The Virginian-Pilot from Norfolk, Virginia (2024)

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it4 41 4d 440 AN t- 7 1 i L2 44 4 4 0 troLl A 46 I 03-711 -AI 144 1 I et I A Li 411 -04 vat fir 44 ar- 3 tAlwill444 )604 WC 3 3 eL7 A 1 1 1 LZ41 -mat los iAS Zott A kttr0--rrs INC t4 liede-1 )404a avw slok- vimIIMME I a 41266Ama1 Niro" LA104 1604 tiwoommatriiALIerudolt tiot Owil 3'1 iv 7:1 AO t164 1111-1 yi 1411 LI 1 na Nalre4411'' 1 4 it eis bvt Oft-4'ate 111A it 041Nare 111r 1111m411 tr'a trd tl Lr-- Waal ladoqo a 664 IkAr-- 11114 Kif1 Ciwiti ti rortail I I te 1 tetit4 tat re I- yt tse to I Ist000t iesse4 ter Ls I 'a It tPli I t-11g1 -111 I i nit 114II 11 Ali ILA's of Ft 414 t14 fel 1 LI a 11 ma 14! Iona Iel41 't it Ltt s-LAs sr 4g to A Lit -Imo -411 to 161 alatiot Air 1 too Fi 414 L4144 fel 1Nai I 'J 1 Ova onoli t- kat 4A Loolk iAkfu4" orm 0M bto4hi 4 VI' arturib LM so- iary aab Ili47 to It 14-V n-boltal a It ortoki toe 0 At La A eel A 1141felro''h Woo 11 teiL A tat 146144 A elekekot neer ekt 4111eNdery Pt a IF Ida r-46 el IL artukt Cipactit la 9034 1 1444 110kkIrie IllearTelleohA 1 pLrd 1Na I-41m I ILI utitAketa Prembiebt Dralad et i 1000164 a' 0 Shil Coa lelk 6644 11:1 I of ea billrensi Listeuoi eel Lece-agaheeelikkolloNir ido limagetma as4 Ikhr teed kj-tf Lokke'hc" At kr kokeekte's elook weLeheto hr1 be hot no4 I henomens amehe loseet 1 ouo4 tosioutlel trpertmesto et liklerte'oet 1 CI atiosoo me et Creek o's ere Lit Tv We 4 try Lev 11 Iteatitert rt ptba reorkkUt ere earseeZy tb 1 r-141 ow othesA "my to La i tiMb461 4 bi rhereteekt I leakortatiAm6 id 1 114 totiott T14 Aioriege es Mos lekkherreeet kkm I 11 ii WV sew 171441 le WILIIiien Sionn0 110041 i4 1464athhi i riNpflabos I a alooty161 clmtbsum a CiriptAttes emus Tette iv a I bt austere The pow rottairatlf ern earneAly ta w-teI to atund asv ors al she oeseiotis weenie at isooata akd at istett leis A a tatrAi medi Iteletith elk titi 144 to t-sna tas arias I atest-usall ass marat I ye as ea PI iota hdamat tentateetaa Cey same mad Ye art teat oyesio sr kt Ll4 tlel1411 of trial csma'asitiati Iterat NE arra Lae ysosierlay a IL I tastes akault at sees reprlactl- a ta1 rtipt ad esml Jr-a-al It et 7 esot re tul ma Armies raa ytag It a sea last Lkt4 Ca-lamas are to aLlat sass thaecar aka 'me 'is nk Ilte4 loses a testa 1414 se aststal im Lir CPI ta'r algal Itmelgraasi rata a essils lamas eat aateart a 4140 lot ly 111 tka karpail areas 14-tassa Lae Lars et tiata Lao volts are iisraisi as aystavary taiel sato ars-eat turacams kit tall 11-101 ate ow rkii okyuli ass biers ay hamar mat Staa a le se ty-yaarel ram 114 z4y is tov le a pryil al Ilk Jesapa's esartal wad Ito it se polkas fir-Wins tko Ort14111 "NI La alt attriat-Csary tame smell ratans great ertittl apes Its oriatal 644 tratclars" ili fit 4P I 0 vie Le trt tra tr mattorr7r er 1 rs4 11 41 sw oi 64 ei lets et 4' (t 0(11070 -p tee owe mos "ewes uo Igo WI 6 111 link taghwili wow scuehat tale Viewsalstswrostli-traorltetotillorroa totrea11 orubilwillamtro- teselon" h41 SJ Ast4 pr tow -o r4 1614 St' -o tw-lowssootoo SfL A tdfr-mo polPut aA a-of S141 I o- tar- am? I- 1 oaf SS 1S4 34Aors4 4t as tar 04 Co AO I 1511'1- tomi Ir-40101 1011oOo111 16166 La to ooo- to tees 1ess so4 pr a Je od-iot et 1:34 Or4 hosaz IP tf4 1144aro hoeoo-ot lo44y et I se-64 J4L441 oboe tto oho -wt-T! of Lea bo to to die o4 1114 ell-orwoo ta Lm Ltik ig Irwrg tut 1644 111- blot howl 114 loot to seessi to as ea inoler et tool pert et tlo for7 a to Ls to pore64114 60 I i T-tralaa te-toy ler swot oo the Naha Weik ittir LOA t1141 it et el 1L4 reto tooe-4zto tat L14 dot 0444toll Oft-ki rha b--aao pout tee Itolopeoet 14ortes3 Isoutitio eerie tot 643 orotototo tho trre 4 Zero' youtith Soso et the rite tecoobtory et I tulte so I sok telogood sow Sooty pat et thole rteoasie Poo Leo 'tow or trove lotel to tzuoto by t4etiesl4 lasettno ot Via est rive 'Kt 444go Igo roshooly ea et the 1-loos4 till CO Soma4 SO srea grew olt lost4 to s4iotulotete4 as I gsterolos4 estooledig-C11 tho tratztylo I ill tge Lose fla stas l'oegeolv sub sletishoters pilblio wheel Islam 40 the oars goo-oral plas-olos Town Lots( las isms ot Maio a too peorlo she sty bay to their torn duty to Moir hiltvs Li (114- pert oi Comotiosiofor et ststook1S-3) A to tho tolso el Tspitooaehere m4 reoUtel grailebtek ire have took 14 the Sri OILS IStri ISOLItiLUOSA teette ing is this glitzy Weald( to we the gotta the p1bee4 giros thee' by the boot dtiestlesel thought el Ow itot14 kwA L41 64 Ago 111-airi rig 1133 'Of orikaii3omatoi 4114 togeNo --r to ewes: US tr so Lend reset Uwe a the pelt 64 H--ee-gAry 4-44 at the goatee se 1 tat eateirmad nee 411e 411 11( W64 rf 4'41 "4 tt" et trees local wollus falai by ve1042Ild Else taut-re-ow ot patio' sees- rube! ocheoldt Tiee reaWiy et se tke Itemise tee ton 01104 so 041y some 41( tho tou te adiantletewed ea 1 wederetend it bill elli LILA trtlyttrAt a asy 40 pa wol ptese-tko keen et etyma a mew eiA to woole irk we near to oe le eye ltet te Ilse e' (re pert eiCelsinsidatoser Vacation 16-3) tee sae restettestehetnairtitelitatae treptiaopis zy 140 look se tem votes lop taseitau00ts or tears ing in this entatty $ae ateroed to esce the he sioustato placed upon tm ler the Newt ed litellosed thought of weed foki le lot to st la Ape Id aor Stoe- stkotof4- some sot nil tame to 01 oath tl-t4t pm "7 statot te 161-4 ot-Li oesesmoissuoe ot a kt00tett ts4 Lh tp-qt Ca 11 i Mt L''' Ultmas Lariat trukropt-04 ta C3 bk essttee to it tut sr wok tales that c01 trovsllitron htlue IA "erotism of Mir (1S41 sAe roe A kiss so It at osookat to Mow sod heads to tho ts11 Aell to lid oreeostry for Coe Loa It hi said list we 'Loot us" thito lot asessouttutsus IL 1' the We of the Three tiossoe its 4 LI rotary tad rottizte ILL he1t 0411610dat tik oso kiwi testae hoot es-v Se straiten sad the I freesia he woe hie pestvtto fl taitly petite os oar $(4L 41 mutations sod tortilla roLeto to ts boosting thsi to el oar rrosi4oi-t4 Is se bps thee dows for aU the thoy had tit-a led rialo-r in ratio Ramis or Mellott! (iettattny stead of lase sod )atutto the peopIe'sw1II lii thtt free lit-1104w p- 73 I of A 1 it I I i or 07T tti a i him room bed hoods le the 41)14 ankles est soessesepy fet litenciju4rittoris seat ttualiwlel isust live zt 7 01141 I 41 1 I' 1 I the Ole of the Whit Li oteee ev 4 La toisrt owl tontines tt tLoo rr yolltt ottount to toes him made hee e0--ct to otetaten and the geop' to is I true ke ewe's hie It be fel Lately a hitter wire our a-cautions end torritle retake to that twe el our I try twee to dows for all the 'wet se ie thew had two iron-healed rtliefes in el it 11 hoe 1 tocratio tuete et a teriesny a- nose of wipe lied tamest usinieteee et the peopleswiti la Vete free krrtit-tie wine LI 1 I i tE i nal ifiurrili ilb44 14 ma 4 us 1 tat a -see st4 Llos seat i laottime 14041 rt I lit (11-041i 11641 11610 oi 4 Lt wis Wyly I ditic-11 it 41t4A MOW: rekalii LbAl "lib 04 rImitditi IA41 Ituff A 1644 4 to-A to i-Art at so sor-AtoovA to ootto41 A---1-1At) looorAL A ANZAPAA koo 4A1oovlo4 I 11! Lta1 tib 1 A poprocA-It hi At tko AAA 1 li oleo 111J1 es40t14k-4 Ltuti Jr ttocom41 iiao 1 IP LW Nkortu4o Ili 1 it taiAt rtS Tbe I eststy of sho a a -st 11-40 iS illawfultalt Llittiout olot MU thloo Loot but4 tbsa tbrela aiitLa4 ekS0-14114 eit4 Attoot lOo otomoot 4 A saner uses I Lova AoAlt A roots (Ajoko) lik Ivo roortiCota tatoolopot Aoommtot of Ass st'ILes eoeseesseasta aoserts meg set al wale A fateset stee*ts IS haew kle Meals as IF Ihi bai ILA sepossias A hasedessit noes' et laittrase 147 ha frienots tf sok taoy 'seat b4 these soma They tearer sisyride 4 pLiseelsee 11set tarp grossed- terteas are seetal Tlies Wok bootie auk roeperg A As prefers to tine ea potato-oasts beeves-tee Se as Lam tool mew goseet hy 41111( tad 1104 loototilliornift sem Sol pip ethood sorpeseimeatafly ta Virgiala asaa two sorntoritto SITIN that use etimose oeadacheas et the teeters part ei the Out it poratterly alepte4 le the prod ortiaa el the bast stualoy set elik4 may yet Ottoulsto AttosLas 144 AA Iseportallt awl eresetalthr istleetre The terolassioa role of Lib! Ciatim it lige el tassel sod pea it sot votes le We favorite ste Lsseaustoes" Meowteld wore a "ova of Vtegisis silk la Ow lieeoo et Lets Whether fortuitous Ire othfortiot IAN' atik tedustry to Vlrgisis A dostrrered by the en itere of toiseeros I eLs sail briefy refer here se the rem alockrstAlso ad (deity interests of VIP ginia great us Ittoir phocat tottit boot fez 'rooter ta thetr peotibla future to the to prowremise sod stilisettou of the sOveter -funduns" IS General lee esita the vast eyeter-heds et VI- et Ilia tiers i0 Oil itylhoottrill of our riven and lak when the Ash-entteriste shell I hat stocked theta with fah aed to the importance of extenstivtrgeoplantinsaasi the preservation sod improvement of the remelts' of ths original foteet-growth of Virginia All these saline of wealth snit plooperity depend for their best Naafis on the aelentifir invessiestions and deductions of the biologist Virginia is in soli sine limma reuserkatly attoptod to frett-culture but fruit tree and the formative frail are exposed to many enemies that the often-tile naturalist can easily detect emi do-'troy- By united elortiolto thetracqty curculiQ 14 lei ir restroyed The dot -ivietsting potae beetle the rottou worm the army wervetheticasta the grasshopper end all the beets of crawling and dying posts that like ing George's soldiers "eta out our solatanoe" have reason to dread Prof