The States and Union from Ashland, Ohio (2024)

THE ASHLAND UNION, WEDNESDA MORNING, JULY 5. Ii if i il A Attention; Everybody i The People Must be Fed! Ji Hatlsf purchased the 1 CITY BAKERIV (formerly owned by 8. W. H. BLACK.) We will keep on hand all kindB of FRUITS lo suit the finest tastes.

Wo will eoatinue Baking FRESH BREAD over; day and all kinds Of fancy Cakes for Farttes. Farmers coming to town will find the BAKERY a good plaoe to get a Luncheon, as wo will hue Fresh Pies and Cakes of all kinds always en kd. Trimmed to order on flio shortest notice and so the meat reasonable terms. Give us a call. HALSTEAD KELSON.

P. 8. We will also keep a supply of the iest brands of FAMILY FLOTJB, and paythe highest market price for DUTTEB EGGS. B. N.

March. 22. 1805-41 tf A3 PiUB.TrrjVS Jt A MID ED tJTCE 1856. Lihio.ii CAirn Fcwdeb Is warranted to be the most powerful A gent for the stomach and blood of Cattle, Swine, Sheep, io promoting digestion, cleansing i the system and transferring the purified ani mal fluid in flesh, fat, milk, butter, and strength, and establishing health and vigor. Vvroft Hoasi Wen Powdbb Is the only medicine legally patented In iFranee, England, Switserland, and Holland, ond duly admitted by their Courts, honored iith Prise-medals, and invented by air.

Du-iaj, Professor of the Imperial College for Agriculture at Paris, and now manufacture! by C. G. Hiiner, Dr.of Z. and A rowu, X'A. All diseases of lie lungs.

nd bowels, apeealily and eertaialy eared. Healthy at ook will be brought into the very state of perfection, and ene to two ttablespoonrulsa week, is of great valne to i bird work inr horses, breeding stock, and Colts, and saved thousands 8f valuable hor ses from eontagious diseases, as well at the tarn-yard as in the army or me 1'otomao. The Lehigh Confections effectually overcome all the obstacles prevent the expelling of Worms, are to take, and also one of the mos agreeable purgatives for Children. 8o confident is the inventor, of the success of his i laborious studies, in the pathological oompe sithn, of this preparation, that he furnishes every graduated Physician with a written' prescription, as a new era in Materia Mcdica. To Exelia nc: ctl Prisoners.

wanted of Joseph T. Radiger, of Co. 6.h Ohio V. 1st Brig. 2d Division 20th Army Corps, who was taken prisoner ear the N.

Edisto, 8. the 15lh of February last. Any 1m formation respecting him will be most tnaniruily receives by his anx 110 Beuth street Brooklyn. (8w52) SHERIFF'S SALE? McNulty 'John-M. fiewe.

TiY virtu o( an order of Sale, duly issued II by the Court of Common fleas for Ihe County of Ashland and Btate of Ohio, and to me directed, bearing dale June sum, A. I will expose to sale, at I'ublio Auc-two, Monday, the 10th day of July, 18G5, between the hours of 10 e'clook A.M. and 4 O'olock P. M. of said day, at Ihe McNul House, in Ibe town of Ashland, Ihe following 'described Goods and Chatties, to-witi One double set of Harness One single set of liar Bess; One Saddle and Bridle One Bitting Big One Cupboard and contents One Let Vof Oak Lumber nOne Book eaee.atd Books i One Leather Trunk and oontenfs; One small Bureau and Maps.andiwo trunks.

end.con-', tents. Alao-on the lllh day of July, A. D. 1855, between the hoars of 10 o'olock A. M.

and o'clock P. M. of said day, on the premises of tne vcienaani, in tarry Township, Ashland known as ft Philadelphia quarter, ihe following described Goods and Chatiles, to-wit One lot of Blocks i One lot of Corpcr Stuff; 166 Saw Logs; Saw Mill and Carriage with Fixtures; 'One set of Extra Blocks, and one Log Car. Also ob the 81st day of July, A. D.

1805, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the door of Ihe Court House of said A hland County, the following described lands and tenement, to-wil: -tie undivided Feurjh of the Koala-West quarter section ve (5), Township twenly-iwo (22), range filteen (15), being the interest ef said Defendant in the said described quarter section of land.

