3 Pick a method from Tool-KIT – Participatory.Tools (2024)

3 Pick a method from Tool-KIT – Participatory.Tools (1)

Step 3: Choose a Suitable Participation Method

Use the Tool-KIT of participation methods to choose a method which suits you most. The choice of participation method depends on the following criteria:

  • Number of participants

    How many people do you want to involve? Do you want to discuss the prospective project in a small group or the general public?

  • The number and profile prospective stakeholders depend on the scale of the planning document.

  • The planning phase

    Planning can be conceptualised a process, which unfolds in certain stages. Each stage has its own goals, methods, and results.

  • The level of stakeholder engagement

    Classification of participation exercises according to the share of public authority in planning decisions

  • Spectrum of Public participation

    Classification of participation exercises according to the share of public authority in planning decisions

  • The mode of communication

    Take a pick between traditional face-to-face methods or modern online tools

  • Type of methods

    Choose between Expressive , Diagnostic, Organisational, and Political tools

  • Skills and resources required

    What skills and resources are required of the participants and you

  • Knowledge needs and the mode of working

    Do you want to diverge or converge your knowledge? Furthermore, do you want to encourage participation or collaboration

The anticipated number of participants

How many people do you want to involve? Do you want to discuss the prospective project in a small group of experts? Or, do you want to acknowledge the needs and wants of the general public? Discussions in small groups will give you a rich and multifaceted understanding of the issue in focus, e.g. the rationale for certain opinions or positions held by the stakeholders. The methods for small groups, 1-5 or 5-30, usually rely on the qualitative research techniques. Acknowledging the opinions of the general public will indicate what share of the general public holds certain opinions and positions. The methods for bigger groups, 31+, usually rely on quantitative techniques. The combination of information collected in small and big groups will enrich your understanding of the project related issues.

The geographical scale (and thematic scope) of a plan

How big is the area in focus of a plan? The scale and thematic scope of a plan will define the number and profile of prospective stakeholders. If you are designing a public space, you might want to engage individual stakeholders, such as current and prospective users of the public space. If you are drawing a regional development plan, you might want to involve institutionalised stakeholders, such as environmental or professional NGO’s.

The planning phase

Planning can be conceptualised a process, which unfolds in certain stages. Each stage has its own goals, methods and results. In the Initiation phase either community, or local government, or communities jointly with the local government initiate change in the urban environment. Initiation phase includes the preliminary research of the current state of affairs (e.g. of the site conditions, of stakeholders’ opinions, etc.), which concludes with a problem statement. In the Planning and Design phase the agenda of the project is developed and key (design) decisions are taken. In this phase the community chooses the format of further involvement or it may chose to refrain form further participation. Participation in the Implementation phase is dependent on the scale and nature of the project. Small projects, such as a children’s playground or community garden, may be fully implemented by the community. Larger projects, demanding heavy machinery, are usually implemented by the local authority.

3 Pick a method from Tool-KIT – Participatory.Tools (2)

Figure 2. Iterative cyclical planning process. Source: Horelli (2002)

The same is relevant for the Maintenance phase, where communities may be responsible for the maintenance of small local public spaces, and local authorities – for the maintenance of the large and city-wide services and infrastructure. Evaluation & Research phase is often either excluded from the planning process, or is conducted superficially. However, this phase is essential to reflect on the planning and participatory process and outcomes, to identify successes and failures, and devise the guidelines for improvements. Planning phases are often conceptualised as an iterative cyclical process, where where the end of the previous planning cycle lays the foundation for the next planning cycle (Figure 2).

The level of stakeholder engagement

The International Association for Public Participation (2018) has developed a Spectrum of Public Participation (based on the Ladder of Public Participation developed by Arnstein in 1969) classifying participation exercises into categories depending on the share of public authority in planning decisions, starting from being informed about planning decisions (“inform”) and culminating in taking planning decisions (“empowerment”). The detailed description of the degrees of public participation is provided in the Figure 3.

Increasing impact on the decisions →

3 Pick a method from Tool-KIT – Participatory.Tools (3)



To provide the public with balanced and objective information to assist them in understanding the problem, alternatives, opportunities and/or solutions.

