Battle Items, Mechanics, Gimmicks & Patterns (2024)

Lost Ark Kayangle Gate 1-4 Guide (Normal & Hard Mode): Battle Items, Mechanics, Gimmicks & Patterns

6/14/2023 6:20:02 PM

Tag:Boss Raid GuideBeginner GuideUpdate Guide

The continent of Elgacia arrives at Lost Ark, complete with a cinematic storyline and a new end-game Abyssal Dungeon. The 4-player Abyssal Dungeon Kayangel, Light's Sanctuary is now available. How to survive in Lost Ark Kayangle raid normal and hard mode? Watch our Lost Ark gate 1-4 guide for normal and hard more, we talk about battle items, mechanics, gimmicks, and patterns.

Lost Ark Kayangle Normal & Hard Mode Guide - How To Survive In KayangleGate 1-4?

This dungeonis necessary for level 3 seteffects,italso gives you token items that you canexchange for honingmods or other usefulstuff.Kayangleis a 4gateraid with normal and harddifficulties.The hard difficulty has achance to trap the black wings or redwingsmount.The mountsare extremely rareeven in the Korean server.As for the rewards,in normal mode,youcan loot up the 6 seteffectmaterials an additional 3from theauctionbox or 10 set effect materials in5 additional mods from the auctionbox inhardmode. Just like the clown trumpet,you need 10 to upgrade an armor pieceand 25 for a weapon.

Lost Ark KayangleGate 1 Normal & HardGuide

Gate 1: Battle Items

The first boss is a beast type boss.She's not weak to any elementals. Recommended battle items are sprinter’srobeif your movement speed is low.Ifyou're liking DPS,dark grenade. If youlike instagger,whirlwind grenade.

Gate 1: Unique Mechanic

Throughout the fight,one random playerwill be marked and get an uncleansabledebuff.The debuff will stack up overtime.You can check it from your debuffUI or the slur icon above your head.At 4 stacks,the debuff will be removedand the player will be in prison.Otherplayers can set them free with multi-hitabilities.They will get killed by the summerprojectilesif you don't feel them intime.

Gate 1: X53 Stagger into Color

The first mechis at 53.Safe spots will be shown and you willneed to successfully start the bosswhile standing in them.The bus will be in the r state for areally long time.So don't be greedy anduse everything for the stagger.Yourcooldowns will come back by the time Drends.Consider throwing one or 2 removing grenades if the party staggeris too low.Once she recovers from the stagger,theboss will make either a pink or greenaura.Don't get confused by thesnowflakes shape explosion from earlier.There will also be color orbs floatingaround outside,you need to collect thecorresponding color orbto the bossshow you,in order to get a shieldfor the next wipe attack.You need to take the orb when the bossscreams and flashes.It's usually after3bosssmashes,the shield willexpire if you take it too early.

Gate 1: x28 Breaking in Order

The second make happens at 28 lines,theboss will fly away and spawn a bunch oforbs.The orbs have 3differentcolors and also there will be ringsaround the orbs as well. The first orb is blue with only one ring,the second orb is white light yellowwith 2ringsandthe third orb is brighter orange with3rings.You can also see where they are bylooking at the minimap.The orbs must bedestroyed in this specific order toobtain the shield that protects you fromthe wipe attack.You can break the orbseven with one damage,so be mindful withyour maneuver skills or harmingautoattacks like Summoner or Bard.The orbswill spawn only for each color,sofilling the order or breaking a wrongorb by accident will kill somebody.

Gate 1: x28 Hard Mode

In Lost Ark Kayangle hardmode,the second mechanic has arotating safe zone.The orbs can only bekilled when they're in the safe zone.Players will also take massive damagewhen outside of the safe zone.The mechlasts much longer than normalmode,so stay calm and pay attention tothe rotating safe zone.

Lost Ark Kayangle Gate 2 Normal & Hard Guide

Gate 2: Battle Items

The second boss is humanoid and weakto dark damage,so if you have a seriouslegion commander guard set or master ofthe spear cardset,they could be effectivedepending on how much you have awakened.Recommended battle items are a sprinter’srope,sacred charm, and time-stop potion.

