Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (2024)

Last updated on Jul 10, 2024 at 09:00by Deadset58 comments

The purpose of the beginner Wizard guide is to provide you with a build anditem recommendations that will reliably carry you from leveling, through thepre-Torment difficulties and get you into low Torment farming, without requiringspecific legendary or set bonuses. The guide also includes a section for SeasonalWizards, explaining how best to take advantage of the free set from Haedrig'sGifts.


Why choose the Wizard?

Choose the Wizard if you want to bend the elements to your will, wielding themight of fire, ice, lightning and pure arcane power into the singular purpose ofannihilating your enemies. While weaving Arcane Power into storms, twisters andexplosions, the Wizard remains safe behind by mighty shields of ice and energy— whether fighting from afar, or into fierce melee. With an ascendingArchon form that dominates any remaining opposition, the Wizard is the embodimentof elemental powers in Diablo 3.


Progression (Seasonal and Non-Seasonal)


Leveling Build

Your progression on a given character always start with leveling to 70. Tohelp you with that, we have a beginner leveling build that you can access usingthe link below.

Wizard leveling build guide

After reaching Level 70, the easiest way to start gearing up and progressing towardsthe end-game is by using the set given by the Haedrig's Gifts. Haedrig's Giftsare cache-like rewards that drop 2 pieces of a fixed class-specific set aftercompleting chapters II, III, and IV of the Seasonal Journey. Havinga full 6-piece set bonus available to you will skyrocket your character's power wellin the mid-to-high Torments. This makes the early portion of the Seasonal Journey yourfirst priority upon reaching Level 70.

This Season, Wizards will find the Vyr's Amazing Arcana set in theirHaedrig's Gifts. We have an early progression build for this set, which you canfind by clicking the link below.

Wizard Vyr's Amazing Arcana fresh 70 starter build


Other Starter Builds

While you get a fixed free set at the start of every Season, it is notunreasonable to assume you will attain other sets in quick succession. If youare interested in switching around your playstyle, take a look at the beginnerpoints for other sets below, and note to which endgame builds they point youafter.

Wizard Typhon's Veil fresh 70 starter build

Wizard Firebird's Finery fresh 70 starter build

Wizard Delsere's Magnum Opus (DMO) fresh 70 starter build

Wizard Tal Rasha's Elements fresh 70 starter build


Gear To Look For

To learn how to gear up quickly and approach a character's progression ingeneral, check out our Beginner Seasonal Guide.It includes advice and tactics related to gambling Blood Shards, doingBounties,Normal (up to T16) Rifts,Greater and Challenge Rifts, andusing Kanai's Cube for easy upgrades.

Certain items can be targeted through the completion of bounties or bosskills. The following is a list of such items, in order of importance for theclass.

  • Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (1) Ring of Royal Grandeur is a legendary from Act I caches that reducesthe number of set items required for set bonuses by one. While it might not beimmediately useful, obtaining powerful bonuses (such as the 4- and 6-piece setbonuses of any set) as early as possible for a huge spike in character power isan opportunity you should not pass up. Doing bounties will be inevitable forcrafting materials anyway, so optimize your farming time and get this ring assoon as possible.
  • Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (2) Avarice Band is an Act III cache legendary ring that extends yourpickup radius by up to 30 yards as you pick up gold. This unassuming bonus hasthe potential to turn in the strongest source of defense during normal rifts dueto its synergy with Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (3) Boon of the Hoarder and Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (4) Goldwrap. Their powerscombined, they can render your character practically invulnerable even in thehighest of Torment difficulties.
  • Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (5) Reaper's Wraps are a good bracer option for beginner Wizards, as thespenders of this class tend to be Arcane Power-heavy, and primary skills arelackluster for AP regeneration. These bracers restore up to 30% of your ArcanePower reserves when you get healed by a health globe, capped at once every 2seconds. This is an easy trigger if you keep an eye on the battlefield. Thesebracers are craftable, and the plan for their creation drops when you kill theAct V boss Malthael on any difficulty.
  • Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (6) Gloves of Worship are an Act II cache legendary that extends theduration of Shrines to 10 minutes, a very decent farming effect that is usuallystored in Kanai's Cube. The combined power of Empowered Shrines(doubled resource gain, halved cooldowns), Frenzied Shrines (25% Attack Speed)and Fleeting Shrines (25% increase to Movement Speed and 20 yard pickup radius),often refreshing before their 10-minute duration, is a huge buff during normalrifts. Wizards are among the classes that can benefit fromWizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (7) Gloves of Worship, as the armor Cube slots of most of their specs areflexible enough to fit the item in.
  • Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (8) Illusory Boots are an Act II cache legendary item that removes enemycollision — a staple of support builds in Greater Rifts, as their precisepositioning for party-wide buffs and enemy disables dictates the course ofGreater Rift progress. Wizards are lacking in impactful support skills and arealmost never taken for that role, lowering (but not negating, especially if youplan on alts) the importance of obtaining Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (9) Illusory Boots.
  • Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (10) Envious Blade is an Act II cache dagger with one of the most powerfulspeedfarming bonuses in the game — a guaranteed Critical Hit againstenemies at full health. A well equipped character using this dagger can oneshotentire screens of enemies in a suitable farming difficulty. Since Wizards cannot dual wield and their weapon slots are frequently taken by more importantlegendaries, Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (11) Envious Blade is not considered a cache priority.
  • As previously mentioned, Wizard spenders can be harsh on your Arcane Powerreserves when no set bonuses are available to skyrocket your damage. Anothercache item can easily be added to your setup to ease the strain on yourresources: the Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (12) Pride's Fall helm. Obtained through Act III cache bounties,the helm reduces your resource costs by 30% after not taking damage for 5seconds, which is easily achievable with proper positioning.

The majority of the gear will be found by random chance as you farm normally,by killing monsters, opening chests, gambling at Kadala and upgrading rare itemsat the Cube. While the list below is not exhaustive, these are some of thepieces to seek, spend blood shards on, or upgrade yellows for — in orderof priority:


Stats To Strive For

The table below is meant to point you in a general correct direction and isby no means indicative of the exact rolls you want to go for. They can varygreatly from build to build and it is always preferable to refer to ourexact guide page. If you simply use the rolls below however, and roll for skilldamage on the applicable pieces:

Wherever it says 'Elemental damage', match it to the rune of your damagingskill of choice. You will come out with a functional spec, and probably not toofar off from what we would recommend in a dedicated build!

SlotStat Priority
  1. Intelligence
  2. Socket
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Vitality or Skill Damage (see above)
  1. Intelligence
  2. Armor or Skill Damage (see above)
  3. Vitality
  4. Area Damage
  1. Intelligence
  2. 3 Sockets
  3. Vitality
  4. Elite Damage Reduction or Skill Damage (see above)
  1. Intelligence
  2. Elemental Damage
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Vitality or Life per Hit
  1. Intelligence
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Critical Hit Damage
  4. Area Damage
  1. Intelligence
  2. Vitality
  3. Life %
  4. Armor or Skill Damage (see above)
  1. Intelligence
  2. 2 Sockets
  3. Vitality
  4. Armor or Skill Damage (see above)
  1. Intelligence
  2. Vitality
  3. Armor
  4. All Resistance or Skill Damage (see above)
  1. Socket
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Critical Hit Damage
  4. Elemental Damage
  1. Socket
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Critical Hit Damage
  4. Area Damage
  1. High Damage Range
  2. Intelligence
  3. Socket (preferably from Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (112) Ramaladni's Gift)
  4. Area Damage
  1. High Damage Range
  2. Intelligence
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Skill Damage
  5. Arcane Power on Crit or Elite Damage Increase


Paragon Points

SlotParagon Points
  1. Movement Speed up to 25% cap
  2. Intelligence
  3. Vitality
  4. Maximum Arcane Power
  1. Critical Hit Damage
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Cooldown Reduction
  4. Attack Speed
  1. Armor
  2. Life %
  3. All Resistance
  4. Life Regeneration
  1. Area Damage
  2. Resource Cost Reduction
  3. Life on Hit
  4. Globe Radius