Riley and his fellowentoosologiets I am painfully aware of the shortcomings of this paper on a subject so he portent It has Wen prepared in the day or two intervening between the close of arduous boot labors and this meeting but I trtult the President of our Association will continue the subject on tho programme for another year and I oommit it to abler' hands on motion of Prof co*cke the paper read by Prof Webeter was re-furred to the Committee on Publication to be publiehed entire or in part ea staid committee may deem proper in the lisiucational Journal Prof Wm Thom of liolUns Institute followed Prof' NVeleter with a earefully prepared and able paper on "Secondary Proper Relation of Secondary Schools to the State System of Public Schools and Us Douominational Work in the Past and their Future" The paper is entirely too lengthy for um to publieh but we preeent Prof Thom's slumming up of his subject es follows: Briefly summing up now come of the difficulties in the way of both systems of 'wheel's we find that the expansion of the present Public School system Into the secondary stage of education would be expensive to the State and would certainly cause great destruction of private property now engaged in exactly this work 'for the State would virtually take from a most deserving body of eitizens their private property without compensation by means of legislation we find that the enlargement of the present Public School system would be apt to produce here as it has done elsewhere more regard for the system than for real education that this enlargement would render here as elsewhere the system more iiable to become the spoil of politicians because of its increased numerical and financial power that the religious opinions and prejudices of our people would then Prove a oonstant menace to the usefulness perhaps to the existence of the public we find too that now the private second ary schools neither fool the responsibilities not present the A guaranties of proper training emential to Round education that neither the profession nor the public has adequate rotection agsinet charlatans thitt the secondary school and the college seem to be injuringone another in their work to the detriment of good education generally that improvement and greater uniformity is needed in standards of scholarship In private secondary schools especially female are some of the diSculties in the way of our proper development afid educational growth 'Do avoid these difficulties I propose that the State within restrictions to be ascertained by legal enactment shall have the secondary instruction given whor* practiceble by private schools and shall pay so much per capita for such instruction that the State shall anthorise and pay for the Work Of pupil-teachers and that in return for such payment the State shall 'demand the right to examine by duly accredited inspectors into the progress of the pupil the Malone of the school authorities and the capacity and progress of the pupil teachers Nobody need take the State money but everybody who must take et the time the Consequences of the examination by the State inspeo tore The advanteges of this combination of systems are I thiek that it would make secondary education cheaper for State and better for it would tender the large tex-psyere better satisfied by the hope of getting some personal re- turn for their it would ell- large the scope of the pupil's 1 that the benefit to private and public 1 schools of a board of good State inspeo- tors Would bnincalottlable it being In fact very doubtful whether an efficient system of public schools can exist without proper inspection-41st the establishment of a system of inspected pupil-teachers would furnish a constant supply of wall equipped and trained teachers rat a trilling these pupil-tiuteh era Would facilitate is more perfect classification of pupils to their great that the jealousies of religious sects could be obviated by this combination and their emulation turned to the profit of itound education at the same time that pie were assured of the healthy moral and religious training of their children I repeat let the State got the benefit of pleat tins Hese Met nood- bett11 are seetal Tlido Limit tootle et tilt rot Pert AA voter to dim ese potato-wen Deueo-gese de e'w t'41116" tvill 116'11 10)14' IPITit4tie tiallY to Viet-talk more au" two tonturissi aro tioadfleoce et ette teeters that the etmoono put et the Plate aro porattorty yeadpeod 'wilily ot kt tb I olvdorti11 0 olo 1141114 I er mom- aloe steratimi ee ea 11'44 "1'1 7-- pb mod rodtahhe is teeter ite waArtmet voile 7ort: WO ta wools beeseatos" Chmetoto ik to the Lad Vol" I ar Irtrtiatil st-- Desoe et lArt4a Cwlata" Ile lied este! in Chetahs the ea toe i te es doliter ved by ilsyleititzeere to stoney ost toe" kell-reliedowl'n'elsell --tairry interests of l'In Oita gene is 'holt peened reality hot to Teter peasible future to the to 1 tetr awl a ulimition tolostest prober of the scipiter -fussiest" as Oloeral Wise' railed the 111 11f 14 I our riven et Ilia tiers to tee teelle 0 I 1 ri 4 leen when the leb-colteriste shoo have stocked theta ith ash tied to the lin 'fusee et extensity treeleatingsmid aa burroement a "111 the prawn-stun origid renteltil 0( tht' nal es Virginia Ail thee means et wealth snit preeperii7 deptind for thirrenebsetieresulia on the teeniest tenon sti st es- dusfionsof 10biollisteea etimma Irgints is In it i marketly adopted frutt-cirtultiture but bettb aninedelyhestfloorraintetatirtee4areeezges tat atoet saa de tile natural can daily oil tr BY united eliwt- Use daetilltre oy curculiQ 14 Inoor cestrotred The de army er -fietsting potato beetle the entou worm tit kyle the gralishop the re es ce per end all the beets of crawlinti ano dying penis that like ging roe rge I sol- eters "est out our subetwoo" n- to dread Prof Riley and his fellow- aconntoutologipta I am painfully aware of te sort- hh comings of this Parer on a Yul lsgel so Im- It has Wen eel od i -)- porton day or two intervening between the es to I ous sebool labors and this meeting but I trust the Prisident dour Alutociation will continue the eublect on th me for another year and program oommit it to ablee hands 0 ti Prof of co*cke the pe mo on llet reit 1 Prof Welster was re- to the Committee on publication! or 4 to be publiehed entire or in part as Paid committee may deem proper lu the Ed ucational Journal i followed Prof' 7' 0 l' Win Thom of lloillus Ins sttute foowloter with a II pro and able paper On owe 11Secondary Education-The Proper Re- re Schools to the Stet lation 'con a 8 Atom of Public Schools end to De- laYoutinational Control-Their Work in the Pas and their Future" The apor is entirely too lengthy for um to publiiih i but we preoent Prof Thom's 'lemmng up of his subject tut follows: Briefly summing up now twine of the difficulties in the way of both systems of ochoole we find that the expansion of the preeent Public School syetem I tho oecondary stage of education would be expensive to the Stete and would certainly cause great deetruction of private property now engaged in ex Ratty thio work 'for the State would virtuall tak most from a eservitig body of eitizons their private property without compensatiou by means of legis laden we find that tho enlargement of the prosent Public School system would pr nee lire be apt to od I as it hex done regard i apt tore more reg for the system than for real education that this enlarge- mint would render here as elsewhere the MOTO liable II bl to become the ye em spoil of politician' because of It in- ensued ed numerical and financial power that the religion' opinlons and prejudices of our people would then firove a oon staut menace to the usefulness' perhaps to the existence of the public wheels 4 I to a we fin too at now the private sewn I it' foul he responsd- ary PO MO 1 ne ter tie bilities nor pruent the -guaranties of proper training emential to tiound edit cation" that neithttr the Profeesion nor public 4 te tecti the pu 0 se a equa pro On IS no charlatans that the eondary se school and the college seem to be injuringone an ther in their work' to the detriment () good i II that i of go ucat on genera a and greater uniformit is proi emeu dd -II itlY1 needed in stan ar of so to ars private secondary schools especiallf lions" Reboots-these are some of the difficulties in the way of our proper 1 educational ti nal eve opmen a Ad a growth To avoid these' difficulties I propose that the State within westriations to be ucertained by legal' enactment' shall have the secondary instruction given whor* precticeble by private schools and shell pay so much per capita for such instruction that the State shall an- thorize and pay for the Work Of pupil- teachers and that in return for such payment the State shalt 'demand the right to examine by duly-accredited in- specters into the progress of the-Pupil the fitnees of the school authorities and the capacity and progress of the pupil- teachers Nobody need take tho State emoney but everybody who don must a take at the slime time the eonsequenees of the examination by the State inspects torte The adventeges of this combination of synems areel think that it would make secondary education cheaper for State' and better for pupil-that it Would ten- der the large tax-peyeat better satisfied by the hope of getting 'seine pereoual re- turn for their money-that it would-en- large the scope of the pupil's studiett-e- that the benefit to