Using 4 Dimensions of Community-Building to Support New High School Students (2025)

On a warm July morning, weeks before the beginning of the school year, a group of rising freshmen find themselves on a school bus, joyfully chatting with their middle school friends as they ride to their new school.

As the bus comes to a stop in front of the high school, the chatter subsides; the tone becomes serious. The application of the parking brake precedes a nervous quiet. In this moment, students realize that they’re entering a new phase—that high school means an unfamiliar building with unfamiliar classmates and teachers.

Students shuffle off of the bus into the massive, mostly empty building. They’re greeted by a friendly face: a senior wearing a “Peer Leader” tee. The peer leader welcomes them and ushers them toward the small group of students already gathered in the gymnasium.

As students walk through the doors, they unknowingly cross a threshold into an innovative high school transition program intentionally designed to facilitate their success in high school and beyond—a program that offers insights into transferable strategies for fostering a strong sense of community that promotes student success.

Our Program

I’ve had the privilege of working as the site coordinator for The First Year Experience, a project supported by The Jim and Carol Trawick Foundation, at my school. The program uses research-based methodologies to build students’ sense of community in practice.

For example, the foundation conducted an extensive literature review exploring historical perspectives and current understandings of a sense of community and its impact on the school environment. That research revealed several key dimensions of community: connectivity, comfort, social influence, and social and emotional learning—tenets that lend themselves to a programmatic framework for ensuring effective practice.

In our context, approximately 75 percent of program participants identify with one or more traditionally marginalized groups, and we ensure that 100 percent of programming supports one or more of these dimensions of community. Participants average a 13.5 percent higher GPA, maintain a 7 percent higher daily attendance rate, and are half as likely to be referred for administrative discipline than their peers.

Below, I explain these particular dimensions of community and offer examples of how to cultivate them in student transition programming.

1. Connectivity

We define connectivity as a feeling of attachment to one’s community. How does a student feel attached to their school community? The simple answer is involvement with school-based teams, clubs, and organizations; however, knowing that student involvement is important and actually getting students involved are different conversations.

To better understand students’ connection to their school community, the First Year Experience team met with each participant to learn more about their interests and needs and conduct an extracurricular activity inventory. The team learned that these young students were brimming with interest, yet they had not yet taken the steps toward involvement.

The most impactful strategy for facilitating connectivity included adult-facilitated mutual introductions. The team introduced students to club sponsors, walked students to lunch meetings, hand-delivered permission slips for extracurricular experiences, and jumped at any other opportunity to get students involved. This active approach positioned students for connectivity and was a powerful reminder that they had trusted adults in the building who cared about them.

2. Comfort

Comfort is the feeling that an individual’s physical and psychological requirements are fulfilled. Research shows that physical safety and emotional safety are fundamental to productive environments; for example, psychologist Abraham Maslow contended that people are inherently motivated when their foundational needs are met.

Sometimes, high school can be an uncomfortable place for students and adults alike. Knowing this, our team identified one strategy that was most effective in providing students comfort: a structured peer leader program. Peer leaders, who were once program participants, serve younger students as mentors, guides, confidants, and friends. Given the power of this peer relationship, the team’s paramount responsibility is ensuring that they have the appropriate students in these key positions.

3. Social Influence

The perception of one’s impact within their community, social influence stems from one’s actions or those of selected leaders. Our team found that this dimension is frequently bolstered in an indirect manner.

Importantly, participants from historically minoritized communities are rarely in a position of influence due to systemic barriers. This makes the first two dimensions even more important. If students feel comfortable at school and connected, they often follow a natural progression toward self-actualization.

Empowering students to have agency in their school life is critical to this progression. Frequent, intentional affirmations, encouraging students to take ownership of their social and academic journeys, yielded confident, proactive young adults. These brief, informal check-ins take only a few moments but instill an agency that has a lasting impact on students as they find their way.

4. Social and Emotional Learning

Social and emotional learning involves acquiring and applying a skill set that enables individuals to comprehend and effectively regulate their emotions, supporting their ability to establish and sustain positive relationships. We prioritized this dimension while building our program team.

Team members used noninstructional time (e.g., advisory periods) to facilitate mindfulness practice, community circles, and restorative circles. These strategies culminated in monthly, student-led emotional well-being campaigns. Messaging through sidewalk chalk, the morning announcements, social media, and even the occasional public address allowed students a platform to identify the real issues they face as young people in modern society. Young leaders seized this opportunity to share strategies, skills, and healthy outlets they gained as a part of their social and emotional learning.

Fostering a Sense of Community to Promote Student Success

The greatest asset of any initiative is the ability to adapt. The First Year Experience team regularly modified programming to best meet participants’ needs. No single strategy proved perfect for all students, but the four shared in this article had the greatest impact. With each iteration, one thing remained constant: an intense focus on the vision.