Gate 2: Unique Mechanic

There will be a unique mechanicthroughout the fight.One random playerwill be accurate and get out the buffevery once in a,while the debuff willspawn a bottle under their feet onceit's expired.You want to drop the bottleon very far ages, especially until 55lines to give us much room to fight aspossible.The battles will turn intoelectrocute puddles from 55 lines andhinder you from doing mech and such.

Gate 2: x55 Tetris Doge

His first and only mechanichappens at 55lines.The edges of the map will be destroyedand now players can fall and die fromgravity.After it got seen,there will beballs coming down from top with one or2vertical safe spots.The boss willkeep pulling you down if you stop moving,so be aware.He'll throw a spear at onerandom aggro player at a time.The spearswill do massive damage and also knockyou down.It is usually recommended tobait them on the upper side sincethere's traveling time on your spear.It's aguaranteed death if you get pulled downto the very bottom and no one cleansesyou in time.

Gate 2: x55 Hard Mode

InLost Ark Kayangelhard mode for gate 2, there's one more originalelectric ball and there will also be avertical electric ball rotating around.The vertical balls bounce back to theother side once they hit the edge of themap,so you need to dodge themaccordingly.he doesn't have any other special mechs.You just need to drop bottles on theedge of the map throughout the wholefight.

Gate 2: Additional Phase

There will be another phase whenthe boss is at a lower HP.He doesn't haveany additional mech or attack,but theelectric bottle makes a huge AOE whenyou drop them.So it's recommended todrop them at the edge of the map.It's recommended to pay for the bus to thecenter as much as possible since thereis gravity death from 55 lines andonward.

Gate 2: Reflection

Outside of the major mechanic, there arefour normal patterns that cause manypeople to die from it.The firstone is a staggered check,you takereflection damage if you try to staggerfrom in front of him.He knocks down everyone nearby when herecovers from the stagger.

Gate 2: Staggered Retaliation

Hespins his floor above his head insteadthis time,the threshold is not too lowbut he does a massive AOE attack if youtrigger the retaliation.

Gate 2: Out and In Pattern

Itknocks you far away,you simply want tobe just outside and go inside after theexplosion.But there won't be anindicator warning.

Gate 2: 280 Slash

Lastly, there is another out-and-inpattern into 280 slashes.He grants andcharges his sword.During this charge,ared area appears under him and spreadsoutward before he does a 280 slash.The slash does massive damage and knocksyou very far away,so try to use the timestop or push immunity skills.

Lost Ark Kayangle Gate 3 Normal & Hard Guide

Gate 3: Battle Items

The first boss is a Humanoid and is weak to dark damage. Recommended battle items are a sacred charm or Panacea, at least one reliable cleanse is required to clear this raid.

Gate 3: Unique Mechanics

The boss doesn't have a normal stagger interaction. When she takes a certain amount of stagger damage, she gives us whatever normal pattern she was doing and tippies to the center. Just to make sure you need to understand this mech. This concept applies to pretty much the whole encounter. Once she defeats the center, she summons 3 elemental shapes around her that shoot a corresponding color projectile. The easiest way to remember the elemental weakness is to think of any game with element power.

Red fire is greater than green grass. Fire is effective against a grasp, weak to water. Blue ice is greater than red fire. Water is effective against fire but weak against grass. Green and grass are greater than blue ice. The grass is effective against water but weak against fire. The orbs will blow up when they receive the effective projectile, so this makes them dissolve even if you don't do anything. However, they won't blow up if you happen to the body block the projectile. In this case, you'll need to break them on your own or move away to touch a huge explosion afterward. The explosion damage is big when you're on ilevel and this pattern can be crucial if it overlaps with other mechs.