private and' public schools of a board of good State 'lev tors would boincalculabte it being in fact very doubtful whether an efficient eystein of public schools can exist without peo- per Inspection-ethat the establishment of a system of inspected pupil-Oachers would furnish a constant supply of Well equipped and trained teschersat a trifling expense-that these pupil-Witch era Would facilitate it more perfactclassi- ficition of pupils to -theirs great profit- tb th I les of ligionesects could a jea ous re be obviated 'by this combinatiott end their I ti Yit the fit' of sound emu a on urn pro at the tbeitee education came time that ple were assured of the heeithy morel hildren and eeligions training of their I repeat let the State get the benefit of La 136 te se as101 lie sots at I is IL f--4! ter T14s4 Prof kkoroms tort trees a id 1 blear vs tea 04 tie it kooroixt es ikle tete-loom el WI is 1111-Alaid 411 Tbie4 oomiaa or ore rood osta artostrod siorroot 1 LIr MIA Lt Chaim teseznecaos aka Berets Lag A tplereLoos los tigentlecttap stakanumt U14 h61 hotag mom' Err Whartea of i Norwood ibkissel Nosseta ilioimetyl Prof 1 ot Arelesays noise moiety sad Prot Noirtoa Puo of Nis-tea Col'ogs tot sag Libtam On twat" aims goatlesmoss wort wetness' slotted asomilismi of tle Aloet1413111 Ths Proolient masoamoll tale best hostoolo ta cries lite otectIcs oloore hie ihe smosing oar aa4 aprmated tho hideout goallesose so a Coes mono oa Nomilasoktort Post Woeour of Norfolk rpot alien of Beriamood aid Prot IL terms of Alosantria Tho remasittsio rotirod for del i The Prosideca appointoi terv Themos 1 Ramo of orfolk sod rya ka 11 tea' Lickobowk a commott ow name les ramie the books spa 1 vouchers of the Tremors" The Committee on Nomiaations roots retarood and etiomittset through Prof I Wotiotor Chairman the following rot Saandors Prose ideal of Norfolk Collor tor Yoong Leith Piro Vire-Prosidoat--Proftmor I Dreher of Rook College 'korona Prey Seporialeadont of tho Public tkemois Rielimond Third Vtoo-Prosidento-Prolootior Moe Principal of the Torah School of Potoroburg Fourth 1111- Ham Thom of Hotline Institute Fifth Peed of Bethel Mdlitary Aradowy Recording William Fox Principal of tho Richmond High Salami and Editor of tho tional Journal Corrospondiug Socrotar ---Eseeterir It Sailthoy collogo 'roftesor Bosch Principal of Bosch Military Acodemy of Richmond On motion Ow report of Ow committed was unanimously adoptod Roe Saundoni on outoring upon tho ditties (this pooition mad 101110 appropristo romarks in which he expressed his approciation of tho honor conferrod on him and asked the smistanoo of tho members in making the prosont mooting a success and of groat bonollt to the rinse of education On motion a unanimous vote of thauks VU tonderod to Prof Charles co*cko tho retiring Prioddont for tho able and faithful manner in which ho hod performort kis dutios for the past two years The nert businoms in order was the disoussion of Prosidont co*cko's annual ddreat A moolation Whit its True Sphoro What May we Hopi to Aecomplish The addross was takon up and attor some discumion by Prof IL Came of John's Academy Aloxandria Prot Clutha Cooke of Hollins Instituto Prof Webeter of Webster Scientific and Literary Institute Norfolk and Prof Wm English of Richmond it wits on motion referred to a special consmittoo for consideration Of the various important points touched upon and report during this Mooting The Prosidont oppointod al members of the committoo Prof Wm English Prof Came and Rev Thomas Hume Prof ILWebater then' rood an exemdingly interesting and valuable paper on "The Educational Value of Brological Studies and the Practical Utility of Natural History In Developing the Resources and Prosperity of Virginia" The topic Educational Value of Biological Studies" was an admirable and unanswerable argument In favor of such course the great importance of which was shown by' many striking illustrations in the lives of some of the most distinguished men of this and other countries The subject embraces so much and opens up a Bold of thought so broad and compro- hens' ve that the paper is too lengthly for publication in our columns in their present crowded state The woad topio however Is devoted particularly to Virginia and la therefore of such poeultar Intervot to many of our roadors that We giro it in full and in trot WobAter own words The Woad topic for consideration the practical utility of Natural History in developing the industrial resources and prosperity of Virginia prosonta a thorny too extensive for full consideration within the limits proper for a single paper and still more so for the concluding part of at paper The great interest of Virginia' is Agriculturo and its kindred Industrie Of all great industrial par-snits Agriculture is moat dependent on studies of Natural History and Botany It is really Applied Biology Tim food and raiment of the billion and a half inhabitants of this planet are ontirely from the animal or vegetable kingdoms or more remotely from the vegetable In a newly-settled State where the ttneaMasted soil is enriched with the wawa of reeently-burtiod forests the cultivation of cereal and other crops seems a simple matter Under such circ*mstances the abundant harvest may usually be gathered witriout lose from destructive inaecta As the land bocomes poorer from continuod cropping and fertilizers are required and often injudiciously solecto4 Talons kinds of blight and noxions Insect pests appear As the country becomes more densely settled the want or wantonness of men and boys interferes with the balance of power between the insect-eating birds and the plant-eating insect and grain-eating man is loser Intelligent legislation and public sentiment are necessary to check the incalculable losses from insect depredations It is the provinoo of Biological to establish and disseminate the information required for suchl intelligtint action The Biological investigations of Dr Pitch Entomologist of New York State led to the savitg of $15000000 In a Single State in a single year by simply changing the time of cowing wheat to save it fa om the Hessian ily A Virginia Fitch iritanted to rilroumvent the chinch bug or lificropue The micro-copies' investigations of Prof Poe tour saved France enough to pay tins German indemnity' The estimated an-noel loss in the United States by noxious Insets is 8300000000 About fifteen years ago an Insect Anioptia Aliafirma (corn-beetle) appeared 1 1 I 1 I ill 41" 7104gket tor41114 It esston tteidomy piiteee "mei sag poet 21oirtan rue of le see la Ceeecoge too mint Lotos away Oa wildliolk admit 1141-14114 It" thlarLatoe1 alaelmte la aaall beirli4w4- 4114 114 A111 bell The la a beembees ta otiot the oneeteen at Aeon (0 1h eseatat yea" otAA eppeented the argbas till a Gintelltnee ese hew snag pa ftesettalaetwat 1 tret '11 reota3447rrotA4aliaws ILOL "'lee' --e-'Iberittleal- ree piresideed apeolstod Lev Ilifinuoa CB we tek end rya a me Joke a rem a licklaot4 commuum 1 on rinantea' I esAtaisie the bemire see 1 treoet en ot the Tromorso Seishistwas woe 7111 cagialtrte' eillts-A thotwirk Prof I retuned it vitae Webster Chairmaa the 'set reMt dest-Ret Saunders rope- ideal Norfolk College for 'feting La- dim it 11 tunoP TO trgi3O0e 1 fly Coll I et 1 wear Jo ftecoad Vico-Prosideet- Posy Sepo ri ewadent of the Public gehocis et Miehlwend Third gieshr rewident--Prefeettor Borges atoCebe Principal of tie Cul fenny of Fourth Vice-Preeident-Profewor 1111- liam Thom of Hotline Instituter Fifth Theisitresideat-Prohkesor it Prods of Belie- I I 'wilier Academy Recording Socretary-I Foreseer Wei al of the Richmond "lin' Fox Pt ittil tor of a tolues- a -II 844 tinsel Journal Cotrespondiug Sweeter -r It Smithey college it Beach aeret minter Acedeme Prineiral a of Riehinond On motion the roporitouldthe comm itted wee unanimously petering npou Rev Saundens on made seine ap- the dodos pention propriate remarksin hich he expressed to 4 his appreciation of the onor con rre the im and the soistanoe of On et to moan the eta meeting Meta "I I 1 bePellt to th coupe a success end of gross 0 of education iteuks On motion a unanimous vote of ock wee tender to Prof Charles Le th the retiring Preiddent for stile an a 1 faithful manner in which ht e4 per- formed kis duties for the paid two yt ars The next bluing in order wee the diseussion of President co*cke's annual eddrees Bubjette-eOur A esociatien What He True Sphere What May we Hope to Aotomplish The address wu taken up and aftdr Car of souls diectusion by Prof IL St John's Aeademy Alexandria Prot Charles Cooke of Hollins Institute Prof IVebeter of IVebster Selend- title and Literary Institute Norfo an Prof Wm Englieh of Richmond it wits on motion referred to a special cote- mittee for consideration of the veriets important points touched upon and re- port during this Meeting The Preshient appointed al members of the committee Prof Wm English Prof Carne and Rev Thomas Hume Prof than need an ex- ceed ingly interesting and valuable paper on "The Educational Value of BrologiCal Studies and the Utility of Natural History in Developing the en dunrial Resources and I Prosperity of virginiteu The Ant topic Edu- cational Value of Biological was in admirable and -unanswerable sr- gement in favor of such coune the eat importance of which -wait ohown 11 Emmy' striking illustrations in the lives of some of the most distinguished men of this and other countries The subject embraces so much and opens up a