stepping out CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 Middlefield (860-349-1793 or SUNDAY Classical Peter Serkin, piano 8:30 p.m. Works of Schoenberg, Haydn, Beethoven. Tickets: Ozawa Hall at Tanglewood, Route 183, West Street, Lenox, Mass (888-266-1200; 413-637-5165; Da Ponte String Quartet 3 p.m.
Daniel Epstein, piano. Works by Mozart, Brahms. Tickets: $20, $17.50 advance, $10 students. Music Mountain, Music Mountain Road, Falls Village (860-824-7126 or Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra 2:30 p.m.
Mariss Jansons conducts. Works of Mozart, Strauss, Tchaikovsky. Tickets: Tanglewood, Shed, Route 183, West Street, Lenox, Mass (888-266-1200; 413-637-5165; Summer Vocal Institute Performance 2 p.m. Featuring fully staged music theater and opera scenes.
Presented by Hartt School. Admission: $8 general, $6 senior citizens, $4 students. University of Hartford, Millard Auditorium, 200 Bloomfield West Hartford (860-768-4228). Folk Old Paint 11 a.m. Musical tales of cowboys, hobos and other icons of America's past and present.
Free. Concert held outside bagel shop on patio. Event canceled if inclement weather. Manhattan Bagel, 169 Main Middletown (860-347-731). MONDAY Classical Summer Carillon Series: Peter Bremer 7 p.m.
Plus blueberry dessert. Storrs Congregational Church, 2 N. Eagleville Road, Storrs (860-429-9382). Misc. Chris Brubeck and Triple Play 7:30 p.m.
Presented by New Hartford Memorial Library. Tickets: $20, $15 advance. North Congregational Church, 17 Church New Hartford (860-379-7235). WEDNESDAY Classical 27th annual Simsbury Community Band Summer Concert Series 7 p.m. A 65-member band from 19 communities in Connecticut and Massachusetts under direction of Warren Gedstad.
Free. Simsbury Farms Ice Rink (860-658-9138). Matthias Goerne, baritone; Eric Schneider, piano 8:30 p.m. Works of Schubert. Tickets: Tanglewood, Ozawa Hall, Route 183, West Street, Lenox, Mass (888-266-1200; 413-637-5165;
Peter Bremer, City Carillonneur 7 p.m. Free. Rain or shine. Trinity College Quad, 300 Summit Hartford (860-987-6210). Robert Edward Smith and David Feltner 6 p.m.
Music for viola and harpsichord. Presented by Trinity College Chamber Music Series. Free. Trinity College Chapel, 300 Summit Hartford (860-987-6210). A SWINGING TIME IN GLASTONBURY 1 lastonbury's Summer Music Series begins Hubbard Green, at Main and Hubbard streets.
Parking Wednesday evening on the Hubbard Green, is available at Glastonbury High School, and a free featuring the music of popular swing band Eight to the shuttle service will be provided to the green. Bar (shown here). Admission is free. The music series continues on Wednesday nights. The concerts held rain or shine are hosted by Concerts will present music from the 102nd U.S.
Army the Glastonbury Chamber of Commerce and the Band (a 41-piece group) on July 11; Tirebiter, which Glastonbury Parks and Recreation Department. plays danceable cover songs on July 18; and the Information, 860-659-3587 or group Shaded Soul on Aug. 1. Each concert will be held from 7 to 9 p.m.
on the ALEXIS BRIGGIE Misc. "A Taste of Irving Berlin" 7 to 9 p.m. Donations accepted. Manchester Bicentennial Band Shell, Manchester Community College (860-647-8811). Rain location: MCC's Coltman Center.
Eight to the Bar p.m. Presented by Singles Forum. Bring STAND-UP MAHER Tf Bill Maher seems mopey, it may the aftermath of the stand-up comedy bonanza of the Clinton years. Nowadays, he has to make do with simple dumb jokes to get him through the George W. Bush administration.
He finds a way to make it work for him. As host of TV's "Politically Incorrect" he gets to discuss his views with odd collections of starlets and columnists most every weeknight. For his stand-up appearance at Foxwoods Casino Saturday, unleashed from the constraints of TV and good taste, who knows what he'll come up with? Ads for the show are already blanket and lawn chair. Single persons of all ages and faith backgrounds invited. Hubbard Green, corner of Main and Hubbard streets, Glastonbury (860-657-1517).
Family Concert: Velvet Jones p.m. Presented by West Hartford Leisure Services. Free admission. Beachland warning "adult content." Hey, don't you have to be 21 to get into the casino in the first place? Tickets for the 9 p.m. show are $38.50 and $27.50.
Information: 800-200-2882. ROGER Park, South Quaker Lane, West Hartford (860-523-3159). Rain location: Town Hall Auditorium, 50 S. Main St. Lunch Time Concert Series: Rush Hour a.m.-1:45 p.m.