From the perspective of my experiences, I encourage you to incorporate these four strategies into your preparations for welcoming a new class of students to your school. These strategies have been researched and tested and are ready for implementation at no cost. Prioritize your students’ sense of community; the results will follow.

Using 4 Dimensions of Community-Building to Support New High School Students (2025)


Using 4 Dimensions of Community-Building to Support New High School Students? ›

That research revealed several key dimensions of community: connectivity, comfort, social influence, and social and emotional learning—tenets that lend themselves to a programmatic framework for ensuring effective practice.

How will you build a community that makes students feel supported in the learning environment? ›

One of the best ways to foster community spirit is by doing bonding activities. These can range from group projects, team building exercises, to icebreakers at the beginning of the school term. These activities help students get to know each other and start forming relationships.

What is the importance of community for high school students? ›

Understanding the Benefits of Building Community in High School. When students feel a sense of belonging and connection within their school community, it has a positive impact on their overall well-being and mental health. They are more likely to feel supported, valued, and motivated to succeed academically.

What do you think the benefits of building a community in the classroom are? ›

Classroom community creates a positive learning environment for students that allows them to thrive academically. When students feel safe and comfortable in their classroom environment, they are more likely to take academic risks that are necessary for developing skills like competency and resiliency.

What are the four factors important to building a sense of community? ›

The Sense of Community has four components: membership, influence, fulfillment of needs, and emotional connection. The Sense of Community is a key characteristic of successful communities, successful meaning active, engaged communities that people want to visit, and where members contribute on a regular basis.

How do you connect students with the community? ›

Make students' concerns and questions central to the learning agenda, helping them to identify issues they wish to address. Involve students in supporting the school community, including fundraising, and ensure that their contribution can make a real impact.

How to contribute to the school community as a student? ›

Here are 10 ways to get involved today.
  1. Mentor a student. ...
  2. Volunteer at school events. ...
  3. Join a parent organization. ...
  4. Donate Supplies. ...
  5. Attend school board meetings. ...
  6. Follow local education reporters. ...
  7. Volunteer for career day. ...
  8. Share your story.

How does community involvement help students? ›

Students gain a more adaptable skill set by engaging in experiential and community-based learning, better preparing them for post-graduation. This approach also provides a deeper connection to class content by encouraging students to apply their classroom knowledge to a real-world setting.

What are the pros and cons of community service for high school? ›

Pros: Donating time and helping others can take the focus away from a teen's own challenges. It builds empathy and compassion. Cons: For teens with significant social challenges, the idea of volunteering may not be appealing.

What are the 4 approaches to community development? ›

The community development approaches include: needs-based approach, problem-solving approach, participatory approach, asset-based approach, the power-conflict-approach, welfare approach and rights-based approach.

What is an example of community building? ›

For example, volunteering, newsletters, and group game nights. The purpose of these activities is to forge a group identity and give participants a feeling of belonging to something greater than themselves.

How do you build a positive community in school? ›

  1. Step 1: Define core values. ...
  2. Step 2: Lead by example. ...
  3. Step 3: Align hiring practices. ...
  4. Step 4: Create spaces of high engagement. ...
  5. Step 5: Build a powerful school community team. ...
  6. Step 6: Celebrate and reinforce positive behaviors. ...
  7. Step 7: Success breeds success.

What does a classroom community look like? ›

A classroom community is achieved when you have a class where the children have a sense of belonging. In a classroom community you and your children work together to create a place where every class member feels welcome and valued. A strong feeling of connection is one of the characteristics of a classroom community.

What is a community building activity? ›

What Are Community Building Activities? They are group activities that help people relax, get comfortable, move around and become at ease with each other. They help break down psychological barriers between people.

How can the community help in the classroom? ›

Schools can engage local businesses, organizations, and professionals to offer mentorship programs, career guidance, or specialized workshops. Community partnerships foster real-world connections, expose children to diverse perspectives, and demonstrate the importance of community involvement.

How do you build a learning community? ›

At the heart of any learning community is the aim to create an effective learning space that helps students achieve their unique goals. Participants should have the opportunity to share the learning process with their peers, including: Building solutions to mutual challenges. Sharing resources, tips, and best practices.

How do you create a positive learning community? ›

Table of Contents:
  1. Build Positive Relationships Through Communication.
  2. Promote Class Discussion and Peer Interaction.
  3. Staying Connected with Students.
  4. Come Up with Projects Students Can Get Excited About.
  5. Create a Sense of Order and Routine.
  6. Positively Reinforce Good Behavior.
Jul 29, 2021

How will you build community and respect in your classroom? ›

Stimulate Student-Student Interactions

On the first day of class (and perhaps throughout the term), facilitate an activity that has students get to know one another in a fun, creative, relaxed way. For a large class, students can still introduce themselves and get to know those who sit around them.


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.