APpraUed at $IM0. Terms ol Sale, Cash. O. BROWN, Sheriff. -June 28, Elizabeth Rowland 1 In Ashland County vs.

I Court of Common "Jaoob Rowland, PJeas. nillE ssid Jacob Rowland is notified that I Ihe said Eliiabelh Rowland on the 3 1st day of May, A. D. file her petition in the oSioe of the Cl-yk, of the Court of Common I'leas within and for aeid County of Ath-lsnd and Slate ef Ohio, charging the said Ja. cob Rowland with wilfull abnenca from Ihe said petitioner for more than three years lust fast, and asking thai the may be divorced from the said Jacob Rowland, which petition will sUud for hearing at the next term of said ELIZABETH ROWLAND.

June H. 1865 owl I WM. ALLEE, (Successor to E. T. Stringer,) TOWN HALL, MHUWJB, 3.

am now receiving a very Large and splendid STUCK of rocenes Crockciys Wood Willow WAKE, together with a general Slock of NOTIONS -AND- whlch have been bought since the lale great fall in GOODS. 1 have also marked down he Stock on hand to present 1'iioes, llav-ng determined to settle permanently iu this place, and to sell Goods as LOW AS THE LOWEST! Keep a good and desirable Stock deal honorably and, honestly with all, a share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. 100 bbls. SALT, 50 bbls WHITE FISH sold very LOW. CALL AND SEX.

Any Quantity of Kice Fresh Yellow BtT TER for whioh an Extra 1'rioe will be paid. EGGS IN ANY QUANTITY. Call and see us when you come to Town WM. ALLEE. April CO, leCMOtf US' A good tree is kuown by its fruits So is a good t'nysician by hissuoccnsful works, "The Roots and the Lcives shall be for the healing of tho nation, Biblx.

APPOINTMENTS PQH 1800. Th CSLEBBATID lXDlAK II ET1I1 BoCTOB. Can be Consulted at the following p'aces btcit Dunitt uuniiir iou, louo, iruo. Cleveland Office, No. 216 St.

Clair street, and Dwelling tit* Uond Street, Corner of St. Clair, Office days In Cleveland as follows: 1st, 2d, on, 9in. otn, utu, loin and lUlh. Ashland, Ohio, McNully House, each month, 10th Wousler, Crandall's Exchange, do -7th and 8th iiansncia, wner House VthandlOlh UOUKT VEllKOX. Konjon Houcc, lllh and 12th Newark, Troston House, each month, 13th and 14th tgX, Maxim strictly adhered lo I give such balm as has no strife With nature or tho laws of life; With blood my hands I never slain, Nor poison men lo case Ihcir nain.

He ii a Physician Indeed who Cures The Indian Herb Docmr. R. J. LYONS' cures the following compluiniB in the moai ob- slinalo stages of Ihcir existence, vii: Disease of tne lliroat, Lungs, Ucarl, Livci, Stomach, urpfiy in me rtiicumatism, Mcuralcia. o- lis ur calling oiUKQesg, aDU BROIA cr Nervous Derangements.

Also, all Diseases of tho Blood, such as Scrofula, Eyr-sipelas; Cancers, Feur Sores, Leprosy. and all other complicated Cronio Coir.nlnliils nn lorms 01 remaie uunguiuos attended to with Ihe happiest results. IV is hopevUUct aoono wiildeapair of acurc until they htve given the Indian Herb Doctor's Medicines a fuir and faithful trial fcfi-Dui ing I ho Doctor's travels in Europt, West Indies, East Indies, South America ami the Uni'cd Slates, he has been tho instrument in Clod's hand to restore to health and viaor thousands, who were given np and pronounced incuraoie oy mc mosi eminent nld school Phv-. siaians nay, more i thousands who wero ob ino verge ot me grave, are now Livma lothe Indkn I'erb Dootor's skill and tuooessful treatment, and are daily ssclaiming -uitaijcii uo me uiiy wnca nrsl we Raw in, part ooxortue Indian UerbDooJor's Satisfactory refer -noes of eures wil. bo ulail ly and oheerfully given whenever Mijiiirtd.