Gate 3: x62 Elemental Soaking

Just be mindful, the first make is at 62 lines, the boss gains heavy Dr and summons 3 color orbs in a y shape. Also, you must purify yourself or other party members if they have the elemental debuff applied before the mech. 3 people need to stand in this position and keep rotating counterclockwise until she stops shooting the projectiles. You must not use purify or glance skills when you have to debuff. You need to debuff to neutralize the one-shot attack that happens in every even turn. Once she's done shooting projectiles, she is going to post a color or shape for colorblind people under her feet. You need to break the orb that's super effective to the color she showed you earlier. If she poses red, you break blue. Make sure to be close to the orb and not break it too early. It gives out the buff to nearby people that protect you from the wipe attack. Breaking the orb too fast can cause the debuff to run out of time.

Gate 3: x42 Triangle Counters

The second mech happens on 42 lines. She beats to the middle and gains heavy Dr. Then she summons 3 comfortable mobs in a triangle shape. The mob initially faces outwards but it will face the nearest person as it becomes comfortable. A successful counter will reset your whole cooldown. You can stagger the boss once you land every counter successfully. The mobs will not go away and keep casting counters until a counter on them. The fourth person can be flex in case anyone makes a mistake.

Gate 3: x42 Hard Mode

In the hard mode of Lost Ark Kayangle raid gate 3, the second mechanic spawns one more comfortable minion nearby surely afterward. They spawn regardless of whether you learned the first counter or not. So the fourth player needs to be ready to pick up counters in case of missed counters.

Gate 3: x20 Rings

The last mech happens at about 20 lines each. She makes 2 color rings, you need to break all the orbs that are super effective to the corresponding ring color. For example, you need to break all the blue orbs in the red ring. Failing any orb or any ring will make a huge explosion that does map wipe damage and heal the boss HP. She'll repeat the mech again once she reaches the HP line it should cause a red wipe on the third fail.

Gate 3: x20 Hard Mode

In hard mode, the third mechanic always has 3 rings instead of 2 rings. boss in Korea usually assigned 2 people for the 2 inner rings and one person for each half of the other ring. Since the other ring is much bigger.

Gate 3: Finish on Black

This boss has 3 normal patterns that are hard to figure out at first glance. The first pattern is a spacebar qte, you need to spam A spacebar but do not finish it until the boss makes a black pulse.

Gate 3: Find the Zap Cloud

The second pattern is finding the real boss pattern. The boss disappears and makes 5 clones with clouds underneath them. Only one of them has an electric effect on it. You need to go below this clone for the safe spot.

Gate 3: TP into Side Safe

The third pattern is TP into an inside safe pattern. The boss disappears and TP to a random location then does an inside safe channeling. She can tip it to any random location on the map so you need to look at the minimap. You'll take huge damage if you step outside.

Lost Ark Kayangle Gate 4 Normal & Hard Guide

Gate 4: Battle Items

The last boss is also Humanoid and weak to dark damage. Recommended battle items are time stop potions with at least 2 people on fling grenades and the rest on dark grenades. This boss has only one counter pattern and is extremely rare, the penalty is not as bad as well even if you missed it. So take advantage if applicable.

Gate 4: Unique Mechanic

The last boss is a make-heavy encounter, before we jump into it, there's one unique mechanic you need to know for this encounter. Sometimes he stares at one random player, usually the closest person. He pulls up a mirror show after he debuts the accurate person. He takes no damage when you attack him in front of the mirror. Also, the mirror sets your HP to one if you get too close to it. This mechanic enhances after 180 lines.

Gate 4: x180 Dodge into Mirror

The first make happens at 180 lines, the boss flies away and drops a series of explosions. The first explosion is under your feet, the second explosion is usually center-ish safe, third explosion is under your feet again but 2 lines. Then he TP to one player, proceeding to do the mirror shell mechanic. But this time you'll get stuck into the mirror in a couple of seconds after you receive a strong gaze above. You need to use the upper house's immunity spell while you're moving. He stops tracking after the glass-breaking sound effect then he fires a laser shortly afterward. At 180 lines, he becomes pretty much invulnerable to normal attacks. You need to bait the boss attacks to the white X you spawn outside of maps. You need to be close before you pop them to receive the buff. The buff lasts for 2 minutes and the egg has a respawn time of 2 minutes. You can do damage only when you have the buff. You need to bait the boss to attack the eggs if none of them are glowing yellow.