field of thought so broad end centre- tonal ye that the paper is too longthly for publication in our column in their resen ro wded state- The mooed to yerginie and is therefore of such pi- tonic however is devoted ParticularlY oilier intermit to many of our readers that We gito it lie fun ana in Prof Weis- Thol illeT-10Wil woldet '1 practical esend topic for consideration the utility tint I Natural Hiner in devote in the Industrial resources and Virginia prosperity of presen a le ts th too extensive for full consideration within the limits proper for a single pa- Per and still MOre 50 for the concluding tar- of a 7er Ti groat interest of it 1 I ki irginis is gricu turo an re Industries: Of all great industrial par- allitil Agriculture is moat ependent on attidiell of Natural History and Botany It 15 really Applied Biology The food and raiment billion and a half in- habitonte of this planet are entirely from the animal or vegetable kingdoms or more Temotely from the vegetable in a newly-settled State where the ttnex- huasted soil is enriched with the mho of reeently-buntod forests the cultists- tion of cereal and other crops a simple matter Under such cirentn- the abundant 'arrest may usually be gathored wittlontlese front destructive ineecte A8 the land becomes poorer from continued cropping and fertilizers are required and often injudiciously se looted" various kinds of blight and noxe ions "new corm pests appear' A6 the co- try becomes more densely settled the want or wantonnesi of mon and bort in terferes with the balance of petwor be- tween the insect-eating hints and the plant-eating insect and rain-eating man ia the Intelligent legisittion and public sentiment are neeessary to check the incalculable lessee from insect depredatione It is the province of Bioe logical litudiell to establish and die- seminate the information required for such intelligent action The investigations' of Dr Pitch Entomologist of New York State led to the saving of $15000000 in a Single State in a single ti year by simply changing the moot sow- ing wheat to save it nom the Hessian A Virginia Fitch is-Wanted to oircumvent the chinch-bug or Jficroptia The micro- I --ti scopes investiga ono ro ae caved tour -sav ranee enough to pit the a nit The German in em am nuel lost lathe United States by noxious Insects is 8300000000 About fifteen years ago an insect Ant' soptia (oorn-beetle) appeared I a II it A- 11 trp tr IA 1114a LF ofsiasasoball 11 tcralos too it-I ilig II tar try ta e-zm-ohreei wnii WI Tott IL Pk '1P LA 152-A 11114 4141 12 :14 I tm trig haLl of the la IP I 4ilte010 as against i- u- a A --vm period ta I 11 IT ViAt A Co soy i kTh ik -cl--1 I 1110Attabl aisailer lit a tat en in totomyKleva I it i vy itt mato reports pm-sated le rt u- ally all the tepee-pester Its 10 Cttrot 11101 Tell lottartiely I u-rtil riatadv ii cif IttS40 et this nod to I zicat the bnaibomiiii the 11114 ittalltel a bialtrial till Iberia' -I 114 is beyoad all question A :11 ye rewire is greater than ye la el oaly evhieut the ability 1 couamer to abee-rb sad pay 17 has increased while the evl- a st-cutioa every hoed of growth tail material researtee equalled Lel kalf-4' eeeetry is the world There rentiiins la the six meathe rrelay which might and ordi- I vre a -r ftaarea lave- retarded the I rees a the 'moral preeperity1 As i roy sesere Winter seriously la- st-1 tile beetles of a yeat at pe 4 tort lory is the West sod North wept I 111owe4 hy a told awl 1 bl440111- at'er-T psalm' by large looses I tv-Leu aggravated the dill --eel review' months In thy rii the trade of the 01117 Tt LI a ed4Ingl I disappointing A 7 14 tho ontsyvarable weather which Likrgf purebbaslotmerchanL4 Ls4 io-es tra10 is anticipatiou AIM L2le1 trade which did not follow '-i cracluente being that very toricriis uros wore enoottadoked la umber Booth extending over a ilr le arse or territory Th throughout 11-0-4 he Northwest a over most le ifJuit the diAleulties hich mar- 1- :10 Lai to contend with during the a meuths have been unminelly great atirithatanding ell this the figures as A' eve pretented indicate healthy eon-1on failures beeline been numerous bare been rarely important and the 1-4-41 tvy had debts which under sueh 33 verso circ*mstences might have been orpected to be large have been emsr a stively smell "The failures for the past six mouths I notwithstanding the slight increase inlicate a stability and strength in the poition of the great mass of the mere's14 couuttetty that is IS happy tense-tames with the prosperous eon dition of the ery generally The tendency is thbrefore under such favorable eirc*mstaneee to extend the lines of credit Vtory rrpidly The facility with which weak C-44 unsound epplicants obtain goods and the growing hitless in the time end else of the terms of credit are pittleuI: rly notioeable Thew are the Arst signs a the possibility of a revulsion which genie titer must some from the ertraordiLary expansion which has occurred rverywhere in the last eighteen months TLe temptation is almost impossible to e---Ist to extend the volume of business hen failures seem so few and the pia-end coudition so prosperous To be eonprivatiee it each a period IA a 'most d21cu1t policy to pursue yet it la just In 1-ttch times as these that' blade dangers lie circ*mstances the moat unsuspected Eradence would therefore point to the av of couditions without which is impossible thus for instance the expension into unwise and injudielcos credits the locking Op In unavailable shape of active capital necessary for tulhe5s the Increase of business and personal erpensm and ail the ecoarth of indebtedness hips abound aI every turn of the tendency to launch into expeeditures' which to prudent i ode are the sure precursors of the reaction that must coins sooner or later Eut little danger can Coins to those who maintain their: obligations at a limit which their active easels' enable them eredy to discharge or to carry To use a homely phrase we shall be "fooling -way our good times" if the reaction which is sure to come Ands us owing ii rgely with capital and profits dispersed I 004 beyond recoil To many also the x) orienee of the six months Fist closed liss demonstrated the possibility of doing Au euormous business with little or no hence the posibillty of 'an unto-slaty expension of trade without a ol accumulation- or staking ilia ll le profits to compeneatis for the incurred thereby" 1TA itr---MEETING OP 'nig BOARD regular weekly of this body was held yesterday at 1 PrOSfIllt Dr Keeling iti'Itt Dr Sutton Secretary Capt: Loyall and II Core Also Mr Butt Inspector and Mr ludson11 Pett Ehnitary 'he proceedings of last meeting were i and proved after which the re- of tlie Sanitary for the wek was read and filede otion the Secretary was re(ueeted I esa a communication to the Chair of the Sired Committee asking 7ing and Foster's lanes be graded 1 paved so aa to have abated the (Ices at present existing there properly-approved bills were or 1 to be paid after which the Board 1' 1 Norfolk July 1st 1881 from Wiudsor agent of the Connecti Insurance Company e1000 in yment of loss by fire which oc 1 on the 21st day of June take -e in recondnending the company for prompt settlement of ud would suggest to partici t) place their risks in lir Wind -yncy who is representing strong end prompt companies 1 Wm SrEvENS 't LE iA given that fire now due Ten per cent to ell Ella unpaid after 3 coolers' 'Ina rezrs tilzo 12 commetc141Eow And dually foe tee yeses past this ate tens slams le ite deteila has bees is progyineively suiseseenil opersitios la England iStee Ripon Commiestimer et Iducstiots 1n71-Iii I England the sesaber peell-teseiters sore this 401044 frees to ISTI liritSrt heirs hew tit* system would work het te ter-stetting eis with geed teacher We may well be glad he botrew Ragland wise thought' sad wise ways le this Cesium-nisi year of MO operettas from lier Cosservetive rule I hers derived to tato things milady as tbioy apposred to sic not in a partisan nor faitit-indingropirit I have en-(Liu or ed to maks this paper suggettive rather thee templet and exhaustive tor the subject is 411604 ezliseatites lad I have venturodoit the risk or being wearisome torepeat the Battle ides arab $54 le order- that se intelligent diectusilen night be easily practicable There should bit a fill -and frank 1nter-1 chaste of views 'Whatevet of and nileatateinent there may be 1 in those suggestioes should be ted by free discussion whatever of truth and power may be there's oontained will withstaud and be benefitted by frank 1 criticiem I believe that this suggested plait of1 secondary-echool organisation comableee In very juel proportions the advantages of Steno control and individual liberty-rof economy snit perwinnetioe and strength and elasticity I believe the this plan would secure as in no other way thorough education the aim (tith State that it would secure as in no other way real religious freedom the determined desire of the people for instead of banishing religion the State offers a premiere for its incelostion --souad ihtellectual rewth wedded to true spirtual life This is what the tome bined system would ensure as it seems to me and whet cannot be otherwim st4 tained in Virgin's by this generation I believe that this plan would do the State of Virgin's a service greater than worda can deacribe I hope that it will meet the approbation of this Association end that it will take the form of legislative enactment and