect side of the arena. Ascertain the side first, then move into the correct element.
  • Erichthonios will cast Intemperance and Intemperate Torment again. As thethird crystal is about to explode, he will cast Gaoler's Flail, but it will go offafter the crystals explode. Go to the correct quadrant first, then dodge to the correct side.
  • Two Warder's Wrath abilities are cast in succession, so heal and mitigate quicklyafter the first.
  • After a tank buster, the boss will cast Shining Cells again and begin repeatingpreviously performed mechanics until the boss is defeated.



Coffers that appear after defeating Erichthonios will yield tokens that canbe traded in for gear.



  • 21 Dec. 2021: Guide added.

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The First Circle Normal Raid Guide (2025)


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