'Ihe Doctor plcdces his word and honor I lint he will (nnowisf, directly or indirectly, induce or caufc any invalid lo lake his medicines wit noul llie BirongCHt probability of a cure. Mode of Examination. Dr. Deserns diseases by IhcKve: ho therefore asks no questions, neither docs he require Invalids lo explain Synipioms. "Let one and all call and have their nvnintons ami Ihe location of their diseases explained free nr neiucsiher, consultation nnd advice free.

The poor shall be liberally ooubldcred. The Dr. has jwt issued a pamphlet containing a biref'sketch of his lire, study and travols, which can be had free or charge by all who desire Bfft. Post Offioe address, -box 2CG8 snn, tinio. august 17 -lyr.

J. LVONS, M-D. TJOTICE is herel.y given that the uadcr-ly signed was duly appointed ank qualified ExoGutor of the Eslate.of Josera Rcluhart, sr. deceased, lale Anhlnnd oounly, Ohio. I1ENKV MURER.

June 21,1605 3wa2 IMPORTANT! PEACE DECLARED 2. GRBEIIBWALS, DEALER IN Men and Boys' Clothing, One Door East of the McNtdty III use, iVitm Street, Ashland, Ohio. naving just received a large and splendid Slock of Spring Clothing AND E'MMM GOODS, Such as LIGHT AND DARK COLORED WALKING COATS, BOYS ASD YOUTHS' SUITS Neatly got up. PANTS AND -VESTS nr.nrinno nfiiims. of American and French Cassimeres, and cut in Ihe Latest styles, to gether with a tasty assortment oi Shirts and Neck Ties- AUo a large stock of Cass.

Cloths, IVsfinffs, Llnnm Coals, Satinets and Drrmings, which will bo sold by the piece or by Ihc.ysrd Lower than in any other Establishment in Northern Ohio. Wo beg leave to inform tho Tublic Ilia1 having purchased our entire slock of Clothing ami FuruH'bing Goods at Ihe present decline iu Gold, and Iho consequent depreciation in Ihe value of Msrchnndise we are Iheroforo enabled, willing, and ready to sell our Goods fully in accordance with that de-clino, and which cannot fnil to all raet tho attention of close buyers, even at Ihe present depressed stnto of Iho market. We guarantee our Clothing to FIT WELL OH NO SALE We also have a large assortment of Trunks, fultsts fi Carptt Bags Doo'lfailto examine our Clothing before purchasing elsewhere, as money can be saved by buying at Grccncwal d's Clothing Store, Jt'tarljf Opposite tluJiank, MAIN ASHLAND. May 10-48lf Prices Down- Wm, Mykrantz has an assortment of all kinds of HATS, CAl'S, GLOVES, which are now being sold a astonishing MW IP US Having purchased my slook afler Ihe ffrcat decline in Gobi, 1 am determined to sell Hula and taps as low as TUB LOW.tiaT, Call in and examine mv loit1cttfluttv nn. posit the Bank, Main W.

11. NEWS. THAT CONCERNS he P0EPLE- Are receiving a largo antl splendid stock of bought at the last PANIC FKlcld (hat will 1.1 1. 11 .1 Eeduced Prices- This Is not war nows tat its an honest fact that havo the LARGEST, BEST and CHEAPEST ock of SPRING SUMMEfiiGOCDS in Ashland County. We can truly say lhalv wo can give the GREATEST FOR TM JL-EAST MONEY I Wo have GOODS for the Ladies, OoQds for the Farmers, Goads for Iho Laborer, Goods for Ihe Mc.oliiuuo oad Goads fur tic Pcoplo at astonishing Low Pricps, IVe cordially invito all our old Customers and as many ucw onos as wish to receive the most good for Ihe LEAST MONEY.

We return our sincere thanks lo the Pnb. lio for favors, end solicit a continua aon of Iho samo. IVe shall en lwor to ti all deal honestly and promote the of our patrons. HUGHES STACKER. April d2, 1805 lyil Look to Tour Interest! Groceries, Groceries At Reduced Prices All who have GROCERIES to purchase should be sure lo call and examine the Stock ef M.