Free. Held on lawn of Old State House, 800 Main Hartford (860-528-1343 or Theater Barrington Stage Company Main Stage: "On the Twentieth Century," ends July 14. Tues, 7 p.m.; Wed-Sat, 8 p.m.; Fri, 2 p.m.; Sun, 5 p.m.; July 11, 2 p.m. Tickets: Stage II: "Love and Happiness," ends July 22.
Tues-Sun, 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $20 adults, $10 students. Youth Theatre Production: "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown," opens Wed; ends July 22. Wed-Sat, 7 p.m.; Fri-Sun, 2 p.m. Tickets: $13 adults, $8 students.
Consolati Performing Arts Center, Mount Everett High School, Sheffield, Mass (413-528-8888 or Berkshire Theatre Festival Unicorn Theatre: This is Our Youth," ends July 14. Mon-Sat, 8:30 p.m. Call for ticket prices. Main stage: "H.M.S.
Pinafore," by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan; ends Sat. Tonight-Sat, 8 p.m.; matinees, today at 2 and Sat at 3. Tickets: Main stage: "Awake and Sing!" by Clifford Odets; directed by Elina deSantos. Compelling, evocative play about Jewish family living in a tenement in depression-era Bronx.
Opens Tues; ends July 28. Mon-Sat, 8 p.m.; matinees, Thurs, 2, and Sat, 3. Tickets: Berkshire Theatre Festival, Main Street, Stockbridge, Mass (413-298-5576 or Centennial Theater Festival "Private Eyes," comedy of suspicion in which nothing is ever quite what it seems. Ends Sat.
Tonight-Sat, 8 p.m. Tickets: $30, $25, $23, $18. Centennial Theater, Westminster School, 995 Hopmeadow Simsbury (860-408-5300 or Connecticut Cabaret Theatre "The King and ends Aug. 4.
Fri-Sat, 8 p.m. Tickets: $22. Webster Mill Road, off Route 9, Berlin (860-829-1248). Connecticut Repertory Theatre "Carnival," book by Michael Stewart. Directed and choreographed by Keith Lee Grant.
A young orphan joins a touring French carnival, fails in her first few jobs, then finds her niche. Ends July 14. Tues-Thurs, 7:30 p.m.; Fri and Sat, 8 p.m.; 2 p.m. on selected Sat and Sun Tickets: Harriet S. Jorgensen Theatre, University of Connecticut, 2132 Hillside Road, Storrs (860-486-4226). Oakdale Theatre: Kaleidoscope Children's Series "Jack and the Beanstalk," Wed, 1 11 a.m. Tickets: $6. South Turnpike Road, Wallingford (203-265-1501 or Eugene O'Neill Theater Center O'Neill Playwrights Conference; through July 22. 14 playwrights, joined by community of theater professional, gather at center to develop new works.
Each play is given 6-day workshop culminating in 2 staged public readings. Call for schedule and times. Tickets: Great Neck Road, Waterford(860-443-1238). Goodspeed Opera House "They All Laughed," Gershwin comedy. Directed by John Rando.
Ends Sept. 22. Wed, 2 and 7:30 p.m.; Thurs, 7:30 p.m.; Fri, 8 p.m.; Sat, 4 and 8:30 p.m.; Sun, 2 and 6:30 p.m. Tickets: Route 82, East Haddam (860-873-8668 or Greenwoods Theatre "Educating Rita," ends Sun.
Tonight-Sat, 8 p.m.; Sun, 2:30 p.m. Tickets: $15. "The Tunnel of Love," opens Tues; ends July 22. Tues-Sat, 8 p.m.; Sun, 2:30 p.m. Tickets $15.
Route 44, Norwalk (860-542-0026). Lucille Lortel's White Barn Theatre White Barn Theatre and Museum gala, Sun, 6 to 9 p.m. The event includes a champagne reception, an award presentation, a stage reading and more. Tickets: $100. Newtown Turnpike, Westport (Box office: 203-227-3768 or
Old Deerfield Productions Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot," opens today; ends July 21. Thurs-Sat, 8 p.m. Tickets: $9 Thurs; $10 Fri and Sat. Reid Theatre, Deerfield Academy campus, Old Deerfield (413-774-7476, Ext. 10), River Rep at the Ivoryton Playhouse Neil Simon's "Lost in Yonkers," ends July 14.
Tues- -Thurs, 8 p.m.; Fri and Sat, 8:30 p.m.; Wed and Sat matinees, Sunday matinees, 5 p.m. Tickets: Theatre for Children: "Harry Potter Meets Dr. Seuss," performed by Len Cerel. Fri, 11 a.m. Tickets: $7.
Main Street, Ivoryton section of Essex (860-767-8348 or Shakespeare Company Founders' Theatre: "Coriolanus," ends July 13. Call for times. Tickets: (theater is at 70 Kemble Street). Spring Lawn Theatre: "An International Episode" and "The Rembrandt," ends Sept.
2. Tickets: Stables Theatre: "The.