Lost Ark Kayangel Gate 1/2/3/4 Guide (Elgacia Normal/Hard): Gimmicks & Patterns (2024)

In this Lost Ark Kayangel Guide, we break down the battle items, mechanics, gimmicks, and fighting tips to use for clearing the gate 1, 2, 3, 4 of the Elgacia Abyss Dungeon effectively.

Lost Ark Kayangel & Elgacia Guide (Gate1/2/3/4)

Kayangel Gate Item Level Requirements:

  • Normal mode requires 1540

  • Hard mode requires 1580

They both have 4 gates in total, all the gates except for Gate 1 are weak to a dark attribute attack.

Lost Ark KayangelGate 1 Guide

Here we go over the battle items, major gimmicks, and important patterns in the Kayangel Gate 1 to help you complete this phase:

Battle Items

  • Whirlwind for stagger or Dark Grenade for more damage

Major Gimmicks

55 HP Bars

Around 55 HP bars, the boss flies away from boarding the area and then he sits on the center, you will have to do the Stagger check and escape from the pizza range afterward. The pizza explodes after a few seconds and it does a lot of damage. After the Stagger check four purple and four blue orbs will circle around on the other side, and the boss will start AOE attacks, you have to dodge them and see which color he shows. After all the AOE attacks end, the boss will Roar and that's when all of you have to take the correct color orb that he showed since it gives you a shield that prevents the guaranteed kill attack. If you take it before he Roars then the shield will disappear and you will die. It is important for all the players to chase each orb ahead since that makes it easier to grab the orb when he roars.

25 HP Bars

Around 25 HP bars, the boss flies away from boarding the area and then sits in the center, you will see a lot of wolves that are surrounded by different amount of lines. there are 4 of 1 nine, 4 of 2 lines, and 4 of 3 lines. What you have to do is to hit the orbs in sequence from lower lines to higher lines, so hit 19 orbs, then 2 lines, and then 3 lines. This will give you a shield that prevents you from the guaranteed kill attack. The thing is you can see parallel lines that move around, this is the safety zone you cannot hit the orbs that are outside of the safety zone also. If you move outside of the Zone, then you will receive massive damage, so all the players have to move around and hit the orbs in the correct sequence by the way. You just have to use an Auto attack to destroy the orb, if you use a skill you might accidentally hit other orbs as well. In the normal mode, there's no parallel safety zone, so the entire field is saved.

Important Normal patterns

  • In Prison - During the raid randomly a player will get a sword Mark above his character over time. When this sword reaches 3, after a few seconds he will be imprisoned if other players don't free him, he will die by the swords surrounding him.

  • Stagger or retaliation - The boss flaps his wings if he's glowing blue, then you have to stagger him. If he glows purple then no one should attack him since he will retaliate against the players nearby.

Lost Ark KayangelGate 2 Guide

Here we go over the battle items, major gimmicks, and important patterns in the Kayangel Gate 2 to help you complete this phase:

Battle Items

  • Sacred Charm to free the party mate in a specific gimmick

  • Dark Grenade for more damage

Major Gimmicks

55 HP Bars

Around 55 HP bars, the other side of the map collapse and all the players will do a Mini-Game, you will get pulled to the bottom side during this make, so you have to consistently hold your pointer. If you reach the bottom side, then you will most likely die from Massive damage. Also, electric obstacles will consistently move from the top side to the bottom side, the white one will move horizontally instead. If you get hit by it then you will get paralyzed and eventually reach the bottom side which will most likely kill you, this is the reason why sacred charm can help other party mates if they get paralyzed, other clean skills from your party mate can also free this paralysis. You can also spacebar through the obstacle to immunity, time stop is not good since you will get pulled to the bottom during the time stop. The boss will also consistently throw the spear at the player who has the target above his character. The target randomly changes this spear knocks you out with massive damage. Also, you can die by falling from the field by this attack, make sure to go far from the party mates, and when the target disappears use the spacebar to dodge it.

In the Dorma mode, there are no white horizontal obstacles after you dodge all the obstacles that's the end of this gimmick and any knockout patterns can make you fall and die for the rest of this raid.