WI3VBIGLER In J. B. F. SAMPSEL'8 Building, Ashland, Ohio, before purchasing olso- where. They havo aSplcnUid STOCK of Consisting of SUGARS, tCOFFKB, TOBACCO, WOLASSES, SYRUrS, WOODEN-WARE, and in fact everything usually kept in a first class Grocery Establishment.

tVo bought our Stock at very low Prices and aro determined not to bo undersold by piy Slorc iu the country. The highest Cash Prices paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE- The publio aro earnestly invited to givo us a call, llcnicnibcr the placo, Three Doon 'esl of the llcnk, Ashlund. M. WINBIGLKR CO. 19 Goods will be delivered any place in Town Free of Charge, March 22, 18GQ-lUf M.

W. CO. Bridgt for Sale, nilERE will be offered lo tho lowest bid- der the building of a bridge on the of April at 10 aeross Iho road near Samuel Miller, in Jackson Tp. JOHN VAN NEST, JOHN BERRY, HENRY WICKS, April 12, '04. Commissioners.

n'JtJTTED I Live Responsible Person lo act as Agent ror Howe Hewing Machines in Aah laud. A) ply lo D. M. POXIERVILLE Gen'l Ag't. 112 Superior Cleveland, O.

llaylp-48tf NOTICE. Joseph illor, whoso reiidonco is unknown, is notified that Lydia Mil lor did, on Hit loth day of January, 1800, ale hor petition in Ihe ofhuoof Ihe Clerk of Ihe Court of Common I'leas, within and for (he County of Ashland and Slate of Ohio, charging the said Joseph Miller with wilful abscenco for tho throo years last past, extreme cruelly towards said petitioner, wilh being guilty of habitual drunkenness for Iho three years last past, and with gross neglect of duly, and asking thai she may be divorced from Iho said Joseph Miller, whioh petition will be for hearing at Ihe next term of said Court. LYDIA MILLER. By Jacobs A MrCord, her Att'ys. 18, 1806-vlltn32.

A Lt persons knowing themselves indobled XI. to Ihe imdcrsigncd will please oall at D.Jones oflice ami make immediate settle-uieut, and iawihcuuclvca cotls. f. JACOBS. ItlllHEIIA F.

WAGES wAc to call the attention of the people of Athland and vicinity To a now Stock of Millinory, Now full nnd complete At No. 2, Slooum Block, South Side of Main street. If you want to get a Bonnet, Hat, Cap, Or fit out oomplote, Call around at No. 2, Slocnm Blook, Nearly opposite tho Post Offioe, Main tit. Particular attention paid to custom work, lileaoliiDfr and Trimming dono neat.

Don't forgot the plaoe, No. 2, Slooum block, south side Main st. April 12, 1805-1 j44 1. I I. Wayne A Chicago 11.

We On and after Deo. 18, I8G4, Trains will lcay. Citations uany, eunuays accepteu, 03 fallows: (Trains leaving Chi-oago at 6.60 P. M. leaves daily.) TRAINS GOING WEST, Exrasss.

Expbkss. 2.10a.m. 0.40a.m. 2.00p.m. 8.20 8.05 8.15 8,87 8.20 8.30 4.25 9.15 4.24 6.01 10.05 6.93 6.31 10,38 6.35 0.25 11.40 6.85 7.12 12.40 M.

7.25 7.85 1.00 7.60 8.12 1.42 8.28 8.48 2.18 0.05 9.39 8.28 10.00 10.30 4.25 11.00 U.00 6.00p. H. 11.80 11.69 7.10 13 29 12.40p.m. 7.67 100 I. 15 8.85 1.44 2.31 10.10 3.00 3.12 10.60 3.45 8.42 11.84 4.17 6.2J 1.80i'.

m. 0.00 0,04 2.28 0.4!) 0.24 2J)8 7.03 0.34 8.00 7.18 0.64 8.32 7.41 7.68 4.10 8.17 7.62 4.45 8.48 9.05 6 20 10.11 9-27 7.00 10.87 9.63 7.42 H.0'8 10.15 8.11 U.84 II. 20 9.30 12.40 Fiitsburg, Rochester, N. Brighton, Enon, Columbiana, Salem, Alliance, Canton, Massillon, Orrvillo, Wooslor, LoudoiivUlo, Crestline, uucyrus, lp.Sand'ky, Forest, Limn, Dolphos, Van Wert, rort Wayne, Columbia, Hunlsvillo, Plcrceton, Warsaw, Bourbon, Plymouth, inatah, Valparaiso, Hobart, Clarko, Chicago, F. R.