go into active regenerative life a part of the Educational Bye tern of Virginia The piper was discussed by Professor Larne Meier itO Smith of Bethel Military Academy Professor William Thom Professor 'James if Peay Protestor Cooke and Oeuvre' Page Superintendent of the Public School of Norfolk Professor Canto finally offered the fob lowing resolution which was adopted: Resolved That Profuse Thom's paper on secondary education be published In the' Educational Journal and referred to a special committee to report thereoe at our next session The President will appoint the committee called for at Ms leisure Professor John Peay chairman ef the Finance Committee appointed to el- amine the Treasurer's books and vouchers submitted the report of that committee whieh was adopted- Profeesor Charles co*ck presented the resignation of Colonel Rotten of Alexandria as member of the Associa- tion which was on-motion accepted On motion of Professor Cooke the Association instructed the COmmittee on Reorganisation to consider the question of changing the time for holding the meetings of the Association On motion the opening hour of the morning session was changed from 9 to 930 o'clock At 2 the Association adjoerned till te The evening session wutalled to order at 8:30 o'clock by Rev Saunders President Eon IL Rainier of Richmond Superintendent of Public Instruction in the State wu Introduced and delivering in able andletensely interesting eddies on 4'The Geological and Mineral Interests of Virgin's from an Educational Stand Point" Dr Ruffner illustrated his subject by various maps charts And explanatory drawings giving the names and characteristics of the various deposits of ores carbons Ike HO 11190 gave the approxi mate exten of these deposits spoke of the relative ease or diffloulty with which they can be teethed end of their commercial value depending on these condition lie marked out on the map Of Virginia the gold Iron granite copper anti coal belts In his concluding re- marks he Asia that the future -greet manufacturing centre of the State woad be the southweet end that everything -Hampton Roads and vicinity as the greet commercial centre the shipping point for the rich mineral wealth and the manufacturing and agricultural products of the State 1 After the concluxion of Dr- Ruffner's address which was received with ap- plause the President appointed Prof Webster Ron Ruffner and Col Jit Crocker of Portsmouth a cum mittee to draft a series of resolutions ex pressive of the sympathy felt by the Association for the President of the United States in his beim of 'suffering and severe till the result of the dastardly attempt to assassinate him and of tenirratulation at the prospect of his recovery and restoration to health Pref LB Webster chairman of the committee on arranging the order of the business reported the following as Rurasseir To Nati BizalsJi White' railroad ant stoaohiposs emersion freak this etty la Nag's liseA Ise gives teocertort twinning the tease toy The carstrotos train ever the Els "WO City aset 3 Rai trial will loose- bola Liberty street Berkley al 114 A At 14s8loth City the otesnsloot toberts still be in watung kartridontes after deo I Pseieetaak river anA through Altolestio SA4 Croetaksonsio will arrive at Iltag' Bowl at Liar A treerseedileos tad well-kept hotel ell' istard 1167 OrISIVO ibia ooseacabla delleseios et the leallty0 Nkeltere will biro all the for twe-lge Peer lab sad the cake out asessects or 'LIN 2r4strul41 the heal WM gorily at 4 st14 wink the therm 'moonlight to the sail the Yoaqootank river teeth Illisaheth ty1y o'clock The train la erattlag will striver Ilerklee at 11 tio Berkley ferry-1mi will leave ita alip it Itertrik at I ettA 61 A stLand be in nit ry it terkley loyalty oinrolonistato Berfolk r)hi party will ge toii in the cool et the lusernim and relent in the'literdni fliihested hours el the day bong spent on the toashere Pare for the retail trip only 1150 Haadrodo should avail Iltecoselvea of this rats opportunity for ou)oying oo delightful a trip LOTS DUMMY At Ave- at 11 A Mglearl Leigh Bros Phelpe will sell on the prenileas for Col Starks trtistee thirtyvalliable building Iota In the Village of Borkloy eligibly located in the best pot: Ilona of the village -1asseediately after the be" ogle they will ller valuable building iota on Payne Lee Washington and alberro etreets Also one square bounddid by Berkley stenos Liberty street llontalant and Ck esnnt street roues William Lamb following emss were disposed of in this court reotertisy John Thomss colored resisting and assaulting an officer heti $20 and in default of payment sent to the chain-gang for sixty days Moses Smith' colorsd stealing money from Paige's grooery store sentetioed to six month in the chain-gang Charles Gibson CohiredriirtitiV and asleep la the fined $2 go--Xwetadm astestmL los sleeking 94 a wharf were discharged Qvoritoaktrci Loberta $1011114d befotklbo Mayer yesterday morning as inspectors ot anti hutch sa Keeper of the Market Scales: it cl lortblshing this limit l'weather to have Farina 4olognat and a cheap at IlvaHow's only 504 cent 10 containing six bottles $150 eri! tt 1104Nit44Vt A Liylets: of ktituta Gct represestativ Of Mb Swift 81)4050 Company is In the city on a business visit sexem PRINCESS ANNE Conservattro4Oonaooratio Moot MU at tit Court Nouse A meeting of the Conservative-Democritic party of the county of Princess' Anne was held at the Court-house on Tuesday the 6th day of Jaly 1882 James Walters Rog called the tooting to order and on his motion Dr A Tebault ese mode Chairman sea John LWoodhouse Secretary The following gentlemen were chosen aa delegates to the State Conventionto be held on the Sd day of August next in the City of Richmond to wit John Bonney delegate and Joanes Waiters alternate from the Pungtv Magisterial District A Bell delegate and Geo Ferebee alternate from the Seaboard Magisterial District William co*ke delegate and Mears Alternate from the Remapaville Magisterial District and Motor John TWoodlwoune delega)e and V'Dudley alternate from the county at large Captain Win co*ke offered the following resolution which was unanimously adopted Resolved That while we leave our delegates uninstructed as to how they I shall act or vote in said Convention this meeting declares its preference -for the Mon John Goode sa their choice fof nomination for Governor 4 The following resolution offered by Major -John Woodhouse was unanimously adopted Resolved That in the Absenee of any delegate or delegates chosen by this meeting from said Conventionwe hereby request that Colonel Starke of the eity of Norfolk shall represent him- or them In said Convention On motion) it was resolved that a meeting be held at this place on the Int' Monday in August next (court day) for the purpose of tkominating a candidate for the Legislature and also to appoint delegates to the Senatorial Convention The following resolution was unanisnottily adopted Whereas the Democratic party of thai county of Princess Anne In the State of Virginia have beard with deep distress of the late brutal attempt to Salksginst the President of the United States and express unanimously the ardent hope that his life and usefulness may be preserved for many years for the good of the American people On motion it was resolved that the proceedings of this meeting be published In the Norfolk papers A TEILLUIT Chairman Joirs WOODITOUSE Secretary The scheme tor a tett hotel WILLA bond has tailed it heirs huposelble to raise the 1)30000 bonus required by lir Parte WtsattAirt a roe Imam To Tim IfEttopt telloatal apiegraes vas les warded try 4il4 to the at ttMo Popersaws-ra iIq Jetty Siege Si tireerserlt siege 016- looms Last u4kot 1110 COMMON Cootie' Hassell reseisliess 4P( synapiiay IL otty of rimlaisioutk Via (twain's and es)oieee is tko holia tkot tho totoort prayers a kot poopto sto brio so ousted ii tko doltrorsztoo a the Prowl-lout of tho Vaitod Notes front IL kind a thy ootall-ho napasoin Asa cherishes hops for kia "parody return to beshb the sorsie a Lim eountro Tuttoreou buturt Mayor rtittAng ILA DT '11 former toir kamU Colonel JUDOS Brady Collector of internal Reweave paltilithea the following in the Richmond Whig of the 2d inst riew of the outrageous attack upon sne4V' the issue of the Valtey Virginian 4th hat and the rigusal of Chat paper to publish my card of tap'snation of November fith which appeared in the inden-Appoal and other VirTinie pipers cannot although a Republican xpeot to simple juatiee front that paper sod therefure I oak permission I ay to the public that 1 did not support or vote tor Hanco*ck at the last Presidential election and any tatement made to tho oentrary is false and slanderous Respectfully JAL gA Tut NAvt-YAmo--The thermometer WI' 102 in the shade At the Marine Barracks yesterday The work on the New Hampshire is being 'tubed ahead rapidly by the Equipment Department putting up new standing snd running rigging sails etc Boatswain Dickinson has gone to Baltimore tejliereihde the force none being obtainable in Norfolk or Portsmouth The work of the board appointed to conduct the semi-annual examination of apprentices in Steam Engineering was concluded yesterday There was only One stew applicant for apprenticeship MAYouls Thentpsom Baird presidingalto following bust-nests wm transacted in this court yesteruel Williams colored arrested for an assault upon Mary garage was tued 10- Euclid Hodsden colored arrested for an onault