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3 Pick a method from Tool-KIT – Participatory.Tools (4)



To obtain public feedback on analysis, alternatives and/or decisions.

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3 Pick a method from Tool-KIT – Participatory.Tools (5)



To work directly with the public throughout the process to ensure that public concerns and aspirations are consistently understood and considered.

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3 Pick a method from Tool-KIT – Participatory.Tools (6)



To partner with the public in each aspect of the decision including the development of alternatives and the identification of the preferred solution.

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3 Pick a method from Tool-KIT – Participatory.Tools (7)



To place final decision making in the hands of the public.

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The mode of communication

How would you like to communicate with the stakeholders, online or face-to-face? In recent decades online participation methods, through social media groups, applications for portable devises, websites, etc. is gaining popularity. The benefits of online participation include the ability to participate anytime and from anywhere. Additionally, some online participation tools include algorithms which analyse user feedback and summarise it in the form of coherent diagrams. Despite the ubiquitous use of online technologies and growing digital literacy, face-to-face participation methods are still important, especilally, for the purposes of building trust between stakeholders, developing interest and spatial communities, as well as for reaching consensual decisions. Some contemporary patricipation methods combine state-of-the-art digital technologies with face-to-face meetings, for instance a decision theatre which takes advantage of immersive visualisation environment.

Type of methods

Engagement methods can be classifies into expressive, diagnostic, organisational and political depending on their purpose. Expressive tools boost creativity and facilitate communication of ideas through an array of audiovisual techniques, such as drawing, modelling, role-play, etc. Diagnostic tools evaluate personal, environmental, and situational variables, Organisational tools support the implementation of outcomes of participatory exercises in real-life, while Political tools shape agendas and help setting priorities.

Skills and resources required

Each participatory tool demands a certain amount of skills from participants and resources from the organisers. Some tools do not demand any effort or planning specific competences from the part of participants, such as Observation. Other tools, such as Future workshop, yield better results, if participants have good team work skills and some knowledge about the issues in focus. Some tools, like Walkthroughs, require a relatively short preparation time and investment. Other tools, such as (Serious) Game, may take up to one year to develop and substantial human and monetary investments. The choice of the tool is very much affected by the amount of resources available.

Knowledge needs and the mode of working

Contemporary planning theory conceptualises spatial planning as communication between the stakeholders, which enables mutual learning. These communications may be divided into four categories, depending on the knowledge needs and the mode of working, and represented as a Fourfold classification of communicative actions. Figure 4 represent the fourfold model of communicative actions graphically. In short, divergence refers to the process of opening up to multiple voices and perspectives, when creating new knowledge and ideas, whereas convergence refers to closing down, when assessing the value of generated knowledge and ideas. The distinction between working in big and small groups is made to emphasise the difference in communication opportunities between the stakeholders within the big and small group. While drawing a Public participation plan (PPP) try to use at tools and methods from all four categories.

I Broad public produce diverse information or ideas for planning.

The goal is to get as many individuals as possible to give their knowledge input to the process. The output comprises of a large variety of data, information,knowledgeand ideas as a foundation for further phases.

II Knowledge is converged (structured, organized) with the broad public.

The goal is to recognise what kind of support different ideas or knowledge claims get from people. The output includes valued knowledge claims or selected ideas (one or more) for further elaboration.

III Working together to make an input to the process.

The goal is to get knowledge and ideas from diverse groups to be elaborated further in the process. The output contains a variety of different approaches and ideas as a foundation for further phases.

IVKnowledge is converged in a smaller group.

The goal is to integrate and further develop planning knowledge and ideas in a collaborative manner. The output is a shared understanding of the direction and contents of the related planning process.

3 Pick a method from Tool-KIT – Participatory.Tools (8)

Figure 4. Fourfold classification of communicative actions. Source: Staffans et al. (2020)

Next steps

Define Your Goals

Step 2: Identify Participation Goals

Engage The Stakeholders

Step 4: Engage The Stakeholders

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3 Pick a method from Tool-KIT – Participatory.Tools (2024)


What is participatory methods and tools? ›

Participatory methods ensure that all stakeholders become involved in a number of different activities which are integral to the development process. They provide a structured approach to participation with clear guidelines of who should be involved, when and to what extent.