Important normal patterns

  • Puddle - From the start of the raid, an Imark will be shown above the random player, after several seconds a puddle will spawn where he was. If you step on this portal, it will increase your attack for a few seconds, but the problem is it will also increase the attack of the boss if he steps on it. So normally you put the puddle on the other side of the map, this portal gets enhanced depending on the boss's HP. Starting from the 55 HP gimmick to the 30 HP bar, this portal paralyzes players who step in so it will act as an obstacle during the gimmick if you accidentally put it in the inner side of the map before the game happens. From 30 HP bar to zero, the portal will do AOE attack that paralyzes players, make sure to put it on the other side, you can tell that the combat field becomes smaller over time and that's why dark grenade is recommended to finish him as soon as possible.

  • AOE sword swipe - The boss moves forward and then gradually strikes the field, he swipes two-thirds of the area as the last attack.

  • Bombardment - The boss bombards the area with swords. He is Invincible during this pattern. Also there will be some remnants on the floor so start the DPS after all the remnants disappear.

  • Charging Sword - The boss charges his sword by looking at one player, then teleports to the opposite side of that player and Strikes several times, you have to watch whom he aimed at and stay away from him.

  • Grab - The boss swings his sword two times and appearances the front, if you get hit by the last attack, you will get grabbed and spanked.

Lost Ark KayangelGate 3 Guide

Here we go over the battle items, major gimmicks, and important patterns in the Kayangel Gate 3 to help you complete this phase:

Battle Items

  • Whirlwind for stagger or Dark Grenade for more damage

  • Panacea or Sacred Charm is needed for a specific gimmick

This boss uses three different Elemental attacks during the whole fight: green, red, and blue, whenever you get hit by them, you get stacks of bleed debuff for several seconds.

Major Gimmicks

62 HP Bar

Around 62 HP bar, the boss moves to the center and summons green, red, and blue artifacts, then she will shoot orbs to each of the artifacts six times. Three people have to go and take the orbs from each path, every time you take the orb you have to move counterclockwise and keep on taking the orbs. After you take yours 6 times, then she will show a color beneath her you have to destroy the correct color artifact which has an advantage over the show's own color. Think about Pokemon, Pokemon grass is strong against water, water is strong against Fire, and Fire is strong against Grass, in this case, she shows red so all of you have to destroy the blue artifact, then you will survive the wipe attack, and that's the end of the gimmick.

There are some tips you have to know during this gimmick:

1 - Before the gimmick starts, if you already got an elemental debuff from the fight, you will have to remove the debuff by using Panacea or sacred charm or clean skills from certain classes, the reason is that if you take the first orb while having a debuff, you will instantly get killed

2 - For the three people who take the orbs, it's better for them to be DPS classes because every time the players take the orbs they receive some damage, and the supporter can use Shield skills for the party mate from the other side

3 - When you destroy the artifact, all of you have to stick close to it since you will not get the buff that prevents the wipe attack if you're too far from it.

40 HP bar

Around 40 HP bar, the boss moves to the center and summons three clones, the boss will require a stagger check but she has a shield on. The Clones require a counter to remove the shield, you have to succeed all the counters. When you succeed in the first counter, you can reset the cooldown of your counter skill, and the second clone will spawn and require a counter again, so you will have to counter 6 times in total. In normal mode, only three clones come out so three times in total. After you succeed all the counters, her Shield will be removed, so stagger her and that's the end of the gimmick. If you fail the counter and stagger in time, then that's a raid wipe.

20 HP Bar

Around 20 HP bar, the boss moves to the center and summons 3 round tiles with different colors. There are orbs on the tiles, you have to destroy the correct color orbs that have an advantage over the color of each tile. Again it's the same as Pokemon type advantage, you destroy red orbs on the green tile, blue orbs on the red tile, and green orbs on the Blue tile. To assign the position efficiently, one person takes over 12 o'clock of the outer tile and goes counterclockwise. Another person takes over 6 o'clock of the outer tile and goes counterclockwise as well, the rest of the two people take over the inner tile and middle tile each. If you destroy the wrong orbs or fail to destroy the correct orbs, then you will receive massive damage that can almost kill you and she will heal herself up to around the 25 HP bar. In this case, you have to take her down to 20 and do this gimmick kill gain, if you succeed in showing the correct colors then stay out of the tiles since tiles will explode at the end after they explode that's the end of the gimmick.