MYERS, Gen. Ticket Ag't 1 IF DirtECIIOK3 ARE FOLLOWED. taf Call for a Circular describing al The symptoms of Catarrh as they generally appear are at first very slight. Persons fiud they havo a oold, that they have frequent at tacks, and aro more sensilive to Iho changes of temperature. In this condition, the uoso mnylo dry, or a alight discharge, thin and acriU, auorwards becoming thick and adhe sivc.

As tho becomes chronio, Ihe discharges aro increased in quantity and changed in quality they aro now thick and heavy, and aro hooked or coughed off. The secretions are offensive, eausing a bad breath; Iho voice is thick and msnl: the eyes are weak; the senso of the smell is lessened or destroyed; deafness frequently tskos place. Another common and important symptom of Catarrh is, that tho person is obliged lo clear liistliroal a tlusk or slimy mucus, which has fallen down from Iho head during tho night. When UiiB lakes place Ihe persou may be sure that his disease is on its way lo tho lungs, and should lose no timo in arresting it. 77ic a hove are lutfcw of the many Ca Symptoms, A singlo Bottle will lost a month to bo used three times a day.

TESTIMONIAL From Hon. Thos. J. Turner, Ex-Mem her of Congress from Illinois, lute Speaker of Illinois IIouso of Representatives, and Grand Master of F. and A.

of the State of Illinois. ZJr. D. n. SEELYE: DA Sin: In reply to yoHr notice of Ihe 18th I would say that I was severely afflicted with Catarrh for years, when I be-como acquainted wilh you and bought two boltlesof your Liquid Catarrh llemcdy.

Be-foro 1 had used one bottle I was sensibly improved, and beforo the second bottle was finished, was completely eured. lean recommend the medicine toall afflicted with Catarrh. Respectfully yours, l'HOS. J. TURNER.

DR. D. II. SEELYE Sole Proprlelrrs, Chloago, 111. E9 1-aDoraiory at rreeport 111, GENERAL AGENTS: STRONO ARMSTRONG, Clovelani, JOHN D.

PARK. Cincinnati, WM. JOHNSON, Dotroit. Mich. IffluAnd for Sale by all DRUGGISTS.

gt Sold in Ashland by It. POTTER, 8' R. SQUIRE, PANCOST SON, nnd by Druggists ovorywhero. '(ly31) A t'nrd to Invalids. A Clergyman, while residing in South Amerloaas a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for Iho Curo ol Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of Ihe Urinary and Semiual Organs, audlhewhole (rain of disoriiors brought on by baneful and vlcl ous habits, Great numbers havo been alrea dy cured by Ibis noble remedy.

Prompted bt a doslre 10 benefit the afflicted and unfor lunnto, I will sohd the recipe for preparing and using. Ibis medicine, in a scaled envslope to any uno vino ncvis ujek ur i iiahub. PleasCiuclo'e a address ed to yourself. Address JOSEPH T. IK MAII, rA i ton V.

Itinit: New Voik City David WniTiita, W. A. Roma, H. Howabp, Ashland, Ashland, Woostcr. VVfllTING, ROLLER 00.

Manufacturers of Ball's Ohio Reaper and Mewcr, White's Patent Steel Tooth Hay Rake, RunneWt Patent Hay Elevator, The Celebrated Ashland Clover Hulling Machines, and other Agricultural Jtii-plemcntt. 2,0,000 1 Fully Twenty Thousand of Ball's Ohio Roa- pear and Mowors will be made In the United Stales for 1806, aud a largo part of Ihcni are already engaged. In presenting our claims to the publio ve fool confident our facilities (which aro being rapidly oomploled) for manufacturing machines are unsurpassed by any other estab lishment in tma section ot lie oountry. We congratulate our Mr. Whiting for the great and universal eucoess of last season (tho first) in the manufacture of Bail's Ohio Reaper and Mower.