was Ined $5 Jot Brown and Charles Anderson colored arrested for an assault were dismissed Frank Curtis colored arrested for lar- eeny was senteneed to receive 39 lashes and 60 days lupin Tug MERCURY ONE wee one of the hottlest days of the season so far Indeed it was broiling hot at times cud only stiff breeze saved humanity from absolute angering Notwithstanding the great heat we heard of no prostration The mercury some place i was 100 in the abide Int 00e1PORT COMPRIgif WORKS- Another portion of the machinery for the new cotton press at the wharf of the Bain Bros in Geeport ha arrived and was unloaded yesterday morning It was brought by the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Gun NAVY steamer Fish hawk which has been used by the Fish Commissioit has been relieved of her hatch ing apparatus and hal gone to the Gulf for dredging purposes Rev: Compton of Elizabeth City is in this city on Mr Compton was a short time ago pastor of the Central Church Of this city 'r NORFOLK COUNT! Jgd- ward 8pa1ding eourt met yesterday but without 'transacting any business adjourned to court' In DEATH Or AN ESTIKATILE Mrs A Landis Jr of Oxford well known in this section died yesterday morning after a brief 11111069 lluenztes Bill Praticting The regular term of the Court of Hustings for July coMmences Otis morning CUBE or tHE TrantThe County Court Slashed up the June term yester-- dtty tata skijourned Phe July iternt commences the third 7fidnday CaxiAllr Hunter editor of the Roxboro (N C) tlferald in this city last night As Atlantaaelasation i BaltiOnat San Considerable Sensation was created in Atlanta Os a few days ago by the publication Of a letter from that city to the Chicago Tribune in which ex-Benator Gordon was referred to es follows "One of the most elear-headed men in the State givers it as his opinion that Gordon having robbed Georgic of all that he ould is now organising a company for the purpose of foragtng upon Alabama end robbing the people of that Btate'! The clear-headed man turned out to be en-Mayor Hut of lataeonoind' Mr Hugh Gordon snowol General Gordon: sought this gentleman 'Genera! Gordon being In New N'orhot MrBu ff in the presence of the Txibtrixesetorrespondent Mr 81 VV Poston denied having the lan7' guage attributed to him whereupon young Gordon dictated an emphatio with drairal of 111 rellectiont on his father in the letter which Postell signet-added that he regretted having published the same Pending the trouble when every The buttoritire si Weshinkrtoo wen to make baste "lowly in ii-cfr hag the Wes of tiointats a istsaniti Lusa' oosad act Iodate mad after too4iiit-i time kW crimp rbt I no mesas that cf 1 lutist Hai seems to hare Loos haw 11811i the Presidential resident for 'ewe slays in quest of an orroetunity ot ot IL President mad he rrevIded hinsclf Ibefore entering the railway ataticw ti Lie atrocious eerand with a Irina of se itt Loreto and a carriage to which he was making Lis way no quirkily as possildo when he waa fortanately lute-merited a prompt and retottateoffirer It was roily atter Lis attempt to oarepo bad been thus frustrated that Le called out "Tea have Inhaled Garfield Now Arthur is Preeident I arta a Etalwart" The let-tors which were found upon his person were nut the lettere of man (Abel-else than morel inseam IlL111411 aLint' Li 1111EIBIATIbill Neuralgic' Sciatica Lumbago Gakooket Soreness of the' Chest Gout Quinsy Sono Throat Swell ins: and Sprains Burns and Scalds General Sollif PoinS Tooth Ear ind Headache Feet and Ears and all othor Paint and Aches Prniltratinit ow moth Iambi JArPib 4 a samfet dam simple mad chmala Extravardr Ilmoody A trial audit but the comparaitiv4 60 Cont and every ou 1-1): with pain can bay cbcap and poslatto praof latt Maims lairectious in Metes SOLD IT ALL D1116111811 LD DELLERS MEDIOLIL A VOGELEll tz' CO naltintere14 MANHOOD RESTOURD A victim of early imprudence causing nervous debility premature decay 44 tried hi rain every known remedy has disenv ered oimple means of self cure which he will send free to hM fellow sufferers Address REEVES 43 Chatham street )4ew York NEW ApVEBTIsem*nTS '131tORATTY'S ORGANS' 17 STOPS 5 11 set Golden Tongtte ReTatt only 01045 Ad-drone DANIEL IP BE ATTIC Wagh ington NJ )0144w EVAPORATING on irTorirray tosetcl Method id yle16 bort rc je14-4w GOLD MEDAL AUTHOR est is ova tAa 4 "the Seism or Isfel teat Frenell pig beestitalateet Map prescriptions prloe only 1-Zoont by maD filuswotod oantotole- of-nct Dow Address PosboditiAleol oat InotitatworDirW Poio LERONodiBulfuictotbostom NEW klIA Illustrated Cheapest and Best Se)ts stight HOLMAN'S NEW PICTORIAL BIBLES Agents wauted A LICLM A a Cog Philadelphia 3eI4-4w 14-4w rtIVIL MECHANICAL AND MINI ENGINEERING St the RENSSELAER POLYTECUNIC INSTITUTE) TROY The oldeet engineering school In Amerie Nest term begins September 15th The ter for ISSO81 contains list of the gralutu A for the past 54 years with their positioni Ammo course of study requirements expetsics etc Address jelt-tw DAVID GREENE Director CUARO1 DYEING DYE TO LADIES' AND: dENTIZITEN'S Clothing of AU KIndS bleanod v' and Dyei in i Manner GITARANtEUD OR NO WHEATLEY 1 14 r-1" as leala 1 le "LI 3' alt1-- '''Llie eleese-' 1o nose- okosoal at -di to Ile eal041 tkzeice 14 4st 1 let a rot tem tee hp 7 tree 4 SA ihite Ter i a tit 4Ie-1 la trst 004 ot 10 kitionol rut Hiroo Bina re Tom l' ittornaten Tie AO ItAlitee4 ao- Itliamoottrt--tho following telegram woo A ieIr it7 'e-C LiLeitiil ae soles tii II Sollt tittarld fee roost ana stoyalyes eatorsien tot or ordol hy Hoye laird leo aleist le il ttrtr 1 ti pc a co my km flzeisoirthettoto4osity le Issig 'a flt Ctgift illo of ei- le44- e11a 1 3 PPlanttite the woo poersaeeps I A Joe a um -1- Lee- ales "1-4 1114elase II Its bee "7' 4 1'1' 12-131114441 It" "6 ow's' Winiot ricoretoci or awe tteh "teeth City and Norioat Itailreal oat teessese th 1 'r AAL 04 ta in eftejeuertios tests- hut Liberty street lerilty it LILItt lki4b4 the reenswes Cnvecil pawed 111 1 et7 raterte'le "Peril Preeere" lehe A te At lieuetetk City the meant- reeetatiefts et ve et fr Ai se erty ell the repremets sysa-y eity 47 tlOtit fil g- itelserwl ill' he in wainag- Portamesitk lea nr1146 greetlegs sad 4 ILL ft 0 A "114 16tt 0411111-thimlis- Ititztrsientete alter I thanatng gel dove rearing' the belief that the eansese Mid ta 4' itcet the hual000t or tat a P104sPiAk-k lily' A lbw- 'rarer a her People ate bet an- 1 awe reettel cleenda will sirri to at wend in the deliv 'ranee ot ihe nin- 7 1 a P114411641" sem' -0 ir0LC herd is bey ea ell etteeettoo a It fad trot A em sat len of the United Stites from the hand The etitheritios al Willoistuetoo eleee 3 Z- cel a re tower is gees than er -etet4 lk weet tet aro over semeo- cot the would-be asewein and cherishes won to bevte alo111 iw avvri 0 Li to us a endue tho show and all 114 seseessable selleacies hero rer big epeeey return te beam toe ing tho tats of LialIess at tharitili s'l hi le guilty oe too yowl rim ths art- of the 141o4Ity) 'sweet will at re all the ott leo oe bie oetuktrT manes weduct Woof wed after roueeet- COUP GIAlt to absorb sod pay i el Itereesed while the cut- tots shame la its details ilea hoes Is the aeterboon for tottutcpoer legiag 1- 7 II I rtroWrsou kotsp Mayor tint kis crime wto by no mesas thy er I L-- 1 et-cent battery hand of a rewth oretreseively seenearel eporatios la neh mad eke mine tow emeseedeptie maniac lie snow to hew hews Ituee tot allit the Preoldential rveldenee for "ewe eilegistic (pew Rep*rn cemmimilmet el at tha a i -L" ideestiee teTiels) it Ragland the L''' 'eI''t is thl "14 liteteneloga the boat wtil testa overtly 81-aut'll illealealwr-us-Our days in gent of an oraortunity to pLeet se loses cezetellens in the six 'soothe elniab" ell' ler" 'neet at 4 we with the aditeet etann et faeln" wa "'nub kin" I) the President awl he provided hinedlf doubted frets lett) to 1877 'Whirl' shelve alight le the sell et the l'esqlettank grid'' Cellctor or lateral' gevesael before entering tlee railway sution ori A 4 relied which imight ander ordl hew tie systwo would work bete a ter eileree reach itilsbgt tpky11 a etseock vitalistic the followlog i the Richmead et steoehms errand with a teem el le itt 7 cre a -k-sencetee kart- retardod the stoking ete weal twit towhee We may tnils to hii win epriee 0 lora rtL a tbie repeal preepority Aa Lig a the 2d hut beret and a carriage te which ho ye iv se re winter seeeeately tn well be glad te botrow Ragland emit ----es re Iry at II tee '--i I A' II view a the putrescent enema ures making his way so quickly le ttet beisimes of a trael wee thougb sad wise wars la this Costes- 11 Be 117 rervvheet will leery ite zoteel the issue of tie Vattey Virginian when be wu fortanately intereepted te -end of n'bresubor 4th leo and the refusal of a prompt and reeolute offieer It vas toile too loft ts the Vela sad Nortkweet alai yeu or mt eeperou fortirlal re rims ee kale her Cu slip at oft at lend ICH A to be ta vizir it berme toyettia aenr tit*( paper to publish my card of 'sepia I fellowyt by a tell aud otweeksea- after Lis attempt to (wept bad hetet thee I here defined to nate things windy folk nation of November fith which appeared frustrated tbat Le called out oe e- stoats-tots or se el tzg 114env 00214 by lap keioes -4 ir-beuo aggravated the die rneel escoraiete pope win go ateee in in the Indite-Appeal sad other upset have finished Garlield Now Artner is xteormilict sot abspritattiavana se1 ee-ci menthe In the