Important Normal Patterns

  • 3 Artifacts - Green, red, and blue artifacts spawn around the center. The artifacts shouldn't warp in one direction, and when the orb reaches the artifact, it gets removed - this is what you want it to happen because if the artifacts are not removed, then they will explode which does massive damage to nearby players so do not get hit by the orbs and just let it go through. If you do get hit by the orbs, then it's still good since you can destroy the artifacts by using skills

  • Spacebar Pattern - The boss imprisons all the players displaying spacebar patterns, then she will show either a blue or a black pose. If she shows blue, you should not complete the spacebar, if she shows black then you have to complete the space bar and that's the end of the pattern. If you do it in an opposite way on any color, then you will die, it's better to increase the bar right before the completion to prepare for it. Finding the safety zone, the boss disappears and shows 5 glowing areas. The one that glows brighter than the other four is the safety zone so you just stay there.

Lost Ark KayangelGate 4 Guide

Here we go over the battle items, major gimmicks, and important patterns in the Kayangel Gate 4 to help you complete this phase:

Battle Items

  • Flame Grenade for a certain pattern or Dark Grenade for more damage

  • Time stop is useful in the certain pattern as well

Major Gimmicks

180 HP Bar

Around 180 HP bar, the boss disappears, then he will do 3 types of Slash attacks, and dodge the attacks. Ends there will be a cutscene and the boss will teleport to the player who was in the center during the cutscene. Also, there will be stones on the corner side of the map, from this point and until the end of the raid, you will do zero damage on the boss. To do the damage, you have to light up the Stones by making the boss land any patterns on the stones. The boss teleports to the player and summons a wall that pulls the player. If you get hit by the wall, your HP becomes 1 HP, and get knocked out. After a few seconds, he shoots a laser at that Target, you have to either let the wall reach the stone or aim his laser at the stone to light it up. When it turns yellow, attack the stone and it will give you a two-minute buff that will allow you to do normal damage on the boss. The player will attack the Yellow Stone and will be surrounded by an aura and other party mates can share the above by robbing each other. Destroyed Stone will revive on that spot over time, and you can renew the buff whenever you attack the Yellowstone, even though the above duration is two minutes, it's better to clear the stones that are already yellow because if it's not taking for a certain time. Then it will shoot a laser to a random player which will remove the buff.

140 HP Bar

Around 140 HP bar, the boss moves to the center and shoots laser in three ways you have to stagger him in a special way. The first player has to touch any side of the laser and that will allow him to shoot the laser to where he's looking, the second player needs to touch the laser from the first player and shoot it to where the third player is at the third player takes the laser and shoot it to the last player, and the last player has to shoot the laser to the ball boss to stagger him, and that's the end of the gimmick. One thing you have to watch out for is that you should not touch the black circle, also whenever the players shoot the laser they will be surrounded by your yellow circle, the next player has to take the laser outside of the circle and shoot it to the next player. If you touch either the black or yellow circle, the player will freeze and that's a raid wipe.

100 HP Bar

Around 100 HP bar, the boss moves to the center and everyone has to gather in the center as well. Then you will see 2 types of white glow on the random side of the floor. You have to memorize the sequence and the position where it glowed. You will also see a lot of yellow orbs on the field, initially, some will glow white and some will glow black. In that short moment, you have to also memorize the color of these orbs on your side of times three plus one directions. In this case, if you are number three, you just have to memorize the colors on the 11 o'clock side. Then each player has to go in their direction and take 5 white orbs. Taking 5 white orbs gives you a shield that prevents you from a wipe attack at the end of this gimmick. You also have to watch out for the AOE attacks on the floor, after several seconds there will be a shade in the direction of the first glow. Even if you didn't take all 5 white orbs, everyone has to gather inside the shade to dodge the solar beam that falls from the sky. This solar beam guarantee kills you if you're out of the shade, then go in the direction of the second glow since the second solar beam will strike as well. Hiding the shade until the solar beam ends. Then the boss will release energy that will kill players who don't have the shield from getting 5 white orbs. If you survive all these, that's the end of the gimmick. If you take a black orb then you will lose a stack of white orbs and get stunned, so you will have to take six white orbs in that case. The problem is there's only a limited amount of white orbs on the map so other players have to Ping the white orbs on their side to let him survive. You can dodge the solar Beam by using time stop but you cannot dodge the energy release at the end.