Mr. Whiting manufactured, last season double the number of machines usually com pleted by any other party the first season, and ye NOT ONE IJAS BEEN RETURNED or complained of, but, on the oonlrary, all who havo used our machines give unboubtcd evidence of (heir Great Darabilty and Superiority over all others. Last season our orders were largoly tn excoss of our ability to supply The many inquiries wo are receiving from heme and abroad, and tho coneral interest which seems to be entertained in favor of Ball's Machines causes us to fear wo shall again fall short of Ihe number required, and as we are desirous of furnishing Ashland and ad. joining eountics first (as the conveniences for repairs are great to tuose purchasing machines in Ibis vicinity) they would suggest to tnoso contemplating tne purehase of a ma. chine to send us their orders iramcidalcly.

no invito special attention to our STEEL TOOTH HAT HAKE1 No Farmer can profitably do wiihout it. Wo warrant entire satisfaction in all cases. Runnell's Patent Hay Elevators are admitted lo bo the best now la use Al Other Agriculturual Implements hcreloforo manufactured and sold at tills es bo supplied to tho Farmers of Ibis and adjoining counties AT AS LOW RATES as can bo furnished elsewhere. Farmers, we have been at an immense ox pense in erecting our works in your midsl, whioh wo trust will prove a mutual inters! to you and us. PATRONIZE HOME.

Come and see us whcn'ln (own. cnr.ntirftirn us witn your smiles, exhibit liberality in patronage, and you j.iil go home feeling happy 7 e- "tniiii luifttjrcuivuuvuuuguuucuaiugiiiii'u tion to your interests. WIUTIHU, CO. February 1 DR. PACiN of Elmore, Ohio, who has had a practice o1 twelve years in the treatment of all kinds chronio diseases, will be al (hclollowing places' MANSFIELD, Wilor House, Monday, June anu August iu LUCAS, Tuesday till noon, June 21 and Aa gust 111 PETEUSBUUU, Tuesday afternoon, June 2 and August 10 UAYESVILLIi, Wednesday, June 22 and Au gust 17: JEROM12VILLE, Thursday, Juno 23 and Au gust 18 ASHLAND, Miller House, Friday Saturday, June 21 nnd 25 and August 19 and 20; ROWSBURG, Sunday, tillnoou, June 20 and August 21 LAFAYETTE, Sunday, afternoon, June 2 nnd August 21 SALEM, Monday till noon, June 27 and Au gust 22 CONGRESS, Monday afternoon, Juno 27 and August Tl TERRYSBUUG, Tuesday, 1.11 noon Juno 2: and August 23 POLK, Tuesday aftornoon, Juue 28 and Au gust 28 ORANGE, Wednesday till noon, June 29 and August 24 SAVANNAH, Wednesday, afternoon, June 2 and August Zi; RUGGLES CENTER, Thursday (ill noon, 30 aud August 26 NEW LONDON, Thursday aflornoon, June ju ana August zo.

Ashland, April 20-40lf FAST HOBSES ANI) HANESOM IJ CARRIAGE Tho undersigned wish everybody to know (hat they keep at their Llvory Htn- Dic, on main Direct, oppoBiie uppter uao-Inet Shop, good, safe Horses and Clean, Neat Carriages, to lot to reliable customers al all limes on Iho most reasonable terms. SPRINGER McCOOL. Deo BENTSRY. H. J.

CRESSINGER, Kesident Dentist ASIILAND, O. kP TEETH lnsoried on Gold rS4.jJk SUver. Amber; or Vulctnfle 'ULLLT ALL OrzHATlOItS WABEASTSDl Oflioo over Squire's Drug SI oro. n. J.

CRESSINGER. mo THE DEBILITATED AND I DESPONDENT (IP ItnTH bbvkh 1 great sufforor having boon roslorcd to hoallh iu a icw uays, nuer many years er misery, is willing lo assist his suffering fellow-oreaturcs bv Rflnilinir I frnn Hii.ln.lfl --n wi pvfBi. addiesBed euvolope, a copy of the ''formula" ui cure empioyou. Ulrecl to JOHN M. DAGNALL.Rox IS3.P, O.

Jlrooklyn, Letters of Administration. NOTICE Is hereby given on the lllh day ot May 1XU6, the undersigned Mary Wright was appointed Administratrix aud James MoWright of Iho Estate of Thomas Wright, laloof Clearcrcek township, Ashland Counly, Ohio, deceased. MARY WRIGHT, JAMUS McWniUHT. May 2i-n00 i SURGEON DENTIST, ASHLAND, OHIO, OFFICE HP stairs in Dr. Kellogg's new briok building, corner of Main and Church Streets.

nn n.nB.l.n,. In fhlfl hiliitnnft hnJi.i Muug it almost unnecessary for me to say that mi, wora. lias always given emiro TEETH SET ON UOLD, SILVER AND VULCANITE in a style that cannot be aurpassed in this or any other Slate. I wish it furthe understood that secured some time since Ihe ixcMisivg right to manufaolure sets of artificial teeth upon the vulcanite base in Iho town of Ashland. Prices moderate to suit ihe times.