itt expeol to receive simple Justice front that ion which were found 'upon hie peron bo erebe nail papo suggeetive ththeeleracolent'cfaiIlltbeetniattlearsitarbeseanpadatretautarudainy PePere 1 reiineieitlieugh a 141111biteent trepideet I am a Etalwert" The lete re tle-44 All rather thin templet and estans4ve ng spout On tit ushers paper sod therefere I aek were foA the letters of a nun 'Abend vas ette---e-ItElf --arra-II -Mt for the seh is outwit lhattatems a i ee to ay to public thot I did not sup- then merely ingot 7 14 the untsrorable weather which wearisome taropeat the same ides again tisk rare oTrtunity for eueoying se do- i Liege potchikaao of moreitan dad i have vfmturod at the rbit et being Presideutial election and any etatement Illtrand tredathehrecZ1114 If the publ ni of Pert er vote for II anOoch at the last MEDICAL --i Led Veen made it anticipates of an out lig ordm that as intelligent uplift' a ti road to the couteary is tette end Ilan- ea -led trade which tid set tellew-i diectuolon might be easily predicable derout Respectfully "eel cczeee arrow teethe that very tewhfits There should be a Mt -and frank later lifiLDIXO Loro to Hanauer At Avc- JAs BEADY I It -utees were encoanterit II unmet- change of eiOno Whatevee of Witten' vim-To-day at II A Messrs Leigh re 1 er South extending over a isstt eeption and maement there lbeY be Brea Phelpe will tell on the promiees Tug NAVT-YritP-The thermometer IiL 1 errs territory Th throughout then' sugestioss eliould be oilins for Col Starke thirt in gsk- trustee ar- 11 -I Streit the Northwest a over moot ewittot fr tod by ee discumion whatever of truth selete the dlecultles hich mete 1 noble handing iota in' the Village val wof racks yesterday 102 hi the shade et the Marine Bs of ute Power lallY be theta contained Berkley eligibly located in the best pot: The work ou the New Hampshire is -r i zrti Ltd to contend with during the will withstand and be benefitte4 tot frank Hots or the village be ing peehed ahead rapidly by the ess 1 meethe bate been unusually great it criticism -elatesediately after the shove sale they Equipment Department puttiag up now ilk Cl withounding all this the deurse as I 1Al ek dt 4 "''''Te b1a4 ''48 suggested Plan of will eller valuable building Iota on Payne standiug and 'stifling rigging saga ate II 1 i Loy volumed tailielte healthy eon- 10171 feilures have not been numerous oecondary-ochool organisation combines Lee Waithington and Mulberry Arens Boatswain Dickinson hu gout to Bahl- i I end bare been rarely important and the i very just proportions the advantages of Also one square boundeed by Berkley gime toinerease the force none being Steno control and individual itherty-eof stens Liberty street Montalent end obtainable in Norfolk or Portsmouth 3 I I 'yoke by bed debts which under such ed verse circ*mstances might have boon economy awl efficieney-of persamenco Chesnut street The work of the board appoluted to a nd veriety--of strength and elasticity conduct the semi-annual examlueLion of eese 1 'IPeetea te heeibtrit1' here 'bPee enia I believe the sue plan would swum rutecee Counr-Moyer lilltitio Lone apprentices in Steam Engineering wu ISs as itiv oil' IIMM "Tee failures for the past six months as in no other Way thorough education preeiding-The following castes were dig- concluded yeaterdey There wan only sh i of th State that it Id one stew applicant for apprenticeship ea- I uotwithstanding the Plight lacrosse in- a a would secure posed ot la this court rootorilay tobtesbeem i as In no other way real religious tree- John Themes colored rosining and tentalic 0 elletto a stability and streneth in the 4 PoittloG of CIO great masa of the inereas 40m tn determined desire of the people? easaulting an officer fined $20 and in Maroule COURT-HOC 77tompson I for Innen' of baniehing religion the default of syment sentio the chain-gang Iloird midi Th following -b i- I e'i --ese-etee nee coatenIty thet is lei happy count- pr gee us XAnce with the prosperom condition of the Suit Its its ineeloatiou 0 Ira 11 toot or for sixty sys rS' '''''r 'ty Dots wm transecled in this yester- ets -le -Booed tete' nine' grewth wedded to Moses Smith celored steeling money -e 't ceeotry The tendency is true epirtuel life trbig te what the come from Paige's gr000rl antra eentenood to gamuel Williams colored arrested for se'S' el therefore under such favorable Mecum- bined system would ensure it looms nix tb ta ate a ain Hilt to extend the lin'n of credit very aessult upon Mary Savage was tued to me and whet eannot be otherwim at4 Cer A bee it Id Kr Pii It in riteldly The facility with which weak atlas Gi re rtm an 410 ton 11111Acnrirtin tattled in Virginia this outstation I de ta ifi I loop he street fined $2 eel unsound sepplicants obtain good Euclid Hodeden colored arrested for believe that elite plan would do tue state 2weamm aiateataatiaa aboalattg a and the growing Ivrea In the time and an assault was fined $5 I of Virginia a aerates greater than worda wharf were dimbarged re elete of the terms of credit' are Partittl- Joe Brown and Charlet' Anderson col LIILPIIIILL 0 A dacri I hope that it will letly notintable These are the Int signs can ebeend re rt re ored arrested for an assault were dis- es Xitpte 24 the aelprobation of this Association end 11 DeAgeetrge lle Ig a the posibility Of a revulsion which rig that It will take the form of legislative mule as iDolaso guellited be1mA Ihe Frank Curtis colored arrested for ler- Tv 97mo fear mnst come from the extraordi- enactment and go into active remora- Naito 'este ea eery erpansion which has occurred morning as Impoctors cony was senteneed to reeeive 39 lashes I Iii 1 everywhere in the last eighteen months tive life a part of the Educational Sys oe derA aura 0 Church as Keeper of and 80 days in jail tem of Virginis Neuralgic' Sciatica Lumbago TLe temptation is almost impossible to tho Market 130030114 0' ttil 7: The piper wee discussed by Professor --0 ---e-r 4 to extend the volume of business Soreness I the' Chest Tug MERCURY ONE RUNDRED---YeS- Bache et -Orene-s 0 Larne MiJor it (Smith of Bethel siegioshingtkti learnt eweather to bare why failures seem so few and the gen- Military Academy Professor William a 13 terday wu one of the hottlest days of the Gouts Quint'' Sore Throat Swell- Fertile Colorno an sit cheap at Vile season so far Indeed it wee broiling stiff breeze id 113 0Eurfia 1-0 a' nd oral toudition so prosperous- To be eon only Bolt containing Thom Professor 'James if Posy Preto- 1ong hot at time's end only Mgt and Sprains i Prrtittlyis at loch a period a most tor co*cke and General Page six bottles $250 BON ot W4 so se 4 a General 01' I cult policy to puma yet it is just in Superintendent'of the Public School' of --4 se 0 a seed humanity from absolute entering i Paind u2211 times as these that hidden dangers Norfolk 0 4 Notwithstanding- the great heat we A Leyte's of Atleuta heard of no prostration The mercury Tooth Ear and Headache frosto lie la circ*mstanees the most unsupectod Prudence would therefore point to the Professor Cant 6 nipre tnally offered the fol Ge i atite of Swift Spotlt i lacee wits 100 i the shed in and ''eeii some pn set ffn Ears an all th OP lowing resolution which was adopted: Company is In the city on a business lee of couditions without which Resolved That Th 's I r0 l07 om pa- view I 4 ee 'Paint and Aches 2 Letater is impoolble thus for instonce or on neeondary education be published ysezokszememesew THE GOSPORT Comrnese ve OBEs- tee me reeeeeetteaetersee Oy the expansion into V1111116 SD 4i a inju el fn the" Educational Journal and referred IsattarEetal ANNE 'Another portion of the machinery for the A a ante sas-e) simple mad cheep Exterasanor cue credits the locking ilp in maven to special committee to report thereoe new cotton press at th ba of the Bain keinedy A triad a every on entails but the comparaitiv4 -4aaaa they eel in eble steps of active capital necessary for teiteee we ot aneficra a the ineresse of Imminent' and a our no MS 011 it I Couserwastlyo4Sonaoseralle meeting at Bros in Goeport Imo arrived and wu a -1 1-ig With pain can bore cheap and posilitt pret 11 The President will appoint the tom- the Court Mouse unloded yesterday morning It -was 4 lot elating is i i- 4 erPeelee: Ina' Aber' the ittee called for at Ms lisure A meeting of the Conseivative-Demo- 'brought by the Seaboar and oanoke trectioni in -d lures erowth of ludebtedness bigot abound Professor John IL Peay chairman ef critic party of the county of Princes' Railroad SOLD IT ILL DzueolvreIRDDELLERS et every turn of the tendency to launch th Pin ittee to eit Anne wee held at the Court-hones on -II IIEDICIIJIL -e--- ance omm appo Lite expenditures which to prudent a book -v Tu the fith day of Jaly 1881e 0E1 NAVE-T mine the reseurer a an ouc es ay he oteamer Fish Hawk le iuds are the sure precursors of the re- A voGrzara 14 Fish Coin ors submitted the report o1 that commit- James Walters- Esq called the whlahellas been used by the Bertimeve-metv 8A action that Meet COMO sooner or later id opted tin i on his motion mission has been relieved of her hatch- tee which wu opte mee or or an Eut little danger can come tO those who ing a to the 0 If ppara us an se gone made -Chairman Profeesor Charles co*ck preseuted Dr' A Tebault -wag 11 it mairitain' their obligations at a 10 for dred in eiteit MANELOOD ir els' enable them ark acid to ass th the resignation of Colonel Heston of sod John JWoodhouse