60 HP Bar

Around 60 HP bar, the boss moves to the center multiple statues and swords spawn at the corner of the map and players will be isolated. All the players have to browse from 12 o'clock to a clockwise direction and ping on three swords that have characters written, in this way, all the players will also see a ping on one Statue as well. The statue will require a stagger check and you have to stagger it in time to get the shield. if you get the shield then you will survive the guaranteed kill attack and that's the end of the gimmick. If you stagger the wrong statue you will die, so this is like the Ficus K3 statue and sword gimmick where you have to paint the objects that can't be seen from other people's view.

Periodical Pattern

After the 60 HP bar gimmick, you will get stacks of debuff that increase incoming damage over time, this is not cleansable, so you have to kill the boss as soon as possible. Also, the boss will periodically use the following pattern until the end of the raid. There will be a white glow on the random side of the floor, soon a shade will appear on that side and the players have to hide in the shade to avoid the solar beam just like the 100 HP bar gimmick. The problem is the boss tries to pull the players out of the shade, so you will have to hold your pointer to stay in the shade not to die from the solar beam. After the solar beam the boss shoots laser at a player, dodge it and that's the end of the pattern. You can also use Time Stop right before the solar beam to survive.

Important Normal Patterns

This boss has small patterns and big patterns, he normally uses 1 pattern after 3 small patterns and this repeats:

  • Shooting Blade(Small Pattern) - The boss fires blade in the front the shot spreads during the AOE attack

  • Spreading Orbs (Small Pattern) - The boss fires orbs around the map, and the orbs do AOE attack

  • Wi-Fi (Small Pattern) - The boss moves back and does Wi-Fi attack in the front

  • Shooting Spears (Big Pattern) - The boss shoots Spears in multiple directions from the center, this happens around three times and the attack range covers almost all the map, look at the red telegraph and be in the safe zone then dodge the donut pattern afterward

  • In Prison Rings (Big Pattern) - The boss summons rings that imprison you if you get hit by them, you can either dodge all the rings or you can just stay dpsing the boss, and two people throw a flame grenade before you all get imprisoned, the flame will free you from the imprisoned.

  • Swiping Scythe (Big Pattern) - The boss surrounds himself with Whirlwind aiming at a random player, all the players have to come to the inner side. After a few seconds, the boss swipes the Scythe on the target, and looks at the red telegraph and spacebar to the backside.

  • Hammer Pull (Big Pattern) - The boss flashes a hammer and pulls all the players who are in the blue Telegraph, then he smashes the ground doing a large range of AOE attacks for several seconds, dodge the attacks by moving around.

  • Rectangle AOE Attack (Big Pattern) - The boss shoots arrows at the players, at the same time players have rectangular mark beneath their characters, this Mark generates puddles on the floor that does gradual damage to players who step on it, dodge the puddle and DPS the balls as much as you can.

  • Thunderstrike (Big Pattern) - The boss strikes thunder on the map, watch every strike and stay in the safe zone, your attack speed and movement speed will decrease for a few seconds if you get hit by it

  • Hammer Strike (Big Pattern) - The boss aims at a random player and Strikes the hammer which does AOE attack the field watches the Telegraph and dodges it.

  • Chasing Scythe (Big Pattern) - The boss throws size to all the players, these Scythes chase the players for several seconds, if you get hit by it, then you will get jailed and receive massive damage at the end of the pattern. Move around and dodge the chasing scythes

  • AOE Line Attack (Big Pattern) - The boss assigns lines on all the players, after a few seconds the line will spread in two directions which does damage to the players go to the corner, and when it shows a telegraph dodge the lines.

Lost Ark Kayangel Gate 1/2/3/4 Guide (Elgacia Normal/Hard): Gimmicks & Patterns (2024)


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