Your armor sockets should be taken up by the highest tier Topaz gems you canafford at the time, while the helm is usually best filled by a Diamond gem for aboost to Cooldown Reduction. The weapon is best fitted with an Emerald. When youstumble upon jewelry with good primary stats and a socket, you should startdabbling into Legendary Gems. The best Legendary Gems for Wizards are, inrelative order of importance:

  • Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (113) Bane of the Trapped — staple multiplicative damage increase. Notethat the gem is self sufficient, proccing itself when fighting in melee range(where a surprising number of Wizard builds fight at).
  • Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (114) Bane of the Stricken — almost mandatory gem for Greater Riftprogression, as it is designed to whittle down the scaling health numbers ofmonsters with a percentage-based increase on successive attacks.
  • Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (115) Boon of the Hoarder — synergizing with other farming mainstayslike Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (116) Avarice Band and Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (117) Goldwrap, this gem will not only keep yourich, but also sped up and safe during normal rift farming.
  • Situational gems — Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (118) Simplicity's Strength is a primary skillempowering gem, strengthening your basic attacks with a multiplicative damageincrease and a heal. Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (119) Gogok of Swiftness is a vital part ofCooldown-centric builds, which means most Archon setups for Wizards.Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (120) Zei's Stone of Vengeance is a multiplicative damage increase to long rangebuilds. Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (121) Enforcer is a pet-oriented gem that multiplicatively booststhe damage of pets, and is part of Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (122) Hydra builds.
Torso and Pants


Kanai's Cube

Kanai's Cube choices are highly build- and content-specific, making themhard to summarize. Generally speaking, Wizards should store the powers of thefollowing items in the Cube as soon as they have the materials available:Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (126) Aether Walker, Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (127) The Furnace, Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (128) In-geom,Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (129) Orb of Infinite Depth, Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (130) Nemesis Bracers, Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (131) Aquila Cuirass,Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (132) The Swami, Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (133) Goldwrap, Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (134) Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac,Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (135) Ring of Royal Grandeur, Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (136) Avarice Band, Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (137) Convention of Elementsand Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (138) Unity.

The Kanai's Cube can be used for much more than simply extracting Legendary powers from items. Pleaserefer to our Kanai's Cube guide for more information.

Kanai's Cube guide



For more information regarding followers, we advise you to read our FollowerGuide, which contains detailed advice for choosing the skills and the gear ofyour follower.

Diablo 3 Follower Guide



  • 10 Jul. 2024: Reviewed for Season 32.
  • 10 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 31.
  • 10 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Season 30.
  • 13 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Season 29.
  • 22 Feb. 2023: Reviewed for Season 28.
  • 26 Aug. 2022: Reviewed for Season 27.
  • 14 Apr. 2022: Reviewed for Season 26.
  • 10 Dec. 2021: Reviewed for Season 25.
  • 30 Nov. 2021: Revised item recommendations and general class advice for Season 25.
  • 23 Jul. 2021: Reviewed for Season 24.
  • 02 Apr. 2021: Reviewed for Season 23.
  • 20 Nov. 2020: Added the Typhon's Veil beginner build.
  • 03 Jul. 2020: Reviewed for Season 21.
  • 13 Mar. 2020: Reviewed for Season 20.
  • 22 Nov. 2019: Overhauled the guide and updated it for Season 19.
  • 23 Aug. 2019: Updated for Season 18.
  • 16 May 2019: Updated for Season 17.
  • 18 Jan. 2019: Updated for Season 16.
  • 20 Sep. 2018: Updated for Season 15.
  • 14 Jun. 2018: Updated for Season 14.
  • 23 Feb. 2018: Updated for Season 13.
  • 08 Nov. 2017: Revised the Vyr's starting guide to reflect the build's 2.6.1 state.
  • 29 Jun. 2017: Added more information on the Delsere's Starter Build and updated for Season 11.
  • 31 Mar. 2017: Added minor notes on the Season 10 free set, Delsere's Magnum Opus.
  • 05 Jan. 2017: Added minor notes on the Season 9 free set, Firebird's Finery.
  • 21 Oct. 2016: Updated the guide with a starter build for the Season 8 free set, Vyr’s Amazing Arcana.
  • 30 Jul. 2016: Updated the guide to include leveling, a better fresh 70 setup and Haedrig's Gift use tips.

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Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 32) (2024)


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