What are participatory research methods tools? ›

Participatory visual methods
  • Visual mapping. This method asks participants to generate ideas in response to particular questions or prompts and to organize and connect them visually. ...
  • Body mapping. ...
  • Life mapping. ...
  • Journey mapping. ...
  • Empathy mapping. ...
  • Community mapping.

What are the tools for participatory evaluation? ›

Evaluators oftentimes use participatory tools, in conjunction with participant observation, to collect qualitative data from project participants relatively quickly. Useful tools include card or other sorting, seasonal calendars, mapping, and Venn Diagrams, among many others.

What are participation tools? ›

A tool that draws out information about people's varied needs, raises participants' awareness of related issues, and provides a framework for prioritizing needs.

What are examples of participatory teaching methods? ›

Some participatory learning techniques that can be adapted to different courses according to the level of learners are the following:
  • Games. ...
  • Discussion. ...
  • Brainstorming. ...
  • Critical Incident. ...
  • Describing Visual Images. ...
  • Good, Bad, or in Between. ...
  • Information Collection. ...
  • Making Something Together.

What is an example of participatory? ›

If something is participatory, it allows or requires you to participate, or join in. In high school, classes are participatory: they require you to join in by doing your homework and taking part in discussions.

How to choose a research method? ›

When choosing research methods you need to consider:
  1. what your participant are like and how often you will see them.
  2. what information/evidence you want to collect.
  3. how much time you have to gather and analyse it.

What is an example of participatory research? ›

Another example of participatory action research is a project undertaken by eight people in recovery to evaluate mental health services. The researchers engaged 80 of their peers, people who have experienced mental illness, in the research process.

What are the methods of participation? ›

Sarah White distinguishes four forms of participation: nominal, instrumental, representative and transformative. She reasons that each form has different functions, and argues actors 'at the top' (more powerful) and 'at the grass roots' (less powerful) have different perceptions of and interests in each form.

What are the methods of participatory assessment? ›

Methods used in participatory evaluation

Commonly used methods include story-telling, needs analysis (problem trees and 'so-that' TOC formulations), self-assessment and the assessment of other stakeholders on the programme.

What is participatory planning tool? ›

Participatory planning is an approach to designing active, livable cities, which makes urban planning accessible, community-driven, and fun. It is grounded in the belief that blending local knowledge and expert knowledge leads to strong outcomes.

What are the tools for measuring participation? ›

Interviews, questionnaires, focus group discussions, and observation are all core M&e tools that can be used to gather relevant baseline and other data on the scope, quality, and outcomes of children's participation.

What are participatory tools and examples? ›

Community mapping, transect walks, focus group discussions, gender role analysis, use of drawings, posters, role-play, theatre, and songs are examples of participatory methods. There are lots of participatory tools/techniques available to help guide the process.

Why are participatory tools important? ›

Participatory methods facilitate realistic identification of the practical implications of the findings of impact assessment through negotiation between different stakeholders.

What are the 3 important ideas of participation? ›

Three most important elements of participation are (i) involvement, (ii) contribution and (iii) responsibility. i) Involvement: The employee while participating in problem solving or decision making or achievement of a particular goal should feel involved at both mental and emotional levels.

What are participation methods? ›

'Participatory methods' is an umbrella term describing approaches for assessment in which nonscientists, such as policy people, stakeholders or even lay people, play an active role.

What are the participatory planning tools examples? ›

Participatory rural appraisal
  • Semi-structured interviews.
  • Participatory mapping and modelling.
  • Time lines and trend and change analysis.
  • Transect walks.
  • Daily time-use analysis.
  • Institutional diagramming.
  • Matrix scoring and ranking.
  • Shared presentations and analysis.

What is a participative method? ›

Definition. Source. References. Participatory research methods are a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods geared towards planning and conducting the research process with those people whose life-world and meaningful actions are under study (Bergold & Thomas, 2012).

What are participatory methods in community practice? ›

Participatory methods (PMs) include a range of activities with a common thread: enabling ordinary people to play an active and influential part in decisions which affect their lives. This means that people are not just listened to, but also heard; and that their voices shape outcomes.


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.