Gate 4: x135 Delivery the Light

The second mech is at 135 lines. Boss is in the center and you can use only normal attack and spacebar. You need to assign one person to receive a laser from the boss. The first person needs to face some weird so that the next person can catch the laser. Then the next person needs to catch the laser from the first person and face somewhere for the next person. Think of your character as a mirror and you're reflecting the laser to one another. You cannot step onto the portal or be too close to the people who got the lasers. The third person needs to do the exact same process as the second person. The fourth person will catch the final laser and shoot it toward the boss. Skipping one person will not be enough for the staggering attack. Boss in Korea usually go by parting number and adjust position accordingly based on things on the mini-map.

Gate 4: x135 Hard Mode

In hard mode, the second mechanic spawns a bunch of random imprisoning bottles all over the place. So players need to aim the laser accordingly.

Gate 4: x100 Shadow Mech (Collect 5 White)

The third mech is at 100 lines, everyone needs to stack on the very center tile for the inside safe attack. Then he lights 2 random runes on the floor. You need to watch closely and remember their clock position. These glowing runes mean there will be a safe spot later. For example, the glowing rune on 11 and 6 means you need to be on 11 first, then 6 for the safe spot. Once the safe spots are determined, you need to spread X3 plus one position and collect white orbs. Just similar to Vykas gate 2, all the orbs will look the same. You can see their true color at the beginning of the mech or you can see them for a few seconds after you collect a real one. You need to collect a total of 5 white orbs. Collecting a black ore will decrease one stack and put you in a stun. There will be a huge shadow on the location he showed you with the runes earlier. You need to stand on it to dodge the 2 sunlight attacks.

Gate 4: x100 Hard Mode

In hard mode, the therm mechanic has additional ring explosions throughout the orb collective phase. Time stop potion is highly recommended if you get knocked down by the red explosion and cannot make it to the safe spot in time.

Gate 4: x60 Ping Runed Pillars

The first mech is at 60 lines, you need to infer them where they need to stagger. You need to ping every red pillar with runes engrave on it. When they are a boss clone, you need to get closer to it to begin the stagger check and succeed. If you fail to stagger check or activate fake clones by accident, you'll get imprisoned and die at the end of the mech. You can't use battle items during this mech so whirlwind grenades have no use. You need roughly 58 stagger values, which is not bad at all, but you do have a whole lot of time once you activate the stagger check.

Gate 4: Last Phase

The boss faces right away with a cutscene after the 60 lens mech. From this point on, once in a while he gains the stacking attack buff and you gain a stack in the buff causing you to take additional damage. For every few patterns, he does the mirror pattern from the center as he also does the shadow mech. So you need to be in a safe spot while you're trying to not get bullied. The safest bet is just using a time stop until you get comfortable with not getting pulled in. It's almost guaranteed death if you get sucked in even a little during this mechanic. He doesn't do any other mechanic from now on you just need to DPS him down until he dies.

Gate 4: Homing Scythes

They're still annoying and notable patterns that are hard to figure out at first glance. The first one is the homing-sized pattern. He throws four sizes out that track you on every curve they make, you lose control if you get hit by them even once. You'll get pulled to the boss if you were the target of the cone attack or the aggro person aim this at you. Every person will make a huge explosion under their feet that does a decent chunk of damage. Scythe needs to take care of them if they're on low HP or they will be overlapping explosions.

Gate 4: Stackable Imprison

The second one is another imprisoned attack. He spawns a bunch of projectiles from outside to inside. They track you once they get close enough then start traveling when they stop tracking. You get in prison even if you get hit by them only once. Getting hit multiple times will make the imprisonment even thicker. This pattern can be a free DPS window if you want to invest in at least one or more flame grenades. Since the boss doesn't do anything else but you stand still during this pattern. You can use flame grenades and place multi-hit spells before the imprisonment begins. It shall free you in a couple of seconds. As a support make sure to put Shields and they are like rhapsody or godson law, because in prison debuff actually hurts when you have multiple stacks.

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