Secretary rP Alexandria as a member of the Assoc's- The following gentlemen were chosou victim of laxly Imprudence calming ner- 14 discharge or to carry To use lion which wee on motion accepted es delegates to the State Conventionto be REtenitotis--Tlitt Rev: ICW Comp- "as debility premature decay having' II Plirem' we shell be "fooling motion If Pr fes the A Id the 8d day of August next in the ton of Elizabeth City is in this city on a "A On MO II 0 0 sof Am a s- on se- hi vain every known remedy hue diseov- 'away our rood times" if the reactton which is tore to com finds us owing toolittion- instructed the Committee on city of Richmond to wit 1 'Joh visit Mr Compton was a short time ored a oimple went of self cure which he will I send ee to hie fellow sufferers Addrees JH tL-i with copital and profits disperse et Reorganisation to consider the question Bonney delegate and James Waiters ago pastor of the Central cl*tireh REEVES 43 ch ew York atham street -Irt04 beyond recall To many also the ha ging the time for bolding the alternate from the of city t'r dell-Sod-wlY- -I- changing Ass I dele and Geo meetings or the ec sem- District A Bell gate miffience of the six months just timed el ICJ- NORFOLK COUNTT COURT-s4114 i NEW 410VERTISEMEXTS Lai delnoustrated the possibility of doing motion the opening hour of the Feb alternate from the Seaboard On mo on ope 1 bloss with little or no morning session was changed from 9 to agis kn etiontIOLIS US torte' District- William co*ke word eSpattling prestilinge-Thitt eourt 7 OP -fte ATTX 8 ORGANS 1 ST St 5 the esbillty of 'an on- pron: hence i I 4 0 Ite netts from 930 te'clock de lea an hers ro met yesterday -but without' 'transacting set Golden Tongue Reedo only 045 Ad- i trade without a hc-iiIhy expans At 2 the Associa on jo au Pa I adjourned to! court ein ti ad ed the Kest fill hiseetsteriol District and Ill Semi drese DANIEL li' BEATTYWmhington NJ LADY- )g ac- ult 8:30 -t- Major John TeWoodhouse delegate and coUree rmoniLn cumulation or staking es-" piti-eve ieete tor the VItudt DEATH A ESTIKA131 ley -alternate from the county The ereningsession watt-tailed to order EVAPORATING FRMT--TREATISE trc to profits to comrnsa Or 11 1 1 -d at 8:30 o'clock by Rev Saunders at large I le rs A Urals Jr of -Oxford general otatioties ent 'on Inovored Method Tables yie ds oeesiut de Captain Wm co*ke oered ts-foe I ff tii e4400rete to and 1--3 ineurre thereby well known in this section died- yester nele: A ERICAN DRIER Otl4 Chambers- Hon Rainier of Richmond Su ng was nani day morning after a brief ill ness burg Pa Ic14-4w ITA ity-41EETING op TIM BOARD lowi mousl 'd resolution which perintendent of Public Instruction in the adopte IS tiTu-The regular weekly mote- stem" was entrodtuyed and doliverocr an Resolved: Th: at while we leav-e eur GOLD MEDAL' AWARDEDa7HE AUTI1011 of tills body was held yeeterday at 1 Os' ColsETL-etud 0 Hill A illathiodiciawark able and intensely interesting addiest on delegotes uninstructed aseto how-they reelliaLLIW The regular ieterm of the 1 mete eebteleteheee 0 3L Present: Dr Reeling 'The 0e-elegies' and Mineral Interests of shall act or vote in satd Conveution' this Court I II tht: for Jul coinmences -I-1 role seterstar3 le ezsidsett- Dr Sutton Secretary Virginia from an Educational Stand meeting declares its preferencefor the ph 0 us ge 0 ret-to etttere lr MTitieSiebon Capt Loyall and Point re Hon John Goode aniline' ch0100 41 pee this Moentng 3 rec iweetuneeteers OA i pig Iiithesuttlitistet4 elm If Core Also Mr IV Butt us Dr R- ff ner ill ted is subject by nomination for Governor 0 ee iff tout raffr' PmeriPtionS apt Illustrated Clteapent and Bet Sot WE OP HE' Ttitit --The County only LA Mt bl Mut- Irepeetor and Mr Judson Pet- to various me charts) and explanatory The following resolution offered by CLO te t- Eentiary Inspector rawings eying the names and char Major 'John Woodhousee was anode Court Anished up the June term yes re aereetreteas teeeeedeleee he proceedings of last meeting were acteristios of the various deposits of ores mously adopted de a tr ed The lut term corn- est ImutstactDoWRFso Oe ii es avietineul LERlisdiRoifuletsthoticti 71 1 Red approved after which the re- carbons ke 11011-190 gave the aperoxi mences tee I ru Monday' Resolved That he the alnienoe et a ee ef the Sanitary Inepector for the mate ester of these deposits siolee of delegate or delegates chosen by th J''''' I week was read and Med the relative cloietee eeiwe hereby oot--C 1 VISED NEW TESTAMENTS- el leco- ID E- ase or difficulty with which mtng from said Convention 1 ICJ OtiOni the Secretary was requested they can I ol editor of the Re bo llo Starke of the et tr tine- tor' es res (DI HOLM PICTORIAL -e i ls I a communication to the Chair Inertial value depending on these condi- be reached ondf their coin- request that on city of Norfolk shall represent hm or tlferaid arrived in this City Jest night i so tee*ts: AN'S NEW Agents wauted4 A L1OLMAN of no Street Committee asking Hons He marked out on the map Of theta in said Ceueentleue etsec et coe Philadelphia- 14-' le14-4w I Mite and Foster's lanes be graded -The On lved that mee t- Virginia the gold iron- granite copper An thatentweetteatten I piLvell sona to have abated the sod coal bolts in his concluding re' motion it wareso lug be held tit this place on the fint i nanere 8 MECHANICAL AND MININti ecs's at present existing there marks he oaid that the future great Monday in Augluit next (court day) for VKINGINEER ENG St the RENSS EL AE it I properly-approved bills were or- manuf BMW acturing- centre of the the purpoite of mi a candidate COlvalderibla tensationwas created in POLYTECHNIC Atlanta Gaea fewedays ago byeehe pub- INSTITUTE) TROY l' The oldeat migineering school In Amerie 1 to be Paid after which the Board wont'' be In the southweet that nd leefilialaturer aua luau te' licition of a letter from that city to the Next torM begin' September 15th The Reg i rned eel everythimg pointede to Dampton Reeds delegates to the Senatorial Convention ter rot 1880-81 contains a list of the gradual eA Chicago Tribune in which- ex-Senator and vicinity iis- the great commercial The folloitng resolution wu unani- tor the Mut 54 yearn with their poeitien Gordon was referred to atifellows "One course of study requirements expetules ere -1 Norfolk July let1881 from centre the shipping point for the rich me11117- sdoPwd 4 st the Itiogt clear-headed men in the Address i Windsor agent of the Connecti wealth mineral an the manufatturing Whereas the DeMocratic party of tliti gives it litchis opinion that Gordon jelV4w DAVID GREENE roe or State 0 Insurance- Company 111000 in agricultural products of the State in the State of Aft county of Princess Annet having robbed Georgia of all that he 4 byE 134: -4 -ylnent of loss by fire which oc Virile have heard with deep distrese 'h 'nal It tta i After the cone one er a 1 on the 2Ist day of June- I take with of a eould now organising company for Sep-a late brats' attempt to assassinate Alabama DYE TO LiyE -------e ----4-----v----e------- -e in recomtnending the company address which was receives' witei ap- the President of -the United Statist' end purpose' regtng the I -upon Ala I sel 1 f4 th President a Prot rested for prompt ttement of au et Pr express unanimously the ardent kope end robbing the -pomp' -ot that- State" 11 Th I heed in turned out eto be ue IAADECS' iND: tiElitirlatITEN'S Webster Hon W- st Ruffner' anti that his lie ould suggest to parti in- es ow ear- an im milliner's mil be Ire- es-Mayor Hut of Instoonand Mrs Hugh 'ete 4 A it it' urocter or rortemoutnt oce-m te place their risks in Mr Wind- l'at- served for many years ter the good it the reitteli oatted ney who is representing strong mittee toaraft 0 sent en resolustons ex eeseetess este Gordon -oesosoteenerat Goidonsoureht resolve of the pathy felt by the As- r1" this ge'ritlemen 'Genera' tiordoas being teel prompt companies ily- On notion" it wu resolved Vitt the Aid Dyed in superior 1 ti for the President of the United Vim Sravass relltia froceedings of this meettng be published in New N'orkeeeMrelitiff in the presence 3 Is ---e 1 a re of eunermgatio ftle of the Teibleheseteirreepondent -Mt 11anner- a -I 111-NTS-Notice is given that 111 0 ou 1 the dastardly arrs fere his 0 run it as the Norfolk de irsiteeve chaitrmen W' Poston dolled having used the lane' 'e I fire now due Ten per cen tempt to tousitiate' him and of tenirrat wATISF iCTION 01TARANTEED OR No Secretary guage attributed to -Shini 'whereupon Joiree vectonirousE i to ell title unpaid after ulation at the prosret 'of his recovery young Gordon dictated an emphatic "tithe' 3i-- LIAROE and rest chairmen of the orittion to with- The scheme for a new hotel atAtiche driveled ell wilictione on his father in te 3 101 3 Coolers and -NS 'Webster tnond ti 1 heir ee a lin 1 the letter which Postell signettevadded as ai it un pose 'M 'WHEATLEY tilzo commIttee on erten or or le to raise $30 bonus gin the the the 000' required that he regretted 'havirig published the I ee nus requ -ee 12 Commercial Bowe business reported the following as by Mr paoe same Pending the trouble when every MEDICAL 51 liC 1B 011 LIU TILAIDI itAnr91 41 1 11N- '0 i i' I 3L' A ibt' i ----7- lanoapit i 7 1e 0' IA' V1 '-ata '1' 1 TILECREAT- 1 trillArillEil 1 nirrirrri' A mTori 1111 nal iii LThIII1 Dyer and Scourer Ng Church street Dyer and Scourer lei Church street.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.