J. W. MoDOWEL July 2. 1802-lf Teutonia Insurance Co. OF CLEVELAND, OHIO.



UliMMWUlill. OFiicmts. II. W. LCETKKMEYER, President.

J. STOPPEL, Vico President. E- HKSSENMUELLER, Secretary. C. B.

KRAUSE, General Agent. C. KNOTH, Agent, Ashland, O. (3m 13) SALE OF REAL ESTATE. I'N pursuance of an Order of Sale made by I Ihe Probate Court of Ashland Counly and Stnto of Ohio, on the lltlylay of May, A.

V. lHtiS, in Ihe oaso ef WilliaTh M. Crownor, ad ministrator of the Estate of Warren Hay, de ceased, against Mnrv Hay and others, in a Petition le selljand to pay the. debts of iri-tcsinto I will expose to snlo on tho premises On the 15th day of July, A. D.

1865, between the hours of 10 o'alook A. M. and 2 o'clock P. Ihe following Real Estate, to-wit The west half of the west half of Ihe ooulh west quarter of section nineteen (19), in township nineteen (It)), of range sixteen (16), containing forty four sores, together wilh Iho one half of Ihe water privilego on sad half quarter, leading to and from Iho sail Mill on said half 'quarter also ihe undivided half of said Saw mill and its npurlcn- ancos also the privilege of a road to and from said Milt, where the same is now being used. Sale to be on Ihe following terms One third cash in hand, one third in one year, and one third in two years, with interest on do- I erred payments auU secured by mortgage on tho premises soli.

Said promises io bo sold subjcot to the' dower estate of Mary Hay, widow of said Warren Hay, dceoased. WILLIAM M. CKOWNBR, Adra'r. of WARREN HAY, doo'd. June 7, 1805.

"18 years cslsbllshcd in N. Y. "Only infallihlo remedies known." "Freo from Poisons." "Not dangerous lo tho Human Family." "Rats out of ihcir holes odie," "Custar't" Rut, Roach, Exler's, Is a pasle luted for Rals, Mice, Roaches, lllackand Ants, C'ufr'" Bed-Dug Exterminator, Is a liquid or wash, used to destroy, and also as a preventive for Bed-lings, io. ('osdtrV Electric Poicdcr for Insects, 4s for Molhs, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Bod-Dugs, Insects on PlantB, Fowls, Animals, t6T Sold by all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. SoT 1 1 IDE WARE 1 1 of all worthless 1m-itntions.

Buy See that 'CosTAn's" name is on each Box, Dottle and Flask, before you buy. 1 UEJftt Ml. CO STAR. Depot, 482 Broadway, N. Y.

K2T- Sold by all Druggists and Dealers AT ASIILAND, 18QI K. INCREASE OF ATSThe Farmer's Ga-letle (English) asterts and provos by figures that one pairol rats will havo a progeny and descendants no less than 651,060 in three Now, unless this immense family oan be kept down, they would consume more food than would sustain 06,000 human beings HffJU Soe "COSTAR'S" advertisem*nt fn this paper. 1805. m. A VOICE FROM THE FAR WEST Speaking ef "COSTAR'S" Rat, Roaeh, Exterminator "more grain and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant County by vermin than would pay for Ions of this Rat and IiiBsct Killor." Lancaslcr.Wls.

Horald. advertisem*nt In this paper. i 18(55. FARMER8 AND: HOUSEKEEPERS should recollect that hundreds of dollars' worth of Grain, Provisions. are annually doslroycd by Rets, Mice, Ants, and elher Insocts and vermin nil of which oan be prevented by a few dollars' worth of "Coslar'a" Rat, Roaeh, Exterminator, bought and used freely ji Soe advcrtlsemout in this paper.

EST Sold in Ashland, Ohio, ly Isaac if. (limit!) wliniMBs vii uiisi'min" HKN PY W1CKB. eash prices, delivered. JOHN Hii.L..

The States